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Holy Grail

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Everything posted by Holy Grail

  1. "My Finds PQs are no longer sent as email attachments, but will be available as a file download" I think, that is not acceptable. I automated my whole Email/Gsak stuff and now I´ve to go to the Groundspeak site, activate the "My Finds" (ok, this I had to do before, but this would also be a future feature, to have a check box, where you can say, please send my finds as attachment every 7 days automatically), than I have to wait for a email to arrive, saying that the "My Finds" are available, than go to the site again and download the stuff . My outlook is saving the attachments stuff automatically in a folder and Gsak is importing it. This so called "new feature" is a huge step back and I think many people are not pleased with this. "after all, the PQ generator had already been under an extremely heavy load, and "now you want us to deliver more!?" If you experience extremely heavy load because of PQ´s, than buy new hardware or program it better, "load balancing" can not be so difficult to handle the not so complicated PQ stuff or? Greetings Holy Grail
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