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Everything posted by Fledermaus
Great question for the Kitsap cachers! I don't know myself. Last time I talked to a person from Kitsap County Parks about two years ago they were very cacher friendly. They seemed very unconcerned. A number of the county parks have a large number of caches in them. I have not heard of any problems. Since there aren't all that many State Parks over here, it won't be too much of a problem, I don't think. That being said, if Jim can/will do it, and if it's nedded I would recommend him for Illahee State Park in Bremerton. I would be happy to work with Cathy at Manchester State Park. We have known each other for several years, long befor the earlier caches in the park caused so much heartburn. Sure, that should be fairly easy. I don't believe there currently are any in Illahee State Park and my one experience with hiding in a state park is that the management is fairly unresponsive so it probably will stay that way. I thought Fledermaus had one in that park. When I was putting one there, the Head Ranger could not have been nicer, or easier to deal with. Ditto for Manchester. I am Fledermaus and I have two caches in the Illahee State Park, soon to be three. No more than three caches will be allowed in that park, according to the Ranger. The Park Ranger that I worked with, who is now the Park Manager, and I are on friendly terms with each other. He is fully aware of each cache placement and all of this was done before any of the state park issues existed. /\/(°w°)\/\
If this is also what you are seeing, then it has been reported and acknowleged in at least one other thread. And as I said above, hitting F5 one or more times (usually just once) will get the rest of the page to list. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I SEE AND EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE TO DO ALSO! I really hate to burst someones bubble, but this problem is NOT unique to IE7 and IE8, whether you are using WinXP or Vista et cetera. It happens with Win98se and IE6, but then again I'm running an antique computer with and old browser and no one gives me the time of day, except to tell me to buy a new computer. Got Money? Send It! Oh yah, I also run Firefox 2.? and the problem doesn't show up with that browser. Furthermore, when the website changes were made, on IE6 the cache pages became all screwed up the left side. But then at a later date the problem went away, but now it's back. Got Answers? Telling me to go out and buy a new computer, OPS and browser, (like that's going to solve all the problems) is not going to happen. Some of us old farts who are on limited incomes, cannot at the drop of a hat do that. Does anyone remember an old adage that says: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". Sorry to say this, but GC is still broke and my antique computer still works everywhere else without problems.
Perhaps someone should view the cache pages using W98SE and I.E. v6.0.2800.1106. When viewing them, this is what I see: That which is suppose to be on the left side of the screen and from top to bottom, to include the menu and advertisments, are cutoff and relocated to the bottom of the cache page. Even a short portion of the left side of the cache page is missing. Before all the recent changes, everything was just fine! Now, the only way I can see cache pages properly is to view them with Moxilla/Firefox. Yes, my computer is old! Yes, my operating system is old! Yes, my browser is old! I even use Dial-Up! So what about it? The only changes that have occured, regarding how cache pages are displayed on my computer, were at the GC website, NOT here! Please, don't bother telling me to upgrade my old computer system, unless you are willing to pay for a new one, send it to me without cost and pay for cable internet access as well! Oh well, no great loss. I don't like I.E. anyway! I prefer Mozilla/Firefox and Opera. My motto IS: If It Ain't Broke and It Still Works, Don't Fix It or Replace It! /\/(°w°)\/\
With regards to the foregoing comment(s), it would have been a good idea to incorporate different operating systems, i.e. W98se, Vista etc, along with IE and FF browsers, however old they may be. Some of us are still using them and, heaven forbid, log onto GC by the "dialup" method. Furthormore, it would have been appropriate to see how the website is displayed in various screen formats, i.e. 800x600, 1024x768 etc. I am personally bothered by the fact that all my work to make my cache pages rich in color and graphics, now look like crap! Until the "wonderful" improvements have been de-bugged, I will ignore complaints about how some of them look. They can put the blame of GC's new and improved updated software. No doubt and by now, GC has probably heard about most of the bothersome bugs, but I'm sure that in de-bugging them, they will create more. Hopefully, they will be less bothersome and ironed out later. BTW, I seem to recall this same scenerio happening several years ago. I guess it's true, the past does come back to you one way or another. /\/(°w°)\/\
I don't know where to place this comment, but I'm sure the Moderator does. I have very little to say about these so-called improvements or changes. Most, if not all, of my color and/or graphic cache pages are screwed up!. Because of that, I now have a lot of damage control to worry about! However, I'll just wait awhile to see what else goes wrong and fix stuff later. Complaints regarding my cache pages will be ignored for the time being. /\/(°w°)\/\
Any chance of someone coming up with a bunch of the smaller (1/2 size) ammo-cans? I could use maybe 5 or 10 of them.
The following message was received from: "Vigant": Vigant contacting Fledermaus from Geocaching.com Friday, August 21, 2009 6:10 AM From: "Geocaching" <noreply@geocaching.com> To:fledermaus98367@yahoo.com Hello! I'm a geocacher from Latvia (in Europe) and would like to alert you about a certain notorious fake user named Geochacer. He was recently known for logging virtually in some caches, but not visiting them in real life. He has also logged in your cache "FAHRENHEIT 451! - Kingston, WA." in June 9. Clearly, it was impossible for him to visit it, as he can't suddenly teleport to another part of the world... I don't think he can. I hope you will cooperate. User's Profile: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=f6...94-8c6df4ada467 ========== I have checked out Vigant's profile and it appears to be legit. I also checked out the profile for Geochacer appears to be a "sock-puppet". I also checked into the finds by Geochacer and all of them, with the exception of those in Latvia, appear suspicious. If you find a claim by Geochacer on one of your caches, I suggest you delete it as I did on mine. /\/(°w°)\/\
Recently, a local company has bought up several tracts of land, in order to extend their housing project. Like that's going to happen anytime soon in this present economy! The sad thing is that this company is strongly against geocaching and I am now forced to remove 6 or more of my caches, due to the posting of "No Hunting & No Trespassing" signs. However, the same company, for the last several years, has been allowing (Mexican) brush pickers (who pay fees) to go onto company land and "rape" it for profit. Sounds to me like the old adage of: "Money Talks & BS(GC) Walks" applies here. Now that I got that out of my system, all I want to know is how far away may I move my caches before I have to archive and re-create them elsewhere? Also, may I restrict (ALR?) the "Found It" claims on the replacement cache to only those who have not found the original cache? IMHO, Flat ground with brush is pretty much the same as any other flat ground with brush. All I have to do to create the new version is adjust the puzzles for the new coordinates, a not so easy task. For the most part, the "caching experience" would virtually be the same.
I just completed a "Find in This Page" scan for the word "geopoker" in all three pages of this part of the forum and have come to the following conclusion: There has been NO mention of past and/or present "GeoPoker Run" events. Isn't that kind of odd?
Ordinarily, I would place this message into the TB forum. However and since these TBs are physically in the NW and need to travel to places within the NW and Canada, I felt that their chances of being noticed elsewhere would be far less than if I brought them to the attention of the NW forum readers. TB2123Z: Needs to go to "return to Sudbury Ontario Canada to visit family." --- It is presently located near the Bremerton National Airport. --- Will someone please pick up this TB, if you are going to Canada! TB29Z9V: This TB needs to visit the counties of Klickitat & Clark in Washington State, as well as several other counties in other states. --- If you are traveling to Clark & Klickitat, please pick up this TB and transport accordingly. For additional information regarding these TBs, please visit their pages. /\/(°w°)\/\
Recently, I discovered a way to translate an English cache page into German, my own to be exact. Granted, some of you may already know of this. However and for others, I think it would be a great idea if GC were to impliment this function as part of every cache page throughout the world on their website. Any cache page anywhere could, with certain limitations of grammer, be read in any language. A link for this function could be placed below the cache title in some manner. If you want to try this function, capture the webpage address, use the copy/cut/paste routine and use the following link: <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8" language="JavaScript1.2" src="http://uk.babelfish.yahoo.com/free_trans_service/babelfish2.js?from_lang=en®ion=us"></script> This function has been added to a couple of my cache pages. However, GC has seen fit not to allow SCRIPT routines to function in cache page displays. Fledermaus
FOR SALE: Garmin GPS-76. All of it's functions are working properly. I will include a genuine Garmin carrying case. I do not have the PC Interface and/or Cloning Cables. I do not have the original Operator's Manual. The manual is available at this website. For more information about this unit, visit the following websites: Garmin GPS-76 Review and Garmin Selling Data MY PRICE: $150.00 OBO --- PLUS: Insured Shipping costs by USPS or UPS, your choice. *** I will only accept a USPS Money Order. No Credit Cards! No Bank Checks! No Electronic Payments! CONTACT: fledermaus98367@yahoo.com PHONE #: (360) 373-3910 - Answering machine(wierd outgoing msg.) - Leave Name & Phone Number. Fledermaus /\/(°w°)\/\
Standard way of giving up a cache?
Fledermaus replied to chacham's topic in General geocaching topics
Click on the following link to visit the "Cache Adoption" page: Cache Adoption OR Cut & Past the following into your browser's address window: www.geocaching.com/adopt/ To use it, you must first be logged into the GC website and already know who(GC Username) will adopt your cache. /\/(°w°)\/\ -
A local cache owner has placed several logs on his own cache pages that ridicule and/or insult a finder of those caches and has attempted to bringing into question all that cacher's finds. Subsequent to this, the cache owner deleted the cache finder's claims on his caches. At what point does a cache owner or a cache finder cross the line in being civil within cache log entries? Should cache log entries of this sort be brought to the attention of TPTB? If so, then to whom would you report such issues? Or does anyone really care?! IMHO, log entries should be kept civil and should not be used as a platform upon which to ridicule or insult others. Personal issues with other cachers have no place within logbook or cache page entries! Do the Guidelines address the foregoing in any manner, i.e. foul, abusive, insulting and degrading comments within logbook & cache page entries? "Don't shoot the messenger, just because you don't approve of the message".
Is it worth keeping? Anyone want it and what's it worth? What is the memory capacity(?mgb) for waypoints?
To date, I have had no use for a PDA, since paper works fine for me. Makes for great fire-staring material (on a cold day) after the returning home from caching. In any case, of what value is there in trying to use the Palm V (with a charger/interface) (a garage sale special for $1.00) for geocaching? If it can be used, to whatever limited degree that might be, what software should I use, where can I get it and how much does it cost? BTW, I have downloaded the w95/98 factory driver for it, but have yet to install it. Yes, I do own and operate an slow antique w98 system and it works quite well on my free dial-up service. Since I seldom visit the forums, whatever help you may wish to provide should be E-Mailed to: fledermaus98367@yahoo.com /\/(°w°)\/\
Some people may think that the date of 09/09/09 is an important combination of numbers. However, there is a much more important date or number combination to be considered. What will you be doing on 12/12/12 and when will that combination be repeated? Furthermore and for that matter, where will you be on 12/23/2012 as well?
GPS systems and satellites aside, the real reason people know where they are going on their travels, is because of a more than 100 year old system of land markers made of cedar stakes and chiseled stone. You might not care too much about latitude and longitude, when it's time to travel to the grocery store. But ask an astronaut, a land surveyor or even a lost tourist with a navigation system in his car and the lines mean the world. The Willamette Meridian is the principle survey line from which the rectangular surveys of Oregon and Washington were commenced. William Ives, Deputy Surveyor, commenced the survey of the Willamette Meridian from the initial point near Portland, OR. on June 4, 1851. The Oregon Base Line was chosen so that it would not cross the Columbia River and the Willamette Meridian would lie west of Vancouver Lake. Passing this point on August 14, 1851, William Ives and his crew of 5 men surveyed the 110 miles from Portland, OR. to a point in Washington State on Puget Sound, 8 miles North of this point in 74 days and marking trees every half mile. Many of these markings may be found today. The original Red Cedar Stake was driven by the first Surveyor General of Oregon, John B. Preston, who was appointed by President Millard Fillmore. The stake was replaced by a large stone in July 25, 1855. The stone was vandalized sometime in the 1980s and replaced with the current marker, as well as an accompanying bronze plaque. This Willamette Stone State Heritage Site is located about 4 miles West of downtown Portland, OR. on Skyline Boulevard, in the West Hills, overlooking the Tualatin Valley and the Willamette River watershed. The Willamette Meridian and Oregon Base Line, running from the Pacific Ocean to the Idaho border, were established as reference lines for the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and the basis of land claims in the Oregon Territory. For the most part, land surveying, (your)property lines, and all land descriptions throughout Oregon and Washington are based on this PLSS. Can you find the Willamette Meridian line in your area?
Is that exactly what the deletion notice stated or is it what you are assuming ? I think before anyone answers this they would like to know what the deletion notice said, otherwise it is pointless trying to figure it out. My log entry on this particular cache said exactly the following: "Found with (cacher's name deleted). SL/TFTC" As for the Deletion Notice, no cache owner comments were made. He simply deleted it without formality. But since you requested the exact wording of the notice, the body, without the address header of the message, is as follows: "Your log entry for the listing {cache name deleted} (Traditional Cache) was deleted by {owners name deleted} at 3/14/2009 10:37:53 PM" Just because you pay an extra 30 bucks a years is not a valid excuse to warrant the deletion of a valid log entry, just because you are a Premium Member. If the log entry were insulting or degrading to the cache or it's owner, that would be reasonable grounds for deletion. However, that is not the case with all 3 Deletion Notices that I have now received from this one particular cache owner. BTW and in the interest of others who don't care for them, keep your personal rants, rave and insults out of your replies, for they only go to show the quality of your character.
I have several friends who have received notices from reviewers regarding "Power Trails". Apparently, if and when you discover an entirely new area suitable for multiple cache placements, if you place two or more caches, you may receive such a notice. What is the real issue here and where in the rules and/or guidelines is this "Power Trail" issue addressed? Some of my friends have received such notices, which read something like "you need to leave room for other cachers to place their own caches. If nothing happens, you can place more of them." It appears that this attitude varies from area to area or state to state. IMHO, to have such an undefined and/or non-existent guideline applied by one reviewer and not another is utterly Frogwash! I have another friend, who is a cacher, and he manages(not owns) a large timber company, of which they control several hundreds of thousands of acres of forest land throughout my county and Washington State. He will allow horseback riders and brush pickers onto their land, but by permit process only. He told me that he might allow caches on local land, but doing so without the permit process, would be unfair to those who are required to have permits. Furthermore, he would need to know who places the caches and where they are located. However, areas with active logging would be off limits! Got any suggestions? BTW, what do you do when a cache has been placed onto private or commercial lands, and you know for a fact that no permission was given? Do you keep your trap shut and hope for the best, inform the cache owner of your concerns or inform the property owner?
A geocaching friend of mine from out of town came to visit me a couple of days ago. We decided to do some nearby caches that he had selected in advance. Needless to say, we both found all of them, went to our homes, filed our logs later that night and thought nothing of it until today. Today, I get a Log Deletion notice for one of those caches. Furthermore and later in the evening, I received two more Log Deletion notices for caches found several months ago. All three of these cache have one thing in common and they are owned by the same Premium Member. When I logged them, I used the Boulter's Express Logger website. Is that some sort of a no-no or what? The real question is: Since when is it appropriate for a Premium Member to delete a valid log entry, based solely on the fact that I am a Non-Premium Member? And where in the rules or guidelines is that supported? Should I lower myself to his level of foolishness and retaliate by deleting his finds of my caches? And before you suggesting I become a Premium Member, think again. I Do Not Need Or Want It! /\/(°w°)\/\
As of 17 Feb. @ 2200 PST, the <a href=...> and </a> are still being stripped out of my hyperlinks, except for what is between the quotations and the final > is being replaced with it's code > . To some of you this might be only a minor inconvenience, but when you have as many caches as I do, this is a big headache! Until the problem is fixed, I will leave things just as they are and to the embarassment of GS's new system. However, my greatest concern is that maybe they want to remove all external hyperlink functions from within cache pages and leaving only image linking. That would not surprize me. UPDATE: 2230 PST: I just checked one of my caches, the same one I checked before, and noticed that the cache is now displaying properly. Are there ghostly code-bugs running around GS's system or what? There is another problem that I have noticed. The following lines do not display on my cache page as they do using my CSE HTML Validator v7.0 program: <fieldset style="border-color: #FFFFFF;"> <legend style="filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=white,direction=145);"> <font face="UNICORN, COMIC SANS MS, ARIAL, TIMES" size="6" color="#FF0000"><b> ABOUT THIS CACHE: </b></font> </legend> The "ABOUT..." is the correct red color, but it's placed onto only a white background(suppose to be a drop-shadow) for only the space the words occupy. Any code freeks out there want to venture a guess?
Do you leave something special for the FTF?
Fledermaus replied to DarkZen's topic in General geocaching topics
When a cache is especially difficult to solve, such as a Mystery/Puzzle cache, or if the pathway to the cache is lengthy, I usually include a FTF prize. In the past I have included such things as a portable shortwave radio and geocaching trinkets, just to name a few. On a somewhat related topic, trade items to be specific, how would you handle the following situation? --- I put out a cache not long ago and most of the trade items were taken with nothing left in return. Would you let the issue slide or would you contact each of the cachers and ask if they took or left something? Yes, I know that caching is not about trading items, but for the fun finding them. So what's the point of putting trade items in caches anyway, if they are just going to be removed and never replaced? -
When I write personal web and geocache pages, using the "CSE HTML Validator Lite v7.01" program, I always include the following "Doctype Declarations" for compatibility and error checking: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> With regards to the differences of XHTML "Transitional" vs "Strict" formats, I suggest visiting the following: http://www.uninetnews.com/xhtml/doctype.php Interestingly and why I do not understand, the <html>, <head> and <body> tags seem to be unnecessary for the creation and presentation geocache pages. The above "validator" program doesn't seem to care if the type of font is written "arial" or "ARIAL", so I use the latter to make it more visible for editing purposes. As for the use of "span" and other related tags, I have yet to learn much about CSS stuff and haven't found it useful to me yet. Also, I am not a great fan of the "Tidy(bowl)" program. For at the cost of saving storage space, (IMHO) it makes a mess of well organized pages, when it becomes necessary to editing them at a later date. /\/(°w°)\/\ When all else fails, RTFM!
GC supports: <font face="ARIAL" size="5" color="#FF0000"><b>SAMPLE</b></font><br> But apparently not this: <font style="font: 18pt ARIAL" color="#FF0000"><b>SAMPLE</b></font><br /> How come? I wonder if GC supports this: <font face="ARIAL" size="4" color="#FFFFFF" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FF0000"><b>SAMPLE</b></font><br /> Does GC support any of the STYLE or XHTML commands within it's cache pages? What other X/HTML commands are not supported? /\/(°w°)\/\