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Everything posted by Fledermaus
Just to show how much you and the others think you know, you are seriously in error. Why? Because I already have my very own personal $1.97 Wally World Jeep and one is enough! To be more specific, when the contest is done and over with, it will become geocaching fodder just like all the other TBs out there, thus giving some uncaring cacher the opportunity to hoard it away in there own personal collection, because they're too dadgum(oh gee, that word was edited by the system. Maybe I should have used darn instead) cheap to go out and buy their own. Does that answer you question and satisfy the rest of you? Probably not! I grow weary of you insulant banter.
Grammer Police? That's the best I've read in this forum yet! For the rest of you chronic complainers out there: The way things are going, I'm expecting one of you to send the HSA(Homeland Security Agency - i.e. Gestapo?) or the JBI(Jeep Bureau of Investigation) to my home, knock down or breaking in my door any moment, with charges of aiding, abetting and harboring an endangered species! I'm going to church Sunday and confess my sins! Take off your blinders and turn your microscope around and look through it from the other way, you might see a lot more than you expected. I just hate it when I am judged by those that are hollier than thou. Got white collar and prayer beads? A WJTB does not a geocache make, but it doth make fools of some cachers!
What you know about where I live and others in my area could be placed into a "pico-cache"! High high is your "High-Horse" and is it on a carousel? OOOPPPSSS! I used an old fashion inference and you are probably too young to understand it!
You forgot "Tar & Feathers", "Walking The Plank", "The Iron Maiden", The Rack" and "Nailed To A Cross". Oh, I almost forgot the geocachers' equivilent to "The Inquisition" called "Forums". BTW, it's not "Hording", it's spelled "Hoarding"!
HORDING? It's time to go back to school! HOARD: Noun - a stock or store, esp. if hidden away; a treasure. Verb Transitive - to store secretly. Verb Intransitive - to lay up or store. Take note of the words "Hidden" and "Secretly". For those that have a WJTB and don't share with others: SHARE: Noun - part allotted; portion; unit of ownership in public company entitling one to share in profits. Verb Transitive - to give or allot a share; to enjoy with others; to apportion. Verb Intransitive - to take a share; to partake; to participate. Take note of the words "Public Ownership" and "Participate". WJTBs and/or YJTBs: 1. It's sitting on my monitor. 2. I share it with others. 3. It will be available at local events. 4. It won't disappear into a collection. 5. It won't fall into a black hole. 6. It's not going overseas. 7. They are rare in my area. 8. Wal-Marts in my area don't have them. 9. Pay $9.99 online and buy a new one. IMHO: If I place it into a seldom visited cache, it will just sit there for days, weeks or months at a time, with no one will picking it up and using it. Where it sits, until someone picks it up for proper use, seems to be the key issue. If I set it "Free", it will probably disappear, just like the others around here. That's my judgement call based on my experience. THE FACTS: There have been at least 10 or more of the WJTBs distributed in this area and I can account for less than 3 at this time. This also happened with the YJTBs as well. That will not happen to this one, if I have any say about it. I claim no ownership, but I will see to it that it is used by those that need it for the contest. After the contest is over, it will becomes a regular TB and will be set free for some uncaring cacher to put it into his/her collection. Will the first innocent geocacher please step forward and cast the first georock?
I wonder how much flack I will get for how I am handling the WJTB that I have? I live in Washington State. A geocacher, who lives in Rhode Island, was planning a visit to my small hometown, which is somewhat on an island like area that is isolated from the rest of the Puget Sound, ie Seattle, Tacoma et cetera. The person from RI offered me a chance to have a WJTB(I mentioned to him that they are hard to find in this area) and brought one with him. Upon his arrival, he subsequently placed into one of my difficult to find caches. Afterwards, I retrieved it and placed it into my TB motel cache, thus making it available to other cachers in my area. As a matter of interest, that is exactly what has happened, and will continue to happen, since I have other locals that want to use it for the contest as well. WJTBs are few and far between in my area and have been placed into difficult to find caches or are in the hands of those that won't pass them around. To counter this problem, I have done the following: I have now removed the WJTB from my TB motel cache and placed it on top of my computer monitor, but it is still listed as part of my TB motel caches it's inventory. Furthormore, there are specific instruction on the cache page stating that if anyone wants to use it for the contest, to contact me by E-Mail and then arrangements can be made to get the WJTB to that local cacher. All that I ask of that cacher is to return it to my TB motel cache so another local cacher can use it. Yesterday, I received an out-of-town/county inquiry regarding the WJTB. Having stated that I intended for it to be used by local cachers and the fact that the inquiring person, in subsequent E-Mail, had no real intentions of driving the distance to this area, accused me of of "hording"(bad spelling) the TB, not to mention a reference to some other cacher in her/his area that had their membership suspended for doing something wrong. To me, that sounded like an implied threat, if I didn't do as (s)he requested. Is this a "big to do about nothing" or what? What's your take on this? If I'm to get hassled about trying to keep a WJTB in my area for locals to use for the contest, then I'll make arrangements for it's return back to Rhode Island. /\/**\/\
What you need to know about HTML & XHTML Standards & Code Validation! W3School's Home Page or W3School's "Introduction to XHTML" or W3School's "HTML vs XHTML" or W3School's "Why XHTML?" For those that write code the old fashion way, without "Cheater Programs" such as Frontpage and the like, or want to improve their skills, go to this website and download the FREE PROGRAM: CSE HTML Validator Lite v6.52 /\/**\/\
Its not really "OLD" format. There is an effort by some to make HTML code XML compatible and adding the / to the end of the br tag does that as it closes the tag. Otherwise standard XML parsers would expect a </br> somewhere later in the page. The next step from HTML 4.01 is XHTML and the tag <br> is changed to <br />, thus adding a close function. Take note of the empty space, followed by the " /", for this applies to these tags: <hr />, <img... /> and others, because they don't have a "closing" function. In addition, the <table...> tag can have the: summary="abcdefg." function added , much like the: alt="abcdefg.". Take note of the ".", it means the "end of the line" and interacts with text readers as a"stop" function for the "vision impaired". I will leave it to others, those more familiar with XML, to explain more fully, if they choose to do so. BTW, never try to use the <body></body> tags. The former was allowed, but not now, which involved the "background" tag. However, we are not allowed to do that any more. The latter closing tag was never to be used(I don't know why). If you want to see how my personal webpage is written, using XHTML, check it out. It might not be perfect, but I'm doing the best I can with what I know, and there's much more to learn. Should the "vision impaired" be denied the right to know what the cache text says? That's what happens when you take away the sound function! Never mind, "blind" people, partial or otherwise, shouldn't be caching anyway, right? Got echolocation?! /\/**\/\
Along with the background images and whatever went the XHTML and Handicap compatibility, apparently. For example, the BREAK<br /> and LISTING <ol></ol> & <li></li> tags(and more) have returned to their archaric HTML 4.0 format. What other tags are now M.I.A.,I wonder? What's next on the "Hit/Hot List"? Thanks a bunch "paperless" people for causing things to go backwards and forwards at the same time! I wonder how many of you use "cheater programs" such as Frontpage and the like to create your cache pages. Ever tried it the "Old Fashion" way, raw coding? /\/**\/\
Copy sent to Jeremy! Was the use of TIDY your idea of someone elses? By doing this, you have now eliminated the ability of writing a cache page that is both XHTML & Handicap compatible! Example: <br /> is now <br>, this is "OLD" HTML format. Also, the <ol></ol> and <li></li> functions no longer function. I wonder how much damage control I have now? Thanks a lot! /\/**\/\
I am in Bremerton, WA., USA. Is anyone in the Puget Sound area going to British Columbia, Canada? I have a TB I would like to send up that way and visit each of the Canadian Provinces. The first leg of the journey must be to BC in one step and no stops along the way. /\/**\/\
If anyone in the Port Orchard, Bremerton or Silverdale area has room for a passenger, I would like to attend this Mini-Cache Machine. If you have room for me, please call me at (360)373-3910 and leave a message on the answering machine so I can return your call.
Since when is it appropriate behavior for a TB owner to log his own New TB into and/or out of a cache, where the TB's owner has never visited that cache, just to start the said TB's milage? The online cache log specifically uses the word "Dropped", meaning to me that it was placed into the cache manually. IMHO, if a TB can be "Dropped" electronically into any cache at any time, that would be inappropriate use of a TB's function. /\/**\/\ UPDATE: For clarification, the TB to which I refer is not a "Personal TB" and the it's owner lives on the other side of a large body of water, a 2+ hour round trip by ferry. Interestingly, I was in his area about two weeks ago and found one of his TBs in a cache by the ferry terminal and brought it back with me, placing it into the very same cache, mine, which is at the end of my driveway.
If I have sufficient funds for that weekend and I park my vehicle(highly inefficient fuel usage) at the Southworth terminal or be picked up in the Bremerton area, I would like to ride with someone in their vehicle, if someone wants a "Old Bat" as a navigator or a backseat driver.
If you live in Kitsap County and are planning a cache, I suggest you use the following website: Kitsap County Parcel Search Map Once there, use the ZOOM IN function, based on where you click on the green map. You should be able to zoom in to street names. After you are able to see the street names, check the two boxes in the lower right, i.e. "Show Imagery" and "Show Land ID". If you use the INDENITY function, combined with clicking on a specific propoerty in question, you will be able to find out the name of the owner of the land, the address and other related tax information. /\/**\/\
The following caches, located in and around the Bremerton and Silverdale areas, are on the chopping block. They will be archived within the next 72 hours and the containers will be picked and/or relocated for re-use on another listing service. The next group of caches to be placed onto the chopping block may very well be the K.I.S.S. My Cache 1 - 9(some renamed as necessary). Homeland Security and/or it's associated paranoia seems to have found support within GC. Just in case you are not aware of it, your cache, if in or on or under or near a bridge or some other "sensitive structure", will be subject to scrutiny and may be scheduled for the chopping block in the future, just as my Warren Bridge Cache was archived with not so much of an advanced warning or an opportunity to make appropriate changes. 1. Central Park Northwest(GCNY3R) - Because I don't care! 2. 3 x 3 Puzzle Cache(GCN0DZ) - County property being sold? 3. Drive-By & Caching(GCE79A) - Lack of interest! 4. N.A.D. Revenge(GCH5AC) - Lack of Interest! 5. Warren Avenue Bridge Cache(GC31EF) - Archived by GC/TMJ and maybe moving to TC! 6. Peg of My Heart(GCKEK6) - Too far away from home. More on the way? Better get them while you can! None of the above caches will be allowed for adoption. These sites may be recycled for use by another listing service. I grow tired of Double-Standards, especially when that applies to a few questionable "Guidelines" and etc. I don't care to go into details. I have about six examples of late, not necssarily my own. Thanks TMJ for your past support, but "things are a changing". I have other "fish to fry". I'm going for Quanity in future cache runs, not necessarily quality. If you have questions, I'm not Radio shack! /\/**\/\ Fledermaus
Since I do not have a boat, canoe or surfboard and swim very poorly, I suspect the Liberty Bay Resort cache will be on my "to do list" or "ignore list" for a very long time. /\/**\/\
An acquaintance from Rhode Island is coming to Bremerton on a business trip and will be arriving Tuesday, June 28th. While he is here, he will be doing some caching in and around the Bremerton area. If you have a TB that needs to go to the East Coast, I can arrange for it to be taken directly to a cache in the Rhode Island area. All you have to do is get your TB to me by leaving it in the CHIROPTERA Cache(GCAA34) in East Bremerton. If you have any questions, send E-Mail. /\/*w*\/\ Fledermaus
I have a few TBs that will soon need a lift Eastbound. One of them is going to visit the Eiffel Tower in France and two more are going to Germany soon. I may have an additional one going to Canada as well. If you can help,please send E-Mail to me.
I have several TBs that may need a ride Eastbound soon. One of them is going to visit the Eiffel Tower in France and two more are going to Germany soon. I may send an additional TB up to Canada as well. If you can help, please send E-Mail to me.
Based on the latest encarnation of TravisL's PDF file, there are still a few problems with the following cache sites to be hunted. Perhaps others here in Kitsap County would like to offer their comments as well. 5 - This is a Multi-Cache. After finishing with cache #4, you will have to go South past the general area of the final cache, in order to get to the first waypoint. After you have backtracked North to the cache and found it, you will have to continue North to where you parked your vehicle. 6 - After returning to your vehicle, drive South on Schold Road for about two city blocks. Parking is on the road only. Alternate parking is available, but you have to drive back to Silverdale Way, turn South for about two city blocks to the Gateway Skate Park and then turn West into the North-End entrance of that park. 17 - This cache is TIDE-DEPENDENT! Do Not bushwack from the Viewing Area, which is part way down the trail to the beach. Parking is roadside only on Traycton Blvd. There is a short walk into the park and then a dirt trail down to the beach. If you don't plan for a low tide, then you will have to do a balancing act along the top edge of a bulkhead above the water. Don't fall in! 25, 29 & 30 - Thompson Drive is a GATED access, as previously mentioned by Bull Moose and myself, thus making for a lengthy walk and Off-Trail searching for these three caches. The least time consuming cache is #29. Good luck on the other two caches. NOTE: If you insist on hunting for all three of these caches, you WILL be using up a lot more time than you have planned. Figure on at least an hour or longer #25 and #30. 59 - Parking for this cache is limited to the side of the road. The walk to the cache is lengthy. It took Mntrken2001 and I about ten minutes by bicycle. 72 - This is a Multi-Cache. The first waypoint is kind-of on the way to the final cache. 86 - Access to this cache requires a lengthy walk from the parking area and a somewhat treacherous 30 degree or more drop into a canyon. The trail, if you want to call it that, is a dirt embankment and it can be Very Slippery after a rainfall, for about 50 feet. See you along the way! Don't forget to be at Angel's Buffet not later than 2030 or 8:30 PM.
Hey Bull Moose, just what other website are you refering to? Oh no, you're not talking about this one are you? Why would anyone want to go there? /\/**\/\
UPDATED LISTINGS SINCE ORIGINAL POSTING! I was thinking of just letting all you "out-of-towners" muddle through the posted present PDF file route and discover the errors along the way, but I have decided to update the said route with a few helpful notes of my own. Knowing the area and having done most, if not all of the caches on the list, gives me a better insight of what you are about to encounter. This information may or may not cause changes to the planned route, since TravisL is in charge of that department. Hope to see you all at Angel's Buffet. BTW, I have no association with that business, either directly or otherwise, but I do wish I could get a 10% commision rate on their sales for that evening. I'll be standing their with my tin can in hand, dark glasses and my white cane, hoping for a few Duckets or Dabloons. ===================================================== CACHE# COMMENTS AND/OR SUGGESTIONS ===================================================== 008 This is a lengthy walk in from that parking area. 013 Re-titled as "Old Saw Mill Park"(removed -I), West End. *** NOTE: New One-step cache in the same park, East End: "Silverdale: Old Saw Mill Park - Moket". *** NOTE: New cache in Tracyton near Boat Launch ramp: "End of the Road" 019 Limited parking, roadside only! 022 Parking is 1 Block West, McWilliams Park & Ride lot. 023 For Premium Members Only! 025-028 You can no longer drive beyond a gate that has now been placed about 100 feet in from Riddell Road on Thompson Drive, causing a lengthy walk to 27 & 28. *** NOTE: New cache between 031 & 032 at North End of Warren Bridge: "USS Bremerton: Twin Guns". *** NOTE: There are two new caches between 33 & 34, See: "Helium - Element 2" and "Lithium - Element 3". 035 Somewhat dangerous climb down a rocky slope and the cache is Tide Dependent". *** NOTE: Two new caches near Manette Bridge. "9th Street Park" with room to park 4-5 cars and "Hydrogen - Element 1" with parking lot nearby. 037 Access is from a usually full parking area behind the Harrison Memorial Hospital. Enter the trail at the Madrona Grove sign. 047 How are you going to do a night cache in daylight? 051 Check coords.(Parking only?) Lengthy walk to cache! 052 How are you going to do a night cache in daylight? 056 Multi? with a lengthy walk on the beach! 057-058 Lengthy walk down a Gated switchback road to beach. 059-060 Posted "No Access To Park" from Overaa Road(PVT) and there are no trails either. Lengthy walk from Gated access road near Overra and Banner Roads. 061 Lengthy walk from possibly Gated access road. 077 You found the back door! Limited parking on street. 088 A steep drop into a canyon. Slippery When Wet! 090-091 Access from Lincoln Road or other nearby public roadway not possible. Must park in South Kitsap Community Park West Entrance with a lengthy walk to each, and there are no direct trails between. 097-098 No access to cache as shown. Go to Pendargas Park first and do 098, with a lengthy walk to 097. 100 Formally at the Ammo-Bunkers, this cache has been re-located to a new area closer to parking area. 103-104 Limited park for 3-4 vehicles in parking area off a narrow alley-like street. Park on 15th at Arvon. 106 Park in lot at North End of Pacific Ave. from 11th. 107 Limted park for three vehicles. Park vehilces on Park Ave. between 11th & 13th. Do not park on 13th. 108 Park at East End of the Quad 4000 business complex, located behind the IHOP and KFC business(accross from the Family Pancake House and Angel's Buffet. 109 Additional parking is available at the Firestone Store(I got permission). Angel's and F.P.H. share common parking areas. FINAL NOTES: A "lengthy walk" implies a distance that takes an average of up to 20 minutes to traverse. This is a Very Ambitious Route and I seriously doubt that you will get through all of it in the time alloted. I will see you periodically along the route and will be available by CB Radio(channel 3), Amateur Radio 2 Meters on 147.540 MHz Simplex and FRS Radio channel 2. ===================================================== /\/**\/\ Fledermaus
DINNER WHERE: Angel's Homestyle Buffet 4111 Wheaton Way Bremerton, WA. 98310 (360)377-7044 HOURS: Saturday Breakfast: 0800 - 1130(8:30am-11:30am). Lunch: 1130 - 1600(11:30am-4pm). Dinner: 1600 - 2100(4pm-9pm). DINNER RATES: Adults(13-59): $9.81 Seniors(60+): $8.79 Children(Under13) & Military Discounts Available. WHAT'S AVAILABLE: Banquette Room #1: 65 persons. Banquette Room #2: 39 persons. Overflow in Main Area Available. TIME AVAILABLE: Please be there at or about 2030(8:30pm). Doors are normally closed at 2100(9pm). We will have the "run of the place" after hours. WHERE TO PARK: North & East side of building, plus an area adjacent to the Family Pancake House and on the roadside to the South. If necessary, you may also park at the Firestone Store, since they are closed at that hour. NOTES: The Manager & Owner are fully aware of up to 100 people(ages 8 to 80) will be in attendance and they are expecting 1 to 2 hours on site, or as arranged. Got Questions? Ask TravisL! CUL8R
Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML document. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.get_IsReadOnly() at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(Object component) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.AddXdoProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd, Object instance, XmlElement root, XmlDocument xd) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.AddXdoProperties(Object instance, XmlElement root, XmlDocument xd) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.SchemaTree(XmlDocument xd, DataSet ds) at System.Data.DataSet.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter.WriteSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable, String name, String ns, Boolean isNullable) at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriter1.Write6_GetGeocacheDataByGUIDResponse(Object[] p) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces, String encodingStyle) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.WriteReturns(Object[] returnValues, Stream outputStream) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.WriteReturns(Object[] returnValues) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.Invoke() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML document. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.get_IsReadOnly() at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(Object component) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.AddXdoProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd, Object instance, XmlElement root, XmlDocument xd) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.AddXdoProperties(Object instance, XmlElement root, XmlDocument xd) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.SchemaTree(XmlDocument xd, DataSet ds) at System.Data.DataSet.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter.WriteSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable, String name, String ns, Boolean isNullable) at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriter1.Write6_GetGeocacheDataByGUIDResponse(Object[] p) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces, String encodingStyle) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.WriteReturns(Object[] returnValues, Stream outputStream) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.WriteReturns(Object[] returnValues) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.Invoke() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace: [soapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML document. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid. at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.get_IsReadOnly() at System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(Object component) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.AddXdoProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd, Object instance, XmlElement root, XmlDocument xd) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.AddXdoProperties(Object instance, XmlElement root, XmlDocument xd) at System.Data.XmlTreeGen.SchemaTree(XmlDocument xd, DataSet ds) at System.Data.DataSet.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(XmlWriter writer) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter.WriteSerializable(IXmlSerializable serializable, String name, String ns, Boolean isNullable) at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationWriter1.Write6_GetGeocacheDataByGUIDResponse(Object[] p) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces, String encodingStyle) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter xmlWriter, Object o, XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapServerProtocol.WriteReturns(Object[] returnValues, Stream outputStream) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.WriteReturns(Object[] returnValues) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebServiceHandler.Invoke() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---] System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) +1503 System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) +218 Geocaching.com.Groundspeak.xml.cacheService.GetGeocacheDataByGUID(Guid CacheGUID, Boolean CheckForUpdates) +111 Geocaching.Geocache.GetCacheObjectFromWS2(Guid CacheGUID, Boolean CheckForUpdates) +63 Geocaching.Geocache.GetCacheObject(Guid CacheGUID, Boolean CheckForUpdates) +365 Geocaching.Geocache.GetCache(Guid CacheGUID, Boolean CheckForUpdates) +26 Geocaching.UI.cache_details.BuildCachePage() +1190 Geocaching.UI.cache_details.Page_UserNotLoggedIn(Object sender, EventArgs e) +48 Geocaching.UI.WebformBase.IsLoggedIn() +935 Geocaching.UI.cache_details.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +363 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +772 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032