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Everything posted by Sabartimesine

  1. I almost exclusively use satellite view to plan my caching trips and also print that map for reference. I find it annoying but not surprising that people in the USA are getting a better service even though we probably pay at least as much for the membership. All in all I believe that we ALL have been given a very poor alternative to Google maps. I would pay more for my yearly membership but I do agree that if google maps are becoming financially impractical, the free membership should be looked at. After all, only a small number of people are at the moment supporting this business financially and a large amount of people benefit from it. I imagine there would be those who'd just stop caching altogether but I am also convinced that a large number of people would pay. I became a PM after only 3 weeks because it seemed only fair to pay for a good service and support the site. Only letting PM members have access to Google maps seems a sensible alternative. Please listen to your supporters.
  2. 15 million the forests costs us a year. There is, what, 60 million people in this country? Once the forests are sold off they will never come back into public ownership. Rules and restrictions on the other hand no doubt will change and be amended.
  3. I agree. Public right of way will undoubtedly deteriorate despite promises that nothing will change. The public, i.e. us, own these forests. All to plug a hole created by a few and that we are already having to pay back anyway. Maybe spending some money to maximise profits attainable from woodlands would be a lot wiser. After all, private investors would not bother if there was no money to be made. Very sad news if this was to go ahead.
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