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Everything posted by dorqie
me too, running into someone at GZ is one of my biggest fears, thus I have never wanted to join in an ftf race.
sign up for a free account with another name, one you use simply for complaints, and such like this, with no ties to your real name, or other username in it anywhere, and go about your business, do what has to be done. that way you can do as you see fit without tarnishing your other name. you will essentially be anonymously doing the dirty work you think needs to be done. I actually couldnt give a hoot what they think of me at this point, I might even let them know what I think of them dropping caches and not looking after them... i think i love you. will you marry me, or do i need to put out an engagement ring cache to win you over? at this point I wont make any promises, but I will take a diamond lol
I would post it on TB rescue.com as well, who knows?
sign up for a free account with another name, one you use simply for complaints, and such like this, with no ties to your real name, or other username in it anywhere, and go about your business, do what has to be done. that way you can do as you see fit without tarnishing your other name. you will essentially be anonymously doing the dirty work you think needs to be done. I actually couldnt give a hoot what they think of me at this point, I might even let them know what I think of them dropping caches and not looking after them...
A while back, as you may remember, I posted about how to ask someone if I could adopt their cache. I sent them an email asking if I could replace the container, or if they would like, adopt the cache. They never got back to me. Others have posted on the cache page that they would like permission to replace the container as well, but I'm assuming that they never got back to those people either, as the container is still broken. These people last logged in a couple of weeks ago, even tho it's been months since complaints about the condition of this cache started. Its just geo-junk, the log is not usable, and is basicly pulp at the bottom of a leaky container with rusty metal and liquid paint inside. These hiders don't seem to do any maint, because more than half of their hides are archived due to problems with the containers detiriorating. Would you just go ahead and replace the container without their permission, or would you log a "needs archive" and free up the spot for someone else to place a cache there?
Logging shouldn't be any more of a problem there than it is here. It might be nice to include a passport for the tb written in the language of the country you are dropping it in, just to make it easier for people to read it's goal. Otherwise they might need to go home and run it thru a translator.
I had a traditional cache of mine migrate about 20'. I can see how it would happen. However, I once plugged a number in to my final wrong when I was hunting a puzzle cache, and it took me about 50' from where I should have been. I just consider mnyself lucky it was only a minor screw up, and I didn't put the co-ords on the other side of town.
my hides are generally easy because...
dorqie replied to ashnikes's topic in General geocaching topics
I have a hide that might be compaired to a needle in a haystack, but it's actually a tupperwear container, and it's in a park that doesn't show up on google maps, so the only way to know about it is if you have actually been there. The cache is really well camoed, and I get a kick out of giving people a hard time, is that sadistic? So best of both worlds IMO, you get to find a park you wouldn't otherwise visit, and you get to pull your hair out and swear at me while you hunt for the cache. -
we have a cacher in our area that warns people who post spoilers that their logs will be deleted. I would send them an email inviting them to re-log it sans spoiler information. Treat it as a newbie mistake, and not something meant to be harmful.
actually I read this as more of an issue on accidentally destroying fixtures to find a cache. I wont break anything in a cache hunt. If the cache I'm seeking seems like I might have to, I email the CO for clairification. edit.. op, the sprinkler heads are for hiding spare keys in someones garden. us geocachers have to remember that not every great looking hidey thing was invented with geocaching in mind. (lol, what are bison tubes for again?)
costco is a great place for lock and locks, but you have to buy a whole set. I have luck with government surplus stores, I find lots of neato things in there, but it's a crap shoot, don't know what you are going to get.
You know what? Untill last week I have been caching with a basic etrex. No cache pages on it, only co-ords. So I have a bsic gps without paperless capabilities. I still read the page. The co-ords had to get on my gps somehow, they didn't just appear there. I had to go onto geocaching.com and load them. In the prossess I came across the cache pages, wich I read. Every time. Yes, there were a few times when I got to GZ, but found myself rapidly aproaching what appeared to be private proporty, and with no immidiate cache page to reference and not always being able to remember the full details, as all I had were my notes, I'd LEAVE. I'm not going to violate terms, or search a cache that is too difficult because the cache page didn't say not to. Guess what I'm saying is that we are all responsible for ourselves, cache page or no cache page. So if someone approached GZ with a stroller only to find it wasn't stroller friendly, that isn't the CO's problem and a complaint is out of line IMHO.
You could aslo start your own. Groundspeak doesn't ship outside the US, but plenty of its partners do. http://shop.Groundspeak.com/shipping.cfm
first wait. It's possible that the person who took it hasbn't had a chance to log it yet.(ie they are on vacation) If a reasonable period of time goes by, then follow dfx's steps to mark it missing.
did she have a barking pug? if so, I'm sorry I offended you lol No kidding, wasn't me. I have been guilty of trying to ditch fellows on the trail tho, due to my dog going absolutley nuts on them! When not with the geo-pug I have a much better time, but he needs his walks too...
I love challenging and insane caches, and the better the camo, the more I like finding it! If I almost kill myself getting to ground zero, even better! The attributes are there for a reason, use them to avoid dissapointment.
While it will have to be optional, I still think you should go for it! I would very much enjoy finding a cache like that. Yeah sure, most people wont bother, but it will be extra fun for those that do, and IMO worth it.
woah... I think of myself as pretty fearless, and don't tend to take in to account the "colour" of any particular area when caching (I've found one in our local red light district) but that would scare me away. Maybe righfully so, maybe I'm just being overly cautious, who knows, but I wouldn't want to field test it.
Some caches require bushwacking, and if you never read the cache page, you will never know. I would attribute this more to people who aren't reading the description before heading out. (In general, not just to your specific situation) You can post "no need to leave the trail" as much as you want, but there are still going to be people who just load the co-ords and rush out the door without reading that.
Found a Red Jeep named for our previous caching area...
dorqie replied to Sagefox's topic in Trackables
Thats nice that you are going out of your way for this tb. I dont think it's a good idea to leave it out of the cahce container tho, it will get lost very very easily. Even if when you left it, it was right on top, there's nothing to keep it there. Why don't you dip it into this cache and place it in another cache. I notice there is an amo can cache 3.8 miles away from DWAG -
"3. One day at a cache i find a TB/GC in my bag. I have no idea where it came from. I leave it in a cache without writing down the i.d. #. I get home and i realize i never even logged the pick-up. I live too far from the cache/i am too lazy to go back to get the number." That never occured to me
if i was you, I'd contact the tb owner and the CO and ask them to help you fix it.
I dont trust TB hotels, just because someone puts TB hotel in the name of a cahce doesn't mean it's a safe cache. I have criteria for selecting a cache for tbs/gcs that I am moving. The cache must not have a history of being muggled, or having tbs missing from it The cache must not be way out in the boonies, unless the TB does not want to travel far (I've moved a few that wanted to stay within the south island) The cahce must me in a cool spot, I don't leave TBs in p&gs. (this has nothing to do with the safety of the cache, and everything to do with a good photo-op for the tb page.) I always look for a couple of cahces before I leave for a trip to check for tb compatability. I always make sure I have co-ords for at least two possible locations, in case I dnf one.
see to me, a missing stage is a whole different issue. I persoanlly wouldnt bother to look for one with a missing stage, if I knew about it before I went out caching.
TB logs in foreign languages (non-English, that is)
dorqie replied to Crossfinders's topic in Trackables
I used to be a devout bable fish user, untill arabic became a staple in my internet life. Bable fish does not have an arabic option, instead I use google translate. Google doesn't translate word for word I find, and it tried to correct semantics and grammer, this can be both a blessing and a curse. Anyhoo, as far as your post goes, just copy and paste the text into your favorite online translator.