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Everything posted by rokito87

  1. I also think this is a nice coin, but having to reserve 8 will prevent me from buying as well. However, I'm not big into trading or selling coins as of yet; I'm simply building up a personal collection. Perhaps those who are more interested in the trading aspect will hop on board for reservations?
  2. Opened my mailbox today and was happy to see my pink yime had come... But then, there was another envelope and I hadn't ordered any other coins... Checked the return address, and I was the sender!! I guess I'm a loonatick now too! Thank you so SO much for my very first mystery coin (the one I received is #039)!! I'm so excited!
  3. Got mine today! Thanks so much!
  4. Sent an email a little bit ago... Crossing my fingers as well!
  5. 3 caches away from 250! Has it been decided who the coin needs to be sent to next?
  6. Received the mission coin in the mail today! Steinwalzer- thank you SO MUCH for the extra coins and the awesome goodies, you really made my day! I loved the handmade lanyard, and your sig token is really cool! Thanks again!
  7. Awesome, thanks Fuzzibear!
  8. I'd like to participate, this sounds like fun! I'll be hitting my 250th cache soon.
  9. I like this solution quite a bit... I probably would have attended such an event when I first started (and probably still would, since I've only been caching for a few months). Educating new cachers rather than putting restrictions on them seems like a feasible way not only to improve hide quality, but also to promote CITO and responsible caching (i.e. not destroying the area around a cache to make the find, or not hunting at night for a cache that is listed as being available only from dawn to dusk).
  10. This is a neat concept! The BN/Red and BN/Yellow combos are my favorite. Have you thought about minting with a green translucent? Like a Granny Smith apple color?
  11. Super cute picture! I'm probably wayyyy off, but I'll guess 596 pieces, because that number just popped into my head. Thanks for the cointest!
  12. I really like the green and blues with the shiny silver. A sweet design all around. Thanks for sharing the pic!
  13. TheCacheShack IS listed on your USA approved vendor list..............right under USA Geocoins. It's not on this list, this list, or this list. Where are you seeing it listed? Hi Eartha! If you check out the "distributors" link in Shop Groundspeak, Cache Shack is listed there as an official distributor... Maybe that's what was being referenced by the previous poster?
  14. I also had this problem with them... I ordered a coin and waited three weeks with no shipping confirmation. I then contacted them through their site, no response. I then contacted them through paypal, and still did not get a response. Finally I filed a claim (which once again they didn't respond to) and paypal refunded me. All in all it was about a month after I ordered when I filed the claim. I wonder what's going on. *Edited to add the approximate total time I waited before filing claim.
  15. Submitted a second vote today from my boyfriend's computer... Fingers crossed for you!
  16. One more vote from me too... Good luck!
  17. A few more votes from a few different computers!
  18. Voted today as well! =)
  19. I just voted.. He's a cutie! Hope he wins!
  20. Very excited to have found a small army of gecko-meleons in my mailbox this morning and I have to say, they are all pretty sweet... I don't think I can pick a favorite! Thanks so much Zelanzy, it was awesome watching your design come together!
  21. While on a recent trip to North Carolina, I was caching with my aunt in a nice park that had a large lake with a walking trail all the way around it. It was a Saturday, so there were tons of people out, despite the ridiculous heat. As we came around a bend, we heard someone shouting, and saw a fisherman sitting in a chair by the water. We initially thought he was yelling at someone else who was with him, but once we got closer, we realized he was alone, and he was yelling (Really, really loudly) at his tackle box. Apparently he was having trouble stringing up a new lure, and felt that screaming and cursing at it would help (I won't be writing the things he was saying... it would get me in trouble with the mods, I think). I guess this isn't the weirdest thing ever, but it is definitely the most awkward thing I've seen caching so far.
  22. I got my 3 Tengwar coins in the mail this morning, the first Scavok coins I've been able to add to my new, but growing collection. They are so beautiful, and so HUGE!! I can't believe how awesome they are in person, thank you so much!!
  23. I got home from vacation yesterday and found three weighty mailers sitting on my end table (I only ordered two coins at first, then placed a second order when I decided I had to have the third coin, and then another order when Osiris was released). These coins totally made my day! I can't believe how awesome they are in person; so beautifully done!
  24. What a frustrating game!! Congratulations EdDakota, and thanks again SeekerFamily!!!
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