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Navigation / driving instructions problems
Lasagna replied to Team Hruby's topic in GPS technology and devices
The Legend C "supports" turn by turn navigation ... however it doesn't come with the maps necessary to actually "do" turn by turn navigation. It sounds like you only have the base map loaded. You need to get City Navigator maps and load them. As roybassist said ... if you do have City Navigator loaded, did you remember to check the "send autorouting information" in Mapsource when you initially loaded the maps? -
Assuming you got CN NT ... you'll find that all of the US and Canada will fit on a 2GB card with space left over. I loaded all of the contenental US and the topo maps for my home state and those nearby (where I usually find myself hiking) filling the remaining card space with topo. This works well for me as I usually don't find myself doing adhoc hikes too far from home and I still have all turn by turn information for the US so that if I go on a trip, I have needed directions. If I travel where I plan to have time to hike, I'll load up a seperate card with regional turn by turn maps and topo and swap cards (or actually, I use a card reader on my PC instead of loading directly to the GPSr, so I can simply copy the pre-compiled mapset to the card as the need dictates). I then use the GPSr map settings to turn on/off topo and turn-by-turn display in the field. I find loading to my card installed in a reader is much faster than using the GPSr interface.
My thoughts ... Read the GPX exports from GC or GSAK and display nice navigatable pages. Include links to the actual GC page (or at least follow links in page -- which GSAK inserts GC page link) Tie location to the built-in GPS so you can "go to" and give you a compass like feature to navigate with Have ability to do "find nearest" from current coordinates (including / excluding found caches) with advanced sort features (could be tied to GC search page or use their interface -- the same one obviously the Trimble app is using). Direct link to "log" from phone (Trimble method is OK, but why not go direct to log page on GC?)
I'd say that depends on if you intend to get any extra maps (Topo or Turn by Turn) for the unit. You really need a microcard capability if you want anything other than the built-in basemap. Otherwise, if you're just going to use it for pointing the way to a cache in the field, I'd go with the "H".
POIs vs. waypoints? csv vs. gpx? HELP!
Lasagna replied to reynog's topic in GPS technology and devices
To add: Waypoints are editable and can be deleted on the fly. POI's can only be changed by attaching to the computer and running an update. This includes the ability to change the symbol for a waypoint while in the field (for example, I change the symbol of any cache attempted to a smiley or DNF so I know when I get home what I went looking for). Waypoints can be visible regardless of the zoom. POI's will only show up when your zoomed to 500' or closer. ----- I tend to use Waypoints for local caches I have yet to find. POI's for caches that I've found already and those in the outer radius of my local area that exceed the waypoint limit. (Actually, it has all the local waypoints as well -- and this is where I store the "hint" text as was mentioned previously). -
And so I assume there are 31 very unique locations to which you need to bring me that warrant such a proliferation of caches? Oh ... since it's a park, I assume you have the permission of the land manager to place all the caches there, correct? If not, I think the reviewer is trying to hint that you should: a) find somewhere else to bring cachers to (I can't imagine you have only one park nearby) leave some space in this park for others to hide c) don't abuse a good thing by crossing the line from the obscure "geocache" to nothing more than "litter" d) consider that quality not quantity is better I've been to parks much larger that have on a handful of caches and I've been to smaller parks that due to their unique natural makeup have a large number of caches. At the end of the day, respect the reviewer's judgement and find somewhere else to make your hides.
I agree, a Venture HC or Summit HC would be good units to start out with.
I agree ... the semi-colon should be needed before it get's recognized as HTML ... clearly yet another Javascript weirdness related to IE. For the record, I am running IE7, but have also reproduced this on IE6 as well. Every other browser (Safari, Opera, Firefox) that I've tried correctly process es the string and doesn't do the substitution. Look forward to a fix.
Hmmm ... interesting to see that Garmin still hasn't addressed this issue. It's a problem with the glue deteriorating (particularly noticable if you frequently leave the unit in the sun -- such as on a dashboard). I had this same problem with my Vista Cx when I used it heavily (I now use that as my backup preferring my 60Csx). Can't speak for if they still do this, but I called Garmin about this each time it happened and they RMA'd the unit and gave me a new one with the rubber firmly glued in place. No charge. Just shipping costs (and the lack of a unit for a week or two while they replaced it).
I've had a problem with printing out PDF files under IE for quite a while now. Some time ago it switched from using the nice single-up page layout to a weird two-up page layout with a "fold here" line down the middle. What was weird was that this happened only on IE and not on Firefox and there appeared to be no way to tell GC which layout to use. Additionally, there seem to be numerous threads complaining that the two-up format suffers from issues -- namely cutting off or corrupting the paging layout so as to render it useless for many situations where a page writeup is lengthy. I think I finally figured out what's going on ... there's a javascript call to a function called "pl" under the print to PDF links. On Firefox, Opera, and Safari, this causes a URL reference to be built based on page guid which looks something like this (this one specifically for my cache GC166AM): Invoking this directly from Firefox -or- cutting/pasting it into an IE window yields the nice familiar single-up page layout. If you run this function from an IE browser however, the following link is produced: Note the subtle, but very important change of the string "ampersand lt" with the character "less than" (in other words, the interpretation of the HTML symbol code for "less than" right before the word "letter" in the URL string. I believe this is a BUG. Probably in IE not honoring a quoting context in Javascript. Are any of the site developers out there listening? Can you fix this -- perhaps changing the "pl" argument string to use something other than the variable name "lt" as the parameter? I would love to have to correct functionality for printing under IE back again.
Get yourself to an event ... a great opportunity to meet up with other cachers, most of which would be more than glad to show you the ropes and maybe even arrange a caching run. Looks like you just missed one in your area ... GC1D34D
I make my nicer caches premium only caches ... it's keeps riff raff such as this away from finding them. Sure, it might reduce the number of people who seek it, but it's not about the find count, it's about bringing like minded people to an interesting location.
This might sound silly ... but if you're using IE, have you tried viewing the PDF via Firefox or another browser? Page looks screwed up for me under IE, looks fine when I open it via Firefox. I've had this weird problem with IE -- it opens PDF's in a two-up landscape format -- wish I knew how to get rid of that. The same problem doesn't present itself under Firefox.
Hmmm ... let's see ... GPSr takes me into the woods and points me to a tree with a big hole in the side. I'm thinking 1.5 might be overrated! In all seriousness, difficulty is a representation of how hard it will be to find the cache (type of camo, amount of time it might take you to find the hiding spot, etc.) not necessarily the squeamishness of the seeker. Common sense should always prevail, but heavy leather gloves, a flash light, mirror, and a long sleeve shirt or jacket are all required caching gear in my book. All of which could be easily applied here and allowed a safe research into the location before diving in for the grab.
What is the difference? Garmin 60Csx and Garmin 60Cx ?
Lasagna replied to Monkey Junky's topic in GPS technology and devices
C = "Color Display" S = "Electronic Compass" x = "SD Memory Slot" -
Like the previous poster said, try switching to "By name" instead of "Nearest" and see if you see anything. From screen where the caches would display, select Menu, and change to "Find by Name". Are you using the Find Geocache Icon or the Find Waypoint icon? If you're using the "Geocache" icon, try using the "Find" then "Waypoints" instead -- perhaps your using symbols from GSAK (so your waypoints show up as little icons representing the type of cache) and in that method the "Geocache" mode doesn't work.
If you want an idea out how to rate a cache, you can use the link in the where you publish your listing ... http://www.clayjar.com/gcrs/
I know of no way to have PQ locate all caches owned by a specific user. Obviously, you easily build such an extract in GSAK from a larger query set, and I imagine you could manually build a bookmark list of that person's caches and then PQ the bookmark list ... but obviously in the latter case it wouldn't update automatically when a new cache was created by the individual. If the pocket query was run within the last 24 hours, it will remain in your list until 24 hours has elapsed and then be removed (this keeps people from cheating the 5 query limit by running and deleting queries right away). I don't know the answer to last question, but I imagine it might have something to do with the fact that they were specifically queries for data to be downloaded and taken offline -- most often to be loaded into a pocket PC or similar device (i.e. take a query of data and put it in my pocket to go). Sounds like as good a reason as any for the name.
Agree that the "big picture" view is next to impossible to get with the small screen, but where I find the topo maps most useful are when I'm reasonably near a particular cache -- which side of that stream is it on? the cache is only 0.2 mile away, but wait 600ft vertically!, etc. Turn by turn -- hands down, if you don't have a supplementary GPSr in the car are well worth the investment.
Two pretty easy ways ... 1. If you have caches that you've placed and they're loaded into GSAK, add the "Owner ID#" field to the view. The number in that field for any caches you own is your ID. 2. Since your obviously already a forums user click on the link which is your username in the top left of the screen (after the phrase "Logged in as"). The number shown at the end of the URL is your number.
Every GPSr model has it's own set of unique quirks and advantages ... it all depends on how you plan to use it and what you expect from it. Having nothing prior to this, you may well find the Triton to be fine for your needs. It will, at a minimum do what you need it to do in order to cache -- and that is point the way to a programmed set of coordinate. It's all those other features as you get into caching that you may or may not be happy with about the Triton including satellte reception/coverage, storage capacity, extra navigation features, etc. Personally, I wouldn't have bought a Triton -- but I am an admitted Garmin-biased individual. So, in short, if you like the price you paid and find it capable of getting you to the caches you choose to seek -- then you did fine.
You have to keep in mind that the goal is usually to derive a set of coordinates -- spelled out, numeric series, or perhaps just the last three digits of the lat and long. So ... you start by trying to figure out how you might get them from the code you have in front of you. Is there a pattern which might be an indication of a number, a way to convert a letter or symbol into a digit if taken in the right context. Some ciphers are easy, some take a good deal of thought (or luck) to solve. In almost all cases however, there's usually a subtle hint somewhere as to the approach you might want to take (in the title, the writeup itself, or in the hint). Some hints might be gentle nudges while others might be a shove. That part's up to the creator of the puzzle and how difficult they want to solution to be.
Archival of a cache does not remove it from your "Found" count. To have your find count go down, someone would have had to remove your "found" log. I don't know of any way on the GC site to find out when this occurs. If you have your caches in GSAK, you could compare an old database copy to a new "All Found" pocket query and find the descrepancy.
If by home coordinates, you mean the ones used by the GC website ... Click "My Account" on the GC home page. Top right in the blue box titled "Search Options" -- the last line of this box says "Update home coordinates". -jk
The simple answer is: You always need permission If you own the land, then you can grant yourself permission If the land is privately owned by someone else (even if it houses a public establishment), then you need their permission. If it's public land, then you need the permission of the government agency responsible for that land -- for example, in PA, there is a permitting process for placing caches in State Parks. You contact the ranger at that park to get started. If it's a national park (or land maintained by the National Park Service), then it's off-limits entirely except for any "virtual" stages of a multi-cache. In the middle two instances, failure to obtain permission (which happens frequently unfortunately) can cause the property owner to report geocaching activity as "suspicious" to the local authorities, can result in the container being found and discarded as trash, can cause a public "panic" if it's a container which someone thinks might resemble a suspcious package or device (there are numerous stories of cache placements which have cause police and fire to respond and "blow up" what they thought might be a bomb ... and in all cases, the owner (or local authorities) could end up holding you personally liable for the expenses associated with damage done by your cache or the services of the first responders. Not to say that happens frequently, but it does happen. If you have permission, everyone knows what's going on and there's no reason for anyone to be concerned with the activity -- and the property owner is able to quickly difuse any misconceptions.