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Posts posted by jacob501

  1. what is the difference between the standard 4 colour logo ( as used all over the site) and the other logo I seem to see( kinda a "G" with a cross in the center)?

    The one with the "G" is free. It was designed to be in the Public Domain.

    oh...you posted right when i did so i didn't see it!!

  2. I already refreshed the page and tried opening it in a new browser, but thanks anyway.


    I also just went up to our laptop and tried the site and it worked fine.


    I feel kind of dumb saying this but does the computer's graphics have anything to do with this website? I was trying to play a few computer games this morning but they wouldn't work, even though they installed perfectly. Then my dad told me that this computer doesn't really have a graphics card or something. I know that has nothing to do with website graphics but I think this desktop computer is just kind of messed up overall so...I have no clue whats wrong with it and why it won't go to one website.


    OH I KNOW!!

    Maybe its because I have IE9???


  3. So how does this all work out, scheduling wise? What with the end of the world and all. I mean if the world is gonna end what is the point of having the Olympics anyways?


    "YAY! I won the gold! Why is there an extra sun in the sky and why is it getting bigger?"

    Some people just like to go out with a bang if you know what I mean! :blink:

  4. I have used the new maps on this computer before but now they aren't working! I am using Windows 7 too...I don't know why they suddenly stopped working. This is what my screen looks like:


    dang it i can't figure out how to insert a printscreen image...oh well.


    Anyway...it just shows a white screen on the map and everything else shows up on the side. All of the buttons on the side are there but when I try to click on them they don't do anything because the map won't show up! Has anybody else had this problem?

  5. Simple question to answer: are you the creator/owner of that site or not?

    you call that a simple question! :blink:


    Is it that difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' when asked if you created that site?


    Is it that difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' when asked if you own that site?


    Is it your site - yes or no?




    yes, no, maybe so!



    I suggest you spend more time doing your homework and less time doing web page development. It will payoff better in the long run.



    if you noticed, there is only one post on that website! besides, i got my report card last friday and i got straight A's so......


    Did they drop teaching grammar in your school? Or do they just not grade students on it, anymore? It is one of the requirements for a good web page.


    Why be ashamed of admitting that the web page is yours? There are plenty of folks here that are willing to offer assistance, if requested by the site owner.



    well...i didn't know my grammar sucked that bad! how is it bad?

  6. Simple question to answer: are you the creator/owner of that site or not?

    you call that a simple question! :blink:


    Is it that difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' when asked if you created that site?


    Is it that difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' when asked if you own that site?


    Is it your site - yes or no?




    yes, no, maybe so!



    I suggest you spend more time doing your homework and less time doing web page development. It will payoff better in the long run.



    if you noticed, there is only one post on that website! besides, i got my report card last friday and i got straight A's so......

  7. Simple question to answer: are you the creator/owner of that site or not?

    you call that a simple question! :blink:


    Is it that difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' when asked if you created that site?


    Is it that difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' when asked if you own that site?


    Is it your site - yes or no?



    yes, no, maybe so!

  8. Oh you found your own site? Awesome, good job :lol:



    that site:


    "Posted by Jacob at 9:08 AM "


    GC forums:


    "jacob501 Posted Today, 09:45 AM"


    unless you care to replace the "hmm" with a reason why you think this site is interesting, looks like it is your own

    i just thought it was a weird website...thats all...

  9. When I first went geocaching with my mom, we used a car gps. Then my parents bought me a nice handheld gps for my birthday off of Amazon. Its called a Garmin Etrex H and since my parents didn't know much about geocaching gps's and I told them to stay cheap so they got this 80-90 dollar one. It didn't come with the pc interface cable which costs 20-30 dollars. I want the cable because I am starting to get serious with geocaching and I want to find a lot more without having to enter the coordinates manually. Do you think I should buy the cable or a new, nicer gps that I can keep for a long time?...Because I haven't heard of anybody else that has my gps and it seems like it is missing a few features compared to other gps's.


    Also, can someone explain if GSAK is actually free and what the "nag screen" actually is...I don't understand. How much does it cost?

    I'm afraid I can't help with your gps question. But here's a quote from gsak website:

    GSAK is FREE to download and use, but after 21 days of unrestricted use you get a nag screen. You can keep using GSAK after the 21 days, but if you want to remove the nag screen you will need to register the program

    So basically, gsak is free, but then after 21 days, my guess is there will be a popup which says to register or something like that. Hope this helps.:)

    Thanks but thats kind of silly isn't it...I mean who would create software that you could have for free and think that someone would pay for it just to get rid of a popup window! :huh:

  10. When I first went geocaching with my mom, we used a car gps. Then my parents bought me a nice handheld gps for my birthday off of Amazon. Its called a Garmin Etrex H and since my parents didn't know much about geocaching gps's and I told them to stay cheap so they got this 80-90 dollar one. It didn't come with the pc interface cable which costs 20-30 dollars. I want the cable because I am starting to get serious with geocaching and I want to find a lot more without having to enter the coordinates manually. Do you think I should buy the cable or a new, nicer gps that I can keep for a long time?...Because I haven't heard of anybody else that has my gps and it seems like it is missing a few features compared to other gps's.


    Also, can someone explain if GSAK is actually free and what the "nag screen" actually is...I don't understand. How much does it cost?

    nobody huh? :) just moving my topic up to the top so everybody can see it... ;)

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