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Everything posted by propstruk

  1. Rey, The past two years I have made a trip to Spain on business in the spring time. I am hoping to make the trip again this year. If you decide to this and can get your bug across the country to Georgia, I may can be of some assistance.
  2. The magnetic stickers on the power box gave me an idea. I should put a magnetic sticker with a log book on the tailgate of my truck. If you see me parked somewhere you can sign the log book. If you see me driving somewhere mark the coordinates, time, and loction. Sort of a mobile locationless cache or would this be considered a travelling cache that is not allowed?
  3. The magnetic stickers on the power box gave me an idea. I should put a magnetic sticker with a log book on the tailgate of my truck. I you see me parked somewhere you can sign the log book. If you see me driving somewhere mark the coordinates, time, and loction. Sort of a mobile locationless cache.
  4. Reading this thread has prompted me to come up with a different screen name. I have only recently joined the Groundspeak forums as jnbrack which is my initials and last name. Boring huh! I have decided to change my screen name to propstruk because of the run in I had with an airplane propeller at a local museum a few months ago. I still have a 4 inch scar on my forehead from the prop striking it. Get this the emergency room doctor asked me if the airplane was running?!
  5. Bought a new GPS for my birthday because the compass in my truck went out. (I have a good sense of direction but will use any excuse to buy a new toy.) The next week, I took it to Arizona with me. On the flight home I was playing with my new Legend on the plane when a stewardess asked me if I had ever done any geocaching. I told her I had only vaguely heard of it. That was the end of our conversation. That night is when I found this website and the rest is history.
  6. Bought a legend for my b-day two weeks ago. Very easy to learn use and master. I love it.
  7. I am not Torry, but yes these instructions work with the legend also.
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