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Posts posted by dorqie

  1. I was a girl guide when I was a kid (that's the Canadian word for girlscout)

    I have never owned a snake, however I have owned many different lizards and turtles.

    I do happen to have a dragon tattoo (among many others)

    I am also a married mother of two.


    what that has to do with the price of rice in china I don't know, and why anyone else cares is beyond me.

  2. I had one that was near a school, but not visable from the proporty, actually 3 or 4 blocks away.

    however, being proximity to teenagers, it was muggled before it was published, in spite of the care I took to camo it. I'm going to replace it as soon as I get my hands on a similar container, but if that one goes missing, game over.

    I did think about placing it outside the school grounds, but on public proporty near a bus stop, but the thought left my head as soon as I pictured the FTF hound activity around the cache site, and the stir that would cause (especially since it's a boarding school and occupied 24hrs)

  3. I love DSLRs, the picture quality is amazing!

    That said, I don't like to take it caching because of the size, and I'm kinda worried that if I biff, I'll destroy it.

    I just take my cheap vivitar, a little pocket sized one. I wouldn't be heartbroken if it broke in a tragic fall down a mountainside, and it doesn't take up too much space in my caching bag.

    However....well... just look at my photo gallery...kinda average quality.

  4. I'm a newbie. I've had my first two finds this past week. Since you are an experienced cache owner, how should I have handled this one? A teachable moment... :laughing:


    I just put the details in the log that says I found it.....maybe a NM note needed to be done?? I dunno, but I'm all ears for your opinion (and the other owners)


    Here's the link to the cache



    I made 2 entries on May 27. I didn't know how to edit my first one......is there a way to?



    I think your note is enough, since you were able to clean out the cache yourself.

    I generally don't post a NM unless the owner needs to visit the cache.

    As for the two containers, one was probably muggled (sounds like by animal muggles this time) and the CO replaced it, but couldn't find the original cache's lid at the time, but it has turned up now.

  5. For some reason, geocachers in British Columbia really like to post NM when the logbook is full. It's annoying, but life goes on.

    um. am i the only one that thinks that there's nothing wrong with posting a NM when the log is full? :laughing:

    no, you are not the only one, and as a CO I wouldn't mind that. To me NM is anything that would require me a trip to my cache.


    edited to add that I don't think a DNF warrents a NM. Just because one cacher DNF doesnt mean much, a string of DNFs is a different story, but I wouldn't need someone to post NM after that, if there's more than 2 DNFs in a row, I check.

  6. ....also - it would not be the first time that a newbie cacher totally misunderstood the game and treated your cache like a trackable item. They took it to plant somewhere else and left a container of thier own.

    What an interesting idea...I've never heard of that...

    An interesting idea sure... But also a banned one.

    ah but I see the makings of a whole new site...geomuggling.com... where we place caches and see what new and exciting ways people can find to mess them up

    *note sarcasm*

  7. Other threads have got me scratching my head...

    Anyone can just go arround logging false finds, whoop-de-doo.

    Why tho? Why is that worth anyones time?


    As I've noted elsewhere, I am watching a missing cache. It was logged recently by someone who logged four caches in New York, and, on the same day, caches in East Timor, England, France Sao Paulo and the Czech Republic. 14 caches logged in one day!


    A pair of geocachers came through our area and each logged finds on a cache which was long gone.


    The best you can do is monitor your caches and delete their logs when you find them.

    It's less of what to do about it, because that is pretty self explanitory, the question is why do it in the first place.

  8. Someone stole my published cache and put theirs in my place, how do I report them/contact an administrator? Their name is on their cache.. Girl Scouts 4103. I don't think it is a coincidence that mine is gone and theirs is on my exact coordinates. Thanks in advance I appreciate the help!




    The name of the reviewer that published your cache will be the first log on the cache page, you can send them an email and explain the situation. You may want to contact the cacher in question, they may have tried to find your cache and found it to be missing so they put one there. Don't jump to conclusions.

    this could be true too.

    maybe they tought they were helping.


    (my 2 cents is that you shouldn't replace an entire cache without contacting the owner first, but not everyone thinks this way)

  9. Other threads have got me scratching my head...

    Anyone can just go arround logging false finds, whoop-de-doo.

    Why tho? Why is that worth anyones time?

    I've tried to wrap my head around this before, but I just don't get it. To say, "wow I got 1000 finds in a day!"?

    But you know that you didn't... so why are you having fun?


    Because some people have nothing better to do than just playing on the computer all day, clicking links and doing things they ought not to.


    By the way, I like the pics you posted on May 19.

    thank you. those pics go with quite a story of an all day cache retrieval, and relate quite niceley to MaMa & PaPa D's situation, the cache in this case should not have been so difficult, but due to a wave knocking it, a seagull, or a cacher with really long arms, it had become more difficult than intdended. Lots of people were logging finds on it even tho they didn't actually retrieve the cache.

    I didn't worry too much about anyone else, but it was an all day, two gal adventure, and we had a really good time with it.

  10. but I like the numbers too. I like challenging myself to find a cirtain number of caches in a specific period of time.

    But it's just that, challenging myself, to beat my own expectations.

    Any knob can log false finds... I still am failing to see the joy in it...

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