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Everything posted by rottifant

  1. Found it. One file had a "ü" in the file-name. Now it works (WiG server worked: I tried to download other wigs and it worked.) So: the best is that it works now.
  2. I built cartridge with URWIGO. Now I uploaded it on Wherigo.com but when I want to download it I get the error: Error During Upload System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Exception of type 'System.ApplicationException' was thrown. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at Wherigo.GSPCartridgeService.CartridgeService.GetCompiledCartridgeWithMetaData(GWZMetaData gwzMetaData, String CartridgeFileName, String CartridgeId, Int64 PlayerId, String PlayerName, DeviceType deviceType, String CompletionCode) at cartridge_download.btnDownload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) What can I do? When I compiled via Wherigo.com, it worked fine (I tested the cartridge in "reallife")...
  3. I'm building a Cartridge with Urwigo. I have many German Umlaute like ÄäÖöÜü... ...in URWIGO I can "build a package" (gwz) for upload at Wherigo.com with UTF-8. Wenn I use "Compile" at Wherigo.com and download it then, it works. Does anyone knows if it also works if I upload it "normal"?
  4. Jaja. Passt schon. Habs jetzt über die eigene Uploadfunktion eingebunden.
  5. Ich wollte gerade mein Listing mit einem Bild, welches auf meinem Webserver liegt, versehen. Das geht leider nicht, da immer wieder dieser Fehler kommt: Bilder von Dritten sind im Listing nicht zulässig. Gibt es da eine Möglichkeit, dass das Bild vom meinem Server dort eingefügt (ohne das Bild-Hochladetool von GC)?
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