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Everything posted by tortic

  1. eigene Route für Homezone als Quadrant - Pocket Query - Geocaching-Bug!!! Tja, habe nun seit Monaten rumexperimentiert. Mir eigene Quadranten erstellt und diese über Routen abgedeckt (Parallelabstand der Trackabschnitte etwa 125m). Dann von diesen Routen bzw. Tracks Pocketqueries erstellt (mit einer Abdeckbreite von 1,2km!!!, was bedeutet, dass sich die Trackabschnitte weit überlappen). Dann hab ich nur die Filter options: I haven't found and I don't own aktiviert (also alle noch nicht gefundenen fremden Caches, alles andere gelassen). An sich funktioniert dies recht gut, ABER! Es werden nicht alle Caches erfasst. Wenn man bedenkt, dass man bei Routen bis zu 1000 Caches in eine Query bekommt, ist es faktisch unmöglich, die fälschlicherweise nicht erfassten zu erhalten. Habe dies über verschiedene Quadranten versucht. Ein System, warum einige Caches von der Query übersehen werden, ist absolut nicht nachvollziehbar. Inzwischen bezweifle ich stark an, ob die Funktionen bei geocaching überhaupt korrekt funktionieren. Ich will nicht sagen, die Queries sind unausgereift, schade nur, wenn nicht alles so funktoniert, wie es sollte. Hab die Route mal veröffentlicht: Public Routes: Alzenau --> suchen --> derzeit auf 9! --> Home +00+00 (Mal davon abgesehen, eine Public Route zu finden ist ebenfalls gewöhnungsbedürftig, eine Weitergabe an dritte unklar, scheint System dahinter zu stecken?) Äh'm, das mit den Bildern funktioniert also auch nur online, schade, werd's wohl später noch mal klar fotodokumentieren, ich glaub dann wirds anschaulicher. Also für's erste mal STOP. Bis zum nächsten Versuch Gruß tortic
  2. But the computational math behind circles is easier for a computer to define then a square. GSAK polygons might be the solution for you. Then you load a bunch of PQs, build your filters (or draw a shape) apply and load. I think, it's not correct. When geocaching-site use the caches as waypoints for google maps, then I can say, that is easylier to use rectangels. Because it is not necessary to calculate the distance. This distance calculation is a very difficult calculation, more difficult then check the coords for min and max. A comparision is for PC not so hard as a calculation (with *, SQR, SIN ARCSIN and so on). But I also can understand, the geocaching site will collect all caches in the query started with the min distance and finished with max distance. Thats why they are everytime calculate the distance between the cache and the center-point. For visualization, the distance can everybody understand - and this is the reason, that is good. But for the practice, it's not so important, because the distance between a point and a cache is not enough, when you don't stay on this point (what is the normaly). I think, first time is enough. Thank you for your cooperation. I am not against the circular queries. I prefered only a little good advancement. Bye tortic
  3. Yes, I checked this also, thanks. I upload a gpx-track as a route (for example a line from Point A to and can then say how many meters or km around this track i want to looking for caches. There is another plus: you can collect up to 1000 caches in the pocket query (not only 500)! But it is difficult to change the parameters of this track (gpx) on the geocaching-site so, that the track is optimized to the quantity of caches (the quantity will changed every time). Around the start and the finish points of this line, the query also make a circle, but it is okay (not perfect). Directly on the geocaching-site is this not posible, because the route function will press the route on streets or ways. But with gpx and tracks it works. Principally I can also form more complicated tracks to get all user defined areas. It's a little bit complicated, but it's posible. The Difficulty is in the exchange between km or m and grad and minutes. The geocaching site prefer only e few parameters for brithness of the routes in m (it's okay for better understanding of the distances), but normaly all koord-systems works with grad and minutes. Ecverybody can check this. It's not realy comfortable. I started this posting to interest the geocaching site for this easyly Add on on their site. I think, it is not so difficult to built it in. It's only a interesting Add on to the existing Zone-Parameters for the query. Everybody can also use the circular query construction. I also work with google maps. Google maps works with boundaries. GPX also works with boundaries. With boundaries I can collect all waypoints, wich I can include in my Google Map. This boundaries can be changed (movement, zoom and so on) and so I can change also the collection of waypoints. All this functions exists, but only the geocaching site don't use it or better don't give this posibility to the cachers or members. What a pity! Best regards by tortic Dear ceocaching com! Thank you for your work. I don't want to critic your site. I want to prefer a nice advancement. Bye.
  4. Thank you for this tip, but I think it's not so a professional solution, because, there are overlapping areas and also not included areas. I used a overlay-raster (for exampel 1 raster = 1 minute -> this is not a quadrat, but a trapeze - i can also say a regular rectangal). 7*3 of this rectangels are my first Home-zone (is nearly a list format for paper).Around of this first main Home-zone i have 8 second Home-zones (every of this second have also 7*3 of this rectangels - it means all together 9 quadants = 1*main + 8*second). And so on. The third ring will be have 5*5-9=16 quadrants. If the density of chashes very high or low, then I also can change the raster of some areas and so I get more or fewer caches per quadrant. The adventage is, I can easyly create diferent not overlapping quadrants as a function of cache desity. Why wouldn't that be a professional solution? It may not be super tidy but once you set up the queries you just run them, you don't have to recreate them. Sorry, but I don't have something against this circular queries. I also use this this time. It's okay. But: all Maps rectangular all GPS-displays ractangular all papers rectangular all computer screens ractangular all geographical rasters rectancular Google maps works with boundaries (rectangular) and so on.... And now we all together crushing a circular quary back in this ractangulars. Why? Because the zone with the same distance around a point (diameter or radius) is a circle? I think, the mostly cashers don't go to find cashes which have minimal distance from a homepoint (or other point). Nobody goes first to west and then to east and maybe then back to west, because the east cache is a little bit nearly to the Homepoint then the second westpoint. I orginize my routes by other way (I think, mostly do this so), connect cashes which are nearly beside another. The distance frome home is not so important. But I also sayed, I can live with this circular queries. This is better then nothing. This is the Squaring of the circle. I think, sometimes we go more difficult way's then it's necessary. I'm also a alpinist and I know, what I say. Best regards tortic
  5. Thank you for this tip, but I think it's not so a professional solution, because, there are overlapping areas and also not included areas. I used a overlay-raster (for exampel 1 raster = 1 minute -> this is not a quadrat, but a trapeze - i can also say a regular rectangal). 7*3 of this rectangels are my first Home-zone (is nearly a list format for paper).Around of this first main Home-zone i have 8 second Home-zones (every of this second have also 7*3 of this rectangels - it means all together 9 quadants = 1*main + 8*second). And so on. The third ring will be have 5*5-9=16 quadrants. If the density of chashes very high or low, then I also can change the raster of some areas and so I get more or fewer caches per quadrant. The adventage is, I can easyly create diferent not overlapping quadrants as a function of cache desity. For the first and second Home-Zone (Quadrant-rings) - 1 Home query is enough. For the third and fourth ring I used the next 6 circular querys around the first. So I have this time 7 querys with overlapping areas. I think, it's to much. On geocaching.com i can actualize all this 7 home-zone querys only on two days (5 per day posible). Maybe, it's now more clearly, why circular querys not so comfortably as rectangular. Best regards tortic sory for my broken english ;-)
  6. Let's start with Task 2 first, the special My Finds pocket query is available to download to your computer. Using several different GPX viewers you can sort this any way you want. The current favorite is GSAK and can be found at gsak.net. If you create a pocket query of all your finds using the selection on the pocket query page you will not get archived caches on that list. Task 1 has been requested for many years. Quadrant selection is something that probably wont be made available. But to help out with your problem of overlapping caches do this. Create a radius that covers the entire area you want to cover. Then use the placed during as a selection (at the bottom of the pocket query page) to limit the number of caches returned to 500. Then using the end date of the first query as the start date of the next query create another query. This will allow you to return all the caches in the area with very little overlap. You can then use the previously mentioned GSAK to create your quadrant Thank you for the fast answer. Sometimes I had used external programs, but it'is not so comfortably (especialy when some formats into the files were changed). So I had programed some HTML-sites (with javascript), to read out the queries and do with this query-infromations, what i want (for example include the waypoints, tracks or routes in google maps, create big maps, lists and so on). I also tested to create querys with higher radius and special diferent creterias (not overlaping cretarias, the date is a realy good idea, better then dificulty or terain), but I think, it's also not so an comfortably way. Good. Thanx tortic
  7. Task 1: For my Home-zone I have some pocket Queries, but this Queries work as a circle and so there are many overlapping cashes. How I can create pocket queries for perpenticular quadrants? If it is not possible by geocaching.com, I think, it's will be a very good Add On for the Create-Pocket-Query-Page in register "From Origin". My task: I want to found all caches between the two Points P1 and P2: P1 (N;W) = northwest P2 (S;E) = southeast It means all caches between North of point 1 and South of point 2 and between West of point 1 and East of Point 2. This system will be work as the boundary from Google maps. For mor information, please contact me. Task 2: Why the pocket query of "My founds" not sorted by date or other criterias (such as in the found-list of geocaching.com)? I can't understand, by which criteria this query is sorted or unsorted. Is there some posibility, to sort this query by date (from newest to latest)? Best regards by tortic
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