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Posts posted by raxxal
Does any body know how to enter the lat/long on a Honda Civic 2009 GPS? I read the entire manual and no clue how to enter the lat/long. Kind of odd because if you want to go to a place that you don't know the address but you can get the lat/long, let's say, from Google Earth as I have done many times, you cannot do that on this Honda GPS.
I have a Honda Fit with the same navi. From what I observed so far, the only way is to use the pan button to move to where you want to go then you will get an address that the navi will ask you if you want to navigate there. You can also request by voice your current position (not sure at this time if in this option you might be able to enter a cord)
I have not tried that, I mean moving the pointer to where I want to go, and get the lat/long or address from there, I will try that later on today. Oh well. Othere than that, the GPS works very well, I love the re-routing capability, very quick, don't you agree? My Colorado is VERY lazy regarding that feature.
I can't speak for your GPS in your Honda specifically but with many of the dash-mounted GPSr's for cars, you can't enter the lat/long--just addresses.
Thanks for the reply. Too bad they don't add this feature to the dash-mounted GPS.
Does any body know how to enter the lat/long on a Honda Civic 2009 GPS? I read the entire manual and no clue how to enter the lat/long. Kind of odd because if you want to go to a place that you don't know the address but you can get the lat/long, let's say, from Google Earth as I have done many times, you cannot do that on this Honda GPS.
Just wanted to let everybody know, today when I went to check for updates for my gadget I had a notice saying that my City Navigator North America NT 2008 was eligible for a free update. This update is only good till October 22 after that you have to pay for it.
This means you bought your GPS and/or maps during the period after City Nav 2009 was announced. That is why you get the free upgrade. Also, its good for a month from the time you see the notice; thus the 22nd of October.
Regrettably not everyone gets a free update.
I know that there was a free update if you registered your maps after March 1st. I know this because I registered mine on leap day February 29th and they told me I was screwed and was not eligible for the update.
ETA: I just checked and since I traded my Colorado in for an Oregon I do get the upgrade. Thanks for starting this thread.
What procedure did you follow to get an exchange, if you don't mind sharing? Thanks!
Kool application for the Iphone! I love it!
Don't buy the Oregon! Wait for the Mississippi and Pennsylvania models I've heard they are way cool and don't have half the bugs of the Colorado or Oregon, just more letters!
The California model is even much better, they say.
Easy to use, touchscreen interface
I am either an old-fashioned guy and refuse to learn new stuffs, or I am used too much to the Buggy Colorado, but touchscreen on a GPS device? Really, don't call my attention at all.
Just got my Forestry Supplier's Catalog and they have the Garmin Oregon with pics of all the models.
So here is what they have: they will have three units, the 200, 300 and 400t
So here is most of the info.
200 300 400t
449.49 499.99 599.99
All 12 channel
GPS antenna = High sensitivity patch compared to the Quad helix of the Colorado
WAAS = Yes on all - but not SIRF like the Colorado
Accuracy with WAAS 3-5 meters (Colorado is less then 3 meters)
Unit size 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.4
Display type 65k color TFT
Display size 2.6 x 1.5 compared to 1.53 x 2.55
two AA batteries
Battrery life 18 hours
Internal memory 200 (24mb) 300 (850mb) 400 (nothing listed)
USB only
waypoints = 1000, track points 10,000 (same as colorado)
Basemap (routable Digital Elevation Model) - same as Colorado
Oregon 200 comes with Americas Recreational base map
Map Storage - Micro SD only
TOPO 2008 preloaded on the 400t
seems like US inland lakes, bluechart Mapping might be included
Electronic Comapss
that about covers it.
How about icons for waypoints? How about recording barometer pressure changes when the unit is off? Advertised witht the Colorados, but it doesn't work!
Howdy All!
The failure of "SOME" Colorado units to record barometric data when SAVE ALWAYS is selected and the unit is powered OFF has been confirmed by a Garmin engineer as a hardware failure. This failure requires replacement of the unit. The good news: NOT ALL UNITS ARE AFFECTED BY THIS PROBLEM.
To test for this problem select SAVE ALWAYS in the altimeter set-up page, Turn the unit off overnight, turn the unit on in the morning. If your Unit is working correctly you should see dynamic data on the barometer graph spanning the time you had your unit powered off. If your unit has this problem you will see a linear line (no peaks or valleys) between the point taken at power off and the point taken upon powering up in the morning.
This was the fourth time calling over this particular issue.
1) Hard Reset the unit. Problem persisted.
2) Set up a testing period with engineers with units at Garmin with various firmware and models.
3) Confusion. Someone remembered hearing about the problem. Promised a call back. Never happened.
4) Today! Phone technician conferenced with an engineer confirming a hardware problem requiring replacement.
I have (had) a Colorado300 with Firmware 2.54.
I hope this information helps.
Yes, this is happening with my Colorado 400T. I have the firmware 2.54 installed. I will be calling Garming this coming week. I was expecting this to be fixed with the new firmware, but if this is a hardware issue, no firmware will ever fix this problem!
By the way, this issue was not listed as fixed or improved with the new firmware.
I am lost here. The Colorado did not have proximity alerts before. Does it have now?
Yes as of the new 2.54 update
Cool! I will try it out very soon.
Here in the UK we have 12,000 speed cameras.
I am lost here. The Colorado did not have proximity alerts before. Does it have now?
* Corrected behavior of proximity alarms in custom points of interest. <--- I guess they fixed that. I have to try it.
I think the idea of having a GPS specially these days that gas is very expensive is obvious. For example, the other I took a trip, the route that I had in mind was 7 miles longer, since I have a GPS I just punched the address, and bingo! It gave me a shorter route.
I have had two incidents with 2.54 where I turned down a parallel street and auto-routing never detected it. The streets were probably 300 meters (depth of two properties) apart.
Just got CN NT 2009 and never tried it on 2.51. So I am not sure if it is 2.54 related. But it is disconcerting.
It happened with the 2.51, I was expecting this to be fixed. Take a look a this picture. It's really bad. This thing will lost you very quick!
After 6 months on the market with the latest firmware 2.54b - Is it now a GPS that fits your needs and you can trust this unit also in an unknown territory
Please answer only YES or NO - Thank you? - my answer is:
I think Garmin has abandoned the Colorados! Wow! No software update for a long time! Are they re-writing the whole thing again? If that were the case, how long does it take to re-write the software?
Believe or not, this phone is not a truely GPS, It's assisted GPS. Just read the Apple tech specs.
May I suggest that you go back up and read post #9?
Well, post # 9 is refering to how assisted GPS works. My garmin GPS works fine when I fly, I love to see speed, direction, the estimated time to destination(ETA), estimated distance to destination(EDD), etc. These assisted GPS phones will not work at 30 thousand feet up in the air.
Believe or not, this phone is not a truely GPS, It's assisted GPS. Just read the Apple tech specs.
I've seen the same problem on my Colorado. What happens is this (I think):
- You deviate from your current route but don't exceed some internal off-route threshold distance (seems to be about .25 miles)
- The new road you are driving on is parallel to the active route and continues inside threshold
There should be some logic in the routing algorithm that sees you are closer to another road, ignores the off-route threshold distance and recalcs. I'd be curious to see what a Nuvi does in the same situation.
We all know about the issues that the Colorado has, but this reroute issue bugs me a lot. The main reason I bought this unit is to help me drive around here in Los Angeles. This area where I see this problem, traffic is a mess most of the time, so I take a detour which I know very well. The Etrex Vista HCx finds the new route very quickly. Why not the Colorado?
It looks like the estimated position error is large enough that it thinks you are still on the freeway. Was the GPS down in the seat or up on the dash with a good view of the sky?
I would check the lock to road setting to be sure -- its kinda weird that the arrow is right over the road you are on, but it still shows the freeway as a route. I'll have to mess around with mine a bit and see what it does if I get off the freeway and stay on the access road.
I've played with the routing a bit, and sometimes it knows pretty quickly when I've taken an alternate route, and sometimes it doesn't. Haven't figured out if it looks at time, speed or direction or a combination to determine when to re-route.
The unit was down in the seat. I called Garmin about this issue, Garmin told me to master reset the unit. The master reset did not help at all.
My unit does the same thing, sometimes it find the new route very quickly but if I am on the street, this area where I see this problem all the time, it never find a better route until I am about a mile or so away from the original route.
I've seen the same problem on my Colorado. What happens is this (I think):
- You deviate from your current route but don't exceed some internal off-route threshold distance (seems to be about .25 miles)
- The new road you are driving on is parallel to the active route and continues inside threshold
There should be some logic in the routing algorithm that sees you are closer to another road, ignores the off-route threshold distance and recalcs. I'd be curious to see what a Nuvi does in the same situation.
This issue bugs me a lot because this an area here in Los Angeles that the traffic is kind of crazy. This area is a place where two freeways merge, lots of traffic, if you miss an exit, you are going to be late at your destination! The detour I take has many turns, I have drove this are for many years, I know the detours very well, but this thing reroute until I am about a mile or so away from the freeway! My Goodness! If you don't know the area, and you take the detour I take, by the time this thing reroute you, you will be some place else. I thought that the idea of a GPS was to help you to find the best route for you and quick.
Since the Colorado 400T is a GPS with auto routing capability, I want one issue to be fixed:
- Be able to re-route much quicker and more accurate.
For example, If I am going to point A, and on my way to point A I take a detour, this thing take forever to tell me that I am not following the original route, some times it does not reroute at all!
Take a look at this picture. I am about a block away from the original route! For navigation, this is unacceptable to me.
Of course, there is the long list of issue that need to be fixed: the barometer not recording when the unit if off, shutting itself off, etc, etc.
Not knowing the Colorado (I've got a 60CSx) - here's a couple of questions:
What map product are you using to navigate?
What was your EPE at that point? Were you "locked on roads" ??
I am using Navigator NT 2009. No, I was not locked on roads. I have the Etrex Vista, and this little thing it reroute very quickly. Why not the Colorado. I called Garmin, they told me to unselect the TOPO map, but it did not help at all.
- Be able to re-route much quicker and more accurate.
Since the Colorado 400T is a GPS with auto routing capability, I want one issue to be fixed:
- Be able to re-route much quicker and more accurate.
For example, If I am going to point A, and on my way to point A I take a detour, this thing take forever to tell me that I am not following the original route, some times it does not reroute at all!
Take a look at this picture. I am about a block away from the original route! For navigation, this is unacceptable to me.
Of course, there is the long list of issue that need to be fixed: the barometer not recording when the unit if off, shutting itself off, etc, etc.
- Be able to re-route much quicker and more accurate.
Like many others I'm debating the 60CSx vs. Colorado. I have never owned a 60CSX but I've had a Colorado for 2 weeks and put it through the things I use a GPS for (marine use, don't geocache). After the first few days I was cussing and ready to ship it back. This particular unit will have to be returned as it's got a hardware problem (Rock'nRoller problem) -- so I've got to decide to replace with another Colorado or the 60CSx.
But the more I use this Colorado, the more I like it. I love the way it feels in my hands and the ergonomics of how you use the unit. I love the fact that tracks are saved up to 5000 points. But past that the features of the 60CSx really make it a better GPS for my needs. I'd go with the Colorado in a heart beat if Garmin would "fix" the following. My question is, what is the likelihood these things will be changed?
1) trackback function for tracks and routes
2) be able to use compass page to navigate tracks with indexes to next (vs. just follow map now)
3) get the whole waypoint # on the screen
4) improve battery life
5) scroll through waypoints by name vs. having to "spell"
6) view tides for other dates
Also, I like to see icons on my waypoints.
Colorado 400t, Software Ver. 2.80
in GPS technology and devices
There is a new update for the Colorado 400T. This is software version 2.80. I just ran webupdater, and installed with no problem.