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Posts posted by jacob501

  1. Go with your parents when the go places and sneak one or two in then. Also ask them to take you to a local event, meet and greet or whatever you can find locally. That way you and them can meet some local cachers.


    Are there any local Geocaching clubs by you?


    Good luck :)

    There aren't very many active cachers in my area...and there are hardly ever any events in my small town...if there is an event its at a bar and on a Sunday!


    But yes that usually is when I convince my parents to go geocaching...when we're already out at the store or something...sometimes I get the feeling that they are annoyed by it!


    But I still want to know how I can talk to my friends about it without coming off as a weirdo or a geek....because the other thing I was thinking about is that most people who know about geocaching have heard about it from Girl Scouts! And if that isn't weird to say you really like doing something that they think only Girl Scouts do then I don't know what is!

  2. If this is for your kids that would be awesome! Especially if they were little though... :) You would also be able to hide them in more sneaky places becuase they would be able to use the gps to get to the right spot! Good idea!!!


    But you could also make real geocaches made of waterproof easter eggs! ;)

  3. If I was in that situation, and I was riding w/ them, I'd wait until we were close to parking and it would be on a short list, if not the closest, and select it then. If I was not riding w/ them, I'd get the coords and enter a waypoint. If you download cache info to your GPSr (description, logs, hint etc) you can select the saved cache once you park.

    I don't think (or know) that my gps could save hints and logs on it...I thought it was just a gps that could store coordinates. Its a Garmin Etrex H I think.

  4. First what GPS do you have. Most now show the caching name not GC number and they have a search function based on spelling.


    So a little more info will get a more specific response.


    I have the Garmin Etrex H. Not sure that it has that many great features...haven't tried them all yet either...

  5. Caching companion: "Let's go to the bridge cache."


    You: "Kewl. What's the GC number?"


    Now you can find it on your GPS.


    You're welcome :)


    Oh so you save the waypoint name as the GC number? I've never done that! And I don't really have any geocaching friends yet...just wondering for I if I ever do...

  6. I understand how to make a pocket query and how to make it run, but....I was reading the forums and "knowschad" said something like "load up a large pocket query of the area" that you are going to cache in before you go out with a big group. But what if you go out with that group and you have about 100 caches loaded onto your gps and they say "lets go to the "bridge cache" or something and you look for it on your gps but you don't know which waypoint it is!!!

  7. Glad you are enjoying geocaching Jacob! And I wish my teenagers shared your enthusiasm for it!


    Lots of great suggestions have already been made. I think the most useful thing for you would be to meet up with other cachers. It might be worthwhile checking the profiles of cachers who cache regularly in your area, some of them might be other teenagers or families with teenagers.


    Also, how about getting a travelbug of your own and setting it off with a mission? Or maybe the whole family could get one each, and set them off in a race? Following the progress of a travelbug might inspire your parents to get out there and find some caches with other bugs in.


    How would I get my parents to let me go with other cachers? And how am I supposed to know if the cachers are teenagers?


    But yeah...that is a cool idea about the travel bugs!

  8. Glad you are enjoying geocaching Jacob! And I wish my teenagers shared your enthusiasm for it!


    Lots of great suggestions have already been made. I think the most useful thing for you would be to meet up with other cachers. It might be worthwhile checking the profiles of cachers who cache regularly in your area, some of them might be other teenagers or families with teenagers.


    Also, how about getting a travelbug of your own and setting it off with a mission? Or maybe the whole family could get one each, and set them off in a race? Following the progress of a travelbug might inspire your parents to get out there and find some caches with other bugs in.


    How would I get my parents to let me go with other cachers? And how am I supposed to know if the cachers are teenagers?


    But yeah...that is a cool idea about the travel bugs!

  9. If all else fails and your parents are just totally not interested you could always geocache using a bicycle or even a city bus. In most areas there should be any number of caches within bicycling distance. I only wish geocaching had been around when my kids were teens (and even younger). It would have been a great activity to do with them.


    Edit: Just in case you may feel that a bicycle is too "young" or whatever............ I'll be 58 on Wednesday. My new bike is being delivered on Friday. :)


    I bought it online from bikesdirect.com with free shipping to 49 states and around a 60% discount from local retail.


    I love riding my bike and I would ride it all over town but my mom doesn't think its safe. Theres this kid on my bus who is about my age and he says his parents let him walk all over town. He says he just likes to walk to parks and fast food places. My parents would never let me do that...sadly.

  10. Hi Jacob,


    A reality in life is that you really don't have control over other people. You can't make them like something whether it be geocaching or something else.And that's OK. We all have our likes and dislikes. At 17, your sister has got a lot going on right now and geocaching with her little brother isn't going to be high on the list.


    Reading your post, I'm guessing your real question is "How can I get out and geocache more?" This is where you need to get creative. See if you can find schoolmates that might be interested. They may have a parent that would drive you around sometime.


    Looking at your finds, I take it you live near Raleigh, NC. They have a bus system that you can use to get around the city to grab caches. I know of a number of adults who use buses to go caching.


    Another good option is to get involved with the North Carolina Geocachers Organization. You can probably find parents & teenagers that might like having another body around. Also, go to events where you can meet other geocachers. You might be able to find some people who would enjoy taking you with them on geocaching runs. In the events I've been to, the geocachers have been very, very friendly and I've gone caching with people I've met through the events.


    Another thing, I grab a lot of my caches while I'm out running errands. If your parents have to go to the store or have an appointment someplace, look on the web for a nearby cache. Then tag along and grab a cache while they are doing their thing. As long as you're ready to go when they are, I'll bet they won't mind.


    Throw all the above ideas together and you should be busy geocaching in no time. You can't control the likes and dislikes of those around you but you have the ability to be creative in getting your geocaching kicks in. Good luck!!


    Thanks for the great input!!

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