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Kapitein Haak

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Everything posted by Kapitein Haak

  1. Hi Ranger Fox. I now got the builder to work on my newer (one of these days i will need a new laptop ) Windows 7 machine thx to the fix you posted, did'nt know it was there, so thx for posting it. I had to do the API fix from this post as well and now it is working smoothly again. Than you again for your good work here, you allready saved me before, i owe you. Thx and grtz Ronald aka Kapitein Haak
  2. I try to work with the emulator again today but i get messages like Google is undefined file:///C:/Program%20Files/Groundspeak/Wherigo/Builder/map.html?w=771&h=740 and more like this messages. It seems that every few years this happens and that we then canoot work anymore with the original builder i feel it might be again something with the API key. I still use a very old Windows XP machine for this specific (commercial cartridge) because i found when i open this cartridge on my current Windows PC it won't open at all thats why i use this old machine for it. It used to work for me but it does'nt right now. Maybe Fox has an idea what to do? I allready tried the above method but it did not solve the problem. Greetz Ronald aka Kapitein Haak
  3. Hi RangerFo. Fantastic and fast thamk you so much for your service. Grtz Kap Haak
  4. Good time to clean it up its spring so it fits But anyways thank you. Grtz Kap Haak
  5. Hi Rangerfox We use it for a game we let people play and the logging shows us the amount of coins that were added to the players inventory so yes we did still use it. Could you please post it here if its working again? Thanks. Greetz Kapitein Haak
  6. Until last year i used http://phoenixpo.com/geocaching/Wherigo/ for it but apparently it is not working anymore. Grtz Kap Haak
  7. Ook dit jaar zijn we weer blij u allen uit te kunnen nodigen voor het Poffertjes event. Traditioneel een event voor o.a. de kinderen door de aanwezigheid van springkussens suikerspin en popcorn. Nu kunt u zich ook aanmelden. Datum zondag 24 juni. 8e IRC Geocaching Poffertjes Event
  8. Beste vrienden. Voor degenen die regelmatig het IRC Geocaching Poffertjes event bezoeken, die weten dat dit event normaal gesproken op vaderdag plaatsvindt. Dit event dat in het teken van cachen, Poffertjes en vooral ook in het teken van kinderen staat, met sprigkussens, popcorn suikerspin en ga zo maar door zal dit jaar, 2012 dus zijn 8e editie kennen echter door omstandigheden hebben we wel de datum moeten aanpassen, het event vindt dit jaar een week na vaderdag plaats, en wel op zondag 24 juni. Deze datum dus even opschrijven ook dit jaar vindt hij dus weer plaats alleen met een nieuwe datum. Namens de organisatie, Kapitein Haak
  9. Founf out what the problem was, in deleting some points i forgot to delete the commandlines of the points first, and they remained in the lua. Grtz Kapitein Haak.
  10. Hi friends. Its a while i posted here, its due to the fact that i learned a lot off the peeps here about the building with Wherigo and i can almost manage all my problems. For a company i built a cartridge that worked fine but now they want changes in route and questions and stuff. In my humble opinion i made all the changes and as far as i can see i made no mistakes however who knows what i didn't see. Fact is i get, when publishing to my machine a system application exception. I have been looking over all changes i made and as well in the lua file but i can't see what i do wrong. I got a backup from before the changes and the new lua. Is there anybody out there who has the experience and the willingness to look over the new lua to try to see whats going wrong i really got no clue. Grtz. Kapitein Haak.
  11. Beste mensen. Op het moment dat ik dit schrijf is de eventpagina van het 7e Poffertjes event in voorbereiding en zal dus in de komende weken online gaan komen. De datum is zoals te doen gebruikelijk op vaderdag, te weten zondag 19 juni. Ook dit jaar staat het event wederom in het teken van het zijn van een geocaching event zoals een geocaching event bedoeld is, namelijk een samenkomst van geocachers. Er komt dus wel een openingscache maar geen nieuwe caches met uitzondering van de kindercache. In de ogen van de organisatie is dit ook niet nodig er zijn ook in het afgelopen jaar weer vele nieuwe caches in de regio bijgekomen. Poffertjes zullen er natuurlijk ook zijn en dat in vele smaken zoals u dat van ons gewend bent. Naturel of met ijs, met Grand marnier of met kersen of gewoon alles door elkaar. De porties zijn vanaf € 1,50 tot € 2,00. Ook traditioneel is dat het event extreem kindvriendelijk mag worden genoemd. Zo zijn er voor kinderen de volgende zaken: Poffertjes Kindercache Schmincken Popcorn Suikerspin Slush Puppy Springkussens Draaimolen voor de kleintjes Het event begint zoals gebruikelijk om 11.00 uur en duurt tot 18.00 uur. De eventlokatie kan worden bepaald aan de hand van een openingscache. Er is geen deelnamegrens ingesteld maar als de organisatie denkt dat men een grens moet trekken zal dat alsnog tussentijds gebeuren. Deelnamekosten zijn € 2,= per persoon, u krijgt daar in elk geval een portie poffertjes voor en waarschijnlijk, want dat is al 6 jaar zo, een heleboel plezier. Mogelijk worden er nog randzaken georganiseerd, daar zijn we nog niet uit maar in elk geval zal de Goodiesshop van Prof. Y. Lupardi aanwezig zijn, en daarom vragen we of er iemand is die naar dit event komt en bereid is om de Prof. en zijn artikelen mee te nemen en weer terug te brengen, we zouden u zeer erkentelijk zijn. Verder kan het event nog wat hulp gebruiken, bij het schmincken, opbouw en afbouw, en overige zaken. Op deze dag zullen zo'n 20 mensen ervoor zorgen dat het event naar wens verloopt, wil je ook helpen neem dan even contact op via pb. Er zal naar verwachting geen eventcoin worden gemaakt, deze vraag krijgen we vaak maar op dit moment hebben we daar geen plannen voor. We denken ook dit jaar, zonder stijgende kosten, u wederom een gevarieerd programma voor te kunnen zetten waarbij, nogmaals, de nadruk ligt op het ontmoetten van andere cachers. Hou ook de speciale website Voor het Poffertjesevent in de gaten, let op er wordt nog aan gewerkt. Ik hoop u allen hiermee weer genoeg en afdoende te hebben geïnformeerd. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC2QEQH Kapitein Haak
  12. Didn't yet but i could try that.
  13. I am building a large Wherigo for customers with 27 points and indeed it freezes. So today i did some testing on the oregon. First of all its a straight forward cartridge, you enter a zone and get a short message and a picture. The sizes of the pictures are up to 11kb so is nothing i would say. I tried first to play the cartridge with all 27 points but without pictures, result a freezing Oregon. Then i started fron scratch with building and after adding each point i tested. This went well untill i reached the 18th zone, this was still playable but from number 19 up it freezed. So my conclusion this is rather some sort of memory fault rather then maybe to much media or so. The total cartridge is about 170 kb. So the limit is some 18 zones. Grtz Haak P.s. Unless somebody knows a solution.
  14. I used the fix file mentioned here on a allready large file but it has deleted all actions. The zone, items, objects and so on still exist but the events are all gone. Grtz Kapt. Haak.
  15. That's fine, just send it to me. You can only upload zip files to the form. Did you unzip the tool? Do you have .Net 2 (same version the Builder needs) installed on your system? Can you click "Browse" to get to the file you need? Are you trying to find the file on a network drive? So many questions to figure out what you mean by saying you can't open any file with it. Ok thx i will send it to you i am gratefull. As for the tool. I unzipped, i have Net2, i can click browse, then i can find the file and click open but then it won't appear in the open line of the tool. If you still click the try to fix button it says select file. I tried with the normal browse option, i tried dragging the file and i tried copying the adress bun none works. I work with Vista. Greetz Ronald
  16. Unfortunately the small tool does not work for me i cannot open any file with it. I do have a cartridge with some exception errors. Up to 75% i tested the cartridge and worked fine but in the last part of programming it failed. Is it possible that somebody looks into it so i can solve the problem? Greetz Ronald. P.s. I can't upload the lua as i get a message. Still looking for some help.
  17. Our personal coin is now for sale here Greetz Kapitein Haak.
  18. However i like the idea behind Wherigo and already made a few cartridges it seems to me that the development has come to an holt. First i miss on Wherigo.com the information about the Garmin Oregon and the upcoming Nuvi 500 series that are containing or going to contain the Wherigo player. Second to that i feel that many of the functions in the builder should be made easier accesable so that the full possibilities can be easier to be used. ( for instance the multiple choice questions, how to implement them and what happens when a wrong answer is inserted or a right answer) As stated in one of the other posts i am employee with Hollands Wherigo domain owner which happens to be one of Hollands major GPS (especialy Garmin devices) sellers. Its rather annoying to sell a product with advertising about Wherigo and not having the feeling to be able to explain the people how to build cartridges due to lack of documentation and difficulty of the builder. Of course this a Garmin matter as well. It also is annoying to build semi-commercial cartridges that work on Colorado but won't on Oregon. Its hardly possible to defend such an application. So after releaving my heart i still hope there will be a moment that Wherigo will become what we all hope it should be, the possibilities we see are numerous and we are even already underway to have larger projects working with Wherigo as well. So go on and lets make it work asap. Greetz Kapitein Haak WayPoint
  19. I work at a large GPS seller so i built a Wherigo cartridge for my work now when we play it on the Colorado it works fine but on the Oregon it freezes. Both devices are on the newest firmware. You can start the cartridge on the oregon but the start message doesn't come up on the Colorado this works fine. Grtz Ronald.
  20. After changing the notation of coördinates in the preference screen i got it working now but then; After adding about 30 zones i was ready and saved the cartridge. I try opening the cartridge (lua) again then i get the following message: I don't know whats wrong now, is it possible that anybody looks in the backupfile? here it is. (tried to add the file but seems impossible) Thx already Kapitein Haak. Ps I found it, it was the deleting a zone leftover that caused it
  21. When i check the "visible" checkbox and save it, then re-open the zone the checkbox is unchecked. Therefor the event is not triggered when entering the zone. I set it to trigger on entering the zone however. So you can see the zone but the message won't appear due to the fact that the cartridge does not save the checked checkbox. Greatings Haak. P.s. I see that the checkbox says Active so not Visible. But still same problem.
  22. Currently i am making a cartridge to give suppourt on a long hike, on every turn the cartridge will tell how to hike further directionwise. I can make the zones but when i click the visible checkbox on the right of the sceen and save the zone the visablity option is not saved. The effect is that in the emulator i see the made zones but no events, messages in this case, will occur. I work on Windows Vista SP 1 premium. I also have downloaded the newest builder after de-installing the old one. Anybody knows about this problem? Kapitein Haak.
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