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Posts posted by dorqie
So I live on a weird shaped island. Some points on other islands, some points on the mainland, and some points in the USA are actually closer to my home location than points in my own city. (as the crow flys of course)
I get caches that are not practical for me to find in almost all of my seraches.
I'm particularly annoyed, because I thought there was a new night cache in my area, but it turned out to be in Washington. Silly me, I didn't think to check on that before i read the cache page and got all excited.
I wish there was some fancy way to limit my searches to my own island :S
I carry around earrings as my regular swag (new ones, not used ones) so my caches are full of those.
Well, my bf sorta hijacked a cache for less than an hour, more like 15 mins...
It required a tire pump to open, and the only one he had was one that plugged in to the cigarette lighter in the truck.
Had to hike to the cache, bring it to the truck, open it, then hike to put it back.
In that 15 mins, no dnfs were logged.
Why don't COs put pencils in a cache anymore? Used to be the norm even in film canisters (cut down pencil).
Sometimes they do, but they get stolen (often by accident)
I used to buy those short little gel pens for my caches, but they go missing a lot.
Hey...... dorqie.......
Whatcha think about the can-o-worms you opened with this one?
Not much actually, I asked people what they would do, not necessarily what "should" be done.
'One' way to do it without macros would be to use the %hint special tag in the "Waypoint Description" field (click GPS->Send Waypoints, and put the %hint in the appropriate field) Will be limited to 30(?) characters, though.
BTW, the good folks at the GSAK Forum are a great resource!
Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted
So can anyone tell me how to use the gsak macros to show at least partial hints? Or can anyone point me to an appropriate tutorial?
Ok, loaded a PQ using GSAK, it's better than the one i did with easy GPS as now it uses the cache names, and it displays who hid them, but still no hints. Am I doing it wrong, or is it impossible?
I was using the gpx format with easygps. I guess I'll have to suck it up and try gsak.
I also have a yellow etrex, will this work with that as well?
So I haven't really had a premium membership all that long, and i'm stubborn, so I've been continuing to cache the same way I always have.
I just loaded a pq, using easy gps to my Garmin etrex legend hcx, awesome, so much faster.
I have heard that hints are readable on gps's... i don't know how. Is it possible on my gps?
I have also seen people take a picture of their gps with the log book, to prove they found it. I would accept this, but not require it. If i really suspected someone, I might email them and ask a couple of questions about the cache.
If someone logs one of your caches, noting that they forgot their pen, would you delete their log until such time they sign it?
I personally wouldn't. If they are BSing, and never actually found my cache, using the pen as an excuse, it's really not hurting me (unless the cache is disabled, or something like that)
I'm just curious as to how meticulous other CO's are.
I did not realize that a Key box / Key holder (one of those magnetic one that goes under a fender or anywhere you want to stick it and has room for a key or maybe a few) would be called a Micro...
For some dumb reason, when I thought of a Micro, I was only thinking of one of these...
I did not realize that other caches with really small capacity would be in this too...
Cool, thanks all... The responses answer my questions and does help...
Thanks again.
Most cachers actually refer to that type of container as a "nano" although it's still officially a micro size.
I'm not sure if I am reading this correctly, but to answer number 1) a cache container can be anything, therefore there is no page of all the types of cache containers.
2) a micro just means a container that is too small for trade items. This could be a bison tube, a film can, or a key box, or anything that would only hold a log.
So my BF and I met because of geocaching, and we cache together just about every day.
We were out caching in the middle of nowhere yesterday, when my epilepsy started bothering me. Jokingly, my bf said "If you die, I'll place a cache out here in your memory." I looked up at him (because by this point, I was on the ground) and replied with a stutter "Just please don't make me a micro!"
Just now my bf texted me to ask if I knew when he last took his allergy meds, cause he thinks he may have taken a second pill too early, I replied "it won't kill you"
His response "If it does, I want my cache to be a 5gallon drum in the middle of the woods"
If you could design a cache in your own memory, what would it be?
I don't know the reviewer in my area, we just had a change of hands, and the new one I have not yet dealt with.
I doubt it would be archived, as there was nothing wrong with it. Disabled perhaps, as there is a seal molting nearby.
being that I live on an island... the trend it to put the co-ords somewhere in the water. I basically have three coastlines worth of question marks, all squished together to check.
So I solved a couple of puzzle caches a while ago, and as I solved them, I saved the co-ords on my garmin for the next time I would be in that area.
I was using the gc# as the waypoint name.
On one of them, I forgot to do this, and just saved the co-ords under an abbreviated version of the cache name.
I was in the area today, and found the cache, no problem, only, the full name of the cache was not written on the container, or on the logbook, which I was counting on, because I can't remember which cache it was!
Now I'm combing through the pq i just ran of mystery caches, hoping something rings a bell. This could take a while.
I started caching on an Iphone, then HTC Evo, but wanted to switch it up to a device that allows me to enter coords & has decent battery life. Received the Explorist GS as a gift but I'm unsure if it's right for me. I have two batteries for the Evo so I can cache any time, BUT can't find puzzle caches because I can't find an easy way to navigaate to manually entered coords.
Should I trade the Explorist GS in for a device paperless device that's better for this? If so, which one?
The free c:geo app has a button marked "Any destination" which allows you to enter coordinates manually and navigate to them. And using it that way doesn't violate the TOS, since it's not using the website. It works great on the Evo, too.
However, when caching with the andoid (as I have one too, and have used that app) it`s a mega battery drain. I like to chache all day and still make phone calls. I really only use the phone for caching when I have a couple minutes to kill and wasn`t planning on caching.
In other news, I've been looking around online to see if anyone sells the connector cables for it, in case I end up donating the thing... so far no luck. Looks like I might have a useless brick on my hands if I can't find the owner.
However, wouldn't it make for a great tb?
I found at least a couple on Amazon, among other sites. Try eBay as well.
The american amazon won't ship to canada, and the canadian amazon only carries books, music and movies and the like. I royally hate ebay...
I still have friends in the states, perhaps I could have it sent to their place, then get them to send it to me. A lot of work for a cable... (please gps owner, email me!)
How does the rest of the community feel about this sort of thing?
I feel that if the most "offensive" thing I found in a cache was a religious pamphlet I'd be pretty happy. And I have only found 56 caches.
I am a Christian, but if I found a pamphlet for muslimism/judaism/hinduism etc... I would hardly be "offended". I don't know what it is about religion, but the only people that seem to get mad about it are some (READ: SOME) agnostics/atheists. As much as I would love for it to happen, I don't care whether or not you are my religion. But for some reason you seem to care that I am. [/rant]
Back to what I was originally saying... I have found a plastic... err... phallus in a cache. I went ahead and took that out.
My goodness... that's more rude then when I found a sticker of a half naked woman that I traded for. I'd love to explain that to my four year old, as she rifles through the trading items.
I see it more as an embarrassment to mainstream Christians, much as all those "Judgement Day" billboards were. (Did anyone else notice, the only thing that mysteriously disappeared after the "rapture" were all the signs?)
That being said, there's a couple pieces of religious swag that I was happy to trade for. One was a Million Dollar Bill. On the back side, it asked the "Million Dollar Question: Will you go to heaven when you die?" For what it was, it was well done, I had to trade for it.
The other was a "Get Out of Hell Free" card. Turns out, if you read their website, the cards were produced because someone told the guy who makes them that they were going to hell. To quote the website:
Randy figured that if a self-appointed moralist could condemn people to hell with the snap of her mind, he certainly had the power to get them out again. Thus the Get Out of Hell Free (or "GOOHF") card was born.People put up rapture signs in your area!? Oh a jealous atheist I am....
Being Canadian I don't recall ever seeing religious billboards (at least not in the provinces I've been to). Although we get the occasional Mennonite farm signs about salvation. I was surprised to see big commercial billboards with messages about God the last time we visited Tucson.
That's some funny and creative religious swag, TTJ, I would definitely trade for it - no trash bin for those items, they're keepers.
yeah, no religious ads here in Vic BC either. Got kinda used to it when I was in Phoenix.
The guy might of signed the physical log but not logged online because he can't remember all the caches he was at. Go back and look at the logbook.
There's a thought. I don't know why I didn't think of that one before.
In other news, I've been looking around online to see if anyone sells the connector cables for it, in case I end up donating the thing... so far no luck. Looks like I might have a useless brick on my hands if I can't find the owner.
However, wouldn't it make for a great tb?
I see it more as an embarrassment to mainstream Christians, much as all those "Judgement Day" billboards were. (Did anyone else notice, the only thing that mysteriously disappeared after the "rapture" were all the signs?)
That being said, there's a couple pieces of religious swag that I was happy to trade for. One was a Million Dollar Bill. On the back side, it asked the "Million Dollar Question: Will you go to heaven when you die?" For what it was, it was well done, I had to trade for it.
The other was a "Get Out of Hell Free" card. Turns out, if you read their website, the cards were produced because someone told the guy who makes them that they were going to hell. To quote the website:
Randy figured that if a self-appointed moralist could condemn people to hell with the snap of her mind, he certainly had the power to get them out again. Thus the Get Out of Hell Free (or "GOOHF") card was born.People put up rapture signs in your area!? Oh a jealous atheist I am....
the shape of my island is messing with my pqs
in General geocaching topics
Wow, thanks for the fast responses. I honestly didn't think there was a solution to this!
And if anyone wanted to find out what island I live on, it would be pretty easy by reading my logged caches, although I believe it even says on my profile.