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Posts posted by jacob501
Well, yesterday my mom and I were in the city so we went to walk around and find some caches. We found the first one easily but DNFed the next 3 that we looked for...(we only looked for 4). So on the way home I tried using the Geocaching app that I had downloaded on my mom's phone to log the caches. So I logged the first one as found. Then I tried to log the next three as "did not find" but I forgot both times to click the "log type" button and my DNFs came out as Found it logs. So the app doesn't let you delete or edit logs so I just decided to wait until I got home to edit those two and post a DNF log for the fourth one...When I got home I did that and DELETED the found it logs...Today I was checking my profile and it said that I have 2 favorite points remaining AND that I needed 10 more logs until my next favorite point (it thought that I had 50 finds already). Heres the catch! I started with only 47 finds and 1 favorite point before my mom and I went caching. I found one making it 48. Then I posted two ACCIDENTAL found it logs....making 50! I deleted the logs later but the Favorites bar still said that I had 50 finds and 2 favorite points...
So really all you would have to do is log a bunch of blank found its (or log all of your DNFs as found its first with the words DNF in it) and then you just delete the logs and post DNF logs or no log at all. I'm not saying that I would do this but I think they need to fix this...or maybe, I just thought of this, its because of the app on the PHONE that when I deleted them on the COMPUTER the favorite points stayed the same because the geocaching profile thing was confused.
All I know is that you could get a lot of favorite points...the only thing is that the CO's might start to wonder why they keep getting blank "Found It!" logs from you that never seem to be there the next time they check their cache page!!!
What do you think?
I thought we were all supposed to dress like that while caching. I mean that's how i practice stealth. lol
It does seem a bit strange having smeone else declare what your milestones numbers are.
I'd rather have 42 and 1337 as milestones rather than some arbitrary round numbers like 100 or 1000.
Yeah, silly decimal system, whoever came up with that anyway?
Can I haz milestones at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 plz? kthxbai.
I want mine at 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34...
me too...fibonacci numbers are awesome! i actually for some reason think in my head as a goal what my next number of caches I want to look for...like now i have 47 so I would plan to get 8 more on a bike ride or something to get 55! it might sound weird but i do it a lot...
Jacob, little buddy, I just looked at your cache page... all this time you've been posting here, I never realized you were right down the road from me! (Actually, it's about 30 miles, but still...)
See if you can get your parents to take you to this event on May 1:
It's not far from you, and it's for a good cause (cleaning up the environment). It will give you and your parents a chance to meet a lot of the local geocachers, many of whom have kids your age.
I'd say there's a good chance you will meet another family with kids that geocache, and you'll be able to go caching with them sometimes.
Jacob, little buddy?? A bit patronizing.
He doesn't seem to have minded.
I called him my buddy because I feel like I've gotten to know him through our interactions on this forum. I helped him with his homework, even.
As for "little," maybe you should take a look at his profile pic. Or just don't be so quick to look for offense where none was intended.
My profile picture was of like three years ago and my other picture on there is from 5-6 years ago...but im not offended!
Jacob, little buddy, I just looked at your cache page... all this time you've been posting here, I never realized you were right down the road from me! (Actually, it's about 30 miles, but still...)
See if you can get your parents to take you to this event on May 1:
It's not far from you, and it's for a good cause (cleaning up the environment). It will give you and your parents a chance to meet a lot of the local geocachers, many of whom have kids your age.
I'd say there's a good chance you will meet another family with kids that geocache, and you'll be able to go caching with them sometimes.
I know about the event and was actually planning on going! I also thought it would be a good way to meet people. And I also wanted to go because I've been to Harris Lake and it would be cool to pick up trash and then also cache, instead of just sitting around with people at a bar or restaurant awkwardly. But then, my parents just HAD to plan something for that weekend. I got kind of frustrated because I had really wanted to go...And theres no chance of me going because we're going kind of far away to see our relatives (which I could see the next week instead if I wanted too...its not that I don't like them but there isn't really a very special event going on that can't have the date changed...) Oh well, I will watch out for other events, especially CITO ones. But thats cool that you live near me...even if its 30 miles...
Hey I need a Geo-buddy too...too bad I don't live near you!
Much better! A small, but fun fishing picture might spruce it up even more.
Hey can I use that picture?...cause im going too!
Baseball tickets are cool! I left a old, but working cell phone and charger. The FTF didn't take it though, but the 4th to find did.
Hee hee...I just finished a Lifehacker QR code scavenger hunt and I saw your avatar! Why did you encode "Brass Cap Junky"?
I know you have to hide an interesting cache in the first place to make it more likely that someone will find it but I still think its kind of lame that only 7 or 8 people have found mine in two months. I have seen other caches that have 20 finds in one or two months. Maybe its just because mine is not in a very popular area but still...I want more people to find it...
"Mom, Dad, I don't spend enough time with you guys. I really like it when we talk.. Can we go for a walk? yap, yap, yap... Hey look over there! What's in that bush?" ............ "Gee wiz dad, when I spend time with you like this, I don't feel the need to turn to drugs. I love you."
As I read in another thread... Your parents should be thrilled that you want to spend time with them.
The Boy Scouts now have a Geocaching Merit Badge. Maybe you could find a Boy Scout troop nearby and ask if any of them are interested.
I'm IN boy scouts!!!
Do your parents use the internet?
Do they have an email address?
If so, email them a link to this topic.
ummm...that would be weird...
Wait a second...I was wondering today why everybody was doing this +1 thing but is it because google started doing their silly +1 feature or have you guys always done that?
Huh? What +1 think is Google doing?
This really lame think that is supposed to be like the facebook "like" feature.
Haha...thats funny...we both spelled 'thing' wrong as think!
Wait a second...I was wondering today why everybody was doing this +1 thing but is it because google started doing their silly +1 feature or have you guys always done that?
Huh? What +1 think is Google doing?
This really lame think that is supposed to be like the facebook "like" feature.
I really hope this isn't true!!!
Oh well, you never get to go geocaching anyway. Won't be as big a loss for you as the rest of us.
Oh shut up!
come on it wasn't THAT dumb...
Wait a second...I was wondering today why everybody was doing this +1 thing but is it because google started doing their silly +1 feature or have you guys always done that?
Nope. Its April Fool's Day. No teacher in their right mind would work today.I really hope this isn't true!!!
No school today?
HAHAHA! good one!
Well I have emailed about 3 people about their caches or having trouble finding other's caches and they have responded back and replied quickly but its not like they're just going to randomly ask me to go caching with them!
I really hope this isn't true!!!
yeah but whats the point if my parents won't let me go caching with some random person?
Wow...only the third April fool's joke ive seen on the internet all morning!
just randomly make friends with them?
Gps-Etrex H and Cable...
in GPS technology and devices
Posted · Edited by jacob501
When I first went geocaching with my mom, we used a car gps. Then my parents bought me a nice handheld gps for my birthday off of Amazon. Its called a Garmin Etrex H and since my parents didn't know much about geocaching gps's and I told them to stay cheap so they got this 80-90 dollar one. It didn't come with the pc interface cable which costs 20-30 dollars. I want the cable because I am starting to get serious with geocaching and I want to find a lot more without having to enter the coordinates manually. Do you think I should buy the cable or a new, nicer gps that I can keep for a long time?...Because I haven't heard of anybody else that has my gps and it seems like it is missing a few features compared to other gps's.
Also, can someone explain if GSAK is actually free and what the "nag screen" actually is...I don't understand. How much does it cost?