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Everything posted by Beebeejaybee

  1. Since I do't have a car I motorcycle, most of the time, but some of the "parking" is too sketchy to leave the beastie at so the bycycle is definatley up for a dust off and service, just got a handlebar mount which hopefully will be fitted sometime in the next few hours ready for a day of fun hopefully in the sun
  2. Sometimes keyboards play up or people are in a hurry and don't double check thier writing, some people post from phones where reviewing or changing what was typed is more trouble than it's worth Simple spelling mistakes and additional or missing letters or letters out of place don't make a person illiterate or less smart than anyone else Btw some of the most intelegent people I know are truely illiterate as in can't read or write but it hasn't stopped them
  3. This weekend I was in a cabin 200m from a cache but stuck with my eyerolling DP and his 90 something Nan who we were helping see some places she didn't want to miss before she passes........ And well being the only person with a licence and it being nans trip it would have been too rude to go and search........ Hopefully oneday we can return he can do his thing and I can go caching
  4. I don't see any of those names to be suggestive wood is wood or a bunch of trees together, sucked dry is simply that and pretty appropriate for the location it seems and well Hung may have some suggestion about it, also a past tense of to hang blow doesn't always have something to do with sex blow me down is an expression of surprise or amazement and there she blows as a pp said was used in whaling and now is used with similar meaning for seeing a thing or location the only way I'd see someone being offended is if thier mind is in the gutter and they see every possible double meaning as the sexual one
  5. I get the impression that most of them do, sorry can't remember the sites but pretty much everywhere I've looked from searching geocaching t shirt on yahoo mentioned international postage
  6. Have to ask ........ Why but then all I'm seeing a little different is coloured various sized text and the ftf thing I don't pick caches to find based on how pretty the page is, more on how much info is provided about the area and the cache Personaly I find coloured text hard to concerntrate on enough to absorb the information provided most of my local cache pages have quite a bit of information in them with pictures historical photos etc included which wouldn't look as good with the extra colours included
  7. I haven't noticed new maps either but I have noticed that some areas on the map have limited zoom compared to others ........ Usually areas involving lost of bush where zooming in further just shows a closer view of trees and grass where urban areas seem to have closer zoom right down to single buildings ...... It could also be that it just seems that it is closer because there are better details
  8. For me it depends on why I dnf if I can see where the cache might be or is but the place is full of muggles I leave a field note saying so but if I have the chance to look everywhere I'll log DNF
  9. Wait..... I don't have a your pocket querys thing anywhere think I may have found it thanks Larry apparently I had to accept the agreement for the software
  10. Hi everyone I'm looking for help with pocket queries I run the query and get the green text saying it is successful and x number of caches match but it doesn't show on my iPhone and I don't get any emails etc regarding it is there some setting I have wrong? Tia B
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