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Posts posted by jeremyp
Originally posted by Team Blitz:Even more useful is to buy some high-powered NiMH rechargable batteries and a charger. Most GPSes need 2 x AA's, so buy at least 4, if not 6 or 8, batteries!
i used to use rechargeables before I got my power cable, but I found they were more hassle than they were worth. I invariably found that I had forgotten to recharge them before going caching and would have to buy some normal alkalines anyway. With the in-car power cable, I don't have to change the batteries all that often.
The other plus point in favour of buying a power cable (to go with either normal or rechargeable batteries) is that you can have the GPS backlight on all the time, which is good for driving in low light conditions.
A lot of GPS receivers need four batteries, which is a plus point for etrexes which need only two.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by The Merman:quote:
Originally posted by jeremyp:What is a commercial cache? A commercial use of the web site cache reporting tool is an direct or indirect (either intentional or non-intentional) attempt to solicit customers through a geocaching.com listing. Examples include for-profit locations that require an entrance fee, or locations that sell products or services.
You could interpret that to mean a cache planted by someone for their own commercial gain.
I think the word "non-intentional" covers the situation that currently applies at Epcot. I think the rule is pretty clear and leaves very little room for "interpretation". I concede that nobody is going to pay $50 just to do a geocache in Epcot, but it might sway them to spend $50 to get into Epcot rather than, say, Univeral Studios.
I say go ahead and place caches in pay parks.
I have two choices open to me. Go or don't go! It is really that simple.
Yes, but as I have discussed above, that would currently contravene the rules. Whether the rule is right in all circumstances is another matter.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Stu & Sarah:you'll enjoy it!
we got our GPS from http://www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk
We didn't think we'd need the car power adapter/pc cable so didn't buy it at first. then got it about a fortnight later!
have fun.
Oh yeah, forgot about that, if you get a cigarette lighter power adaptor, you'll save a shed load on batteries.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
I don't have a cheap GPS to sell you, but you can by a new one that'll do the job for only about 100 quid (perhaps a little more).
Features you'll need are:
Desirable features (but not essential) are:
ability to define routes i.e. string several waypoints together in a sequence - useful for navigating to the cache site from a distancemagnetic compass built in - a basic GPS can only tell you which way to go when it it moving. However, built in compasses are expensiveability to download waypoints from the web site i.e. some sort of data cable to connect the GPS to your computer. The required software can be obtained free from geocaching.comOther nice to have features would be
mapping ability - also expensive, you'll need specialist software from the GPS manufacturerMost geocachers seem to use something from the Garmin range such as an etrex or one of it's more expensive siblings. Don't know why that is. I think they are possibly a little expensive compared to the competition and have rubbish antennas (giving poor reception under cover such as trees). Having said that, I've only ever had an etrex summit and vista, so I don't really know much about the opposition.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by SimonG:quote:
Originally posted by TreeBeard (Pid):If you hear a bang and its dark come and help me find various parts of my body....
Would that constitute a multicache?
A multi-cacher, or more accurately a multi-part cacher.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Kouros:Oh, and I'm sure you'll soon realise there's no such thing as a dumb question...
Here goes...
Is it OK for me to put a live grenade in a cache?
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Slytherin:So you think that anyone who wasn't going to visit EPCOT anyway, would be tempted to pay $50 just to go looking for a cache?
Having recently done three caches in there, one virtual (a gimme), one virtual (a great one that took us to a part of the park that we would otherwise never have visited) and a VERY challenging micro, my view is that they just added to the experience.
I did say that I would be prepared to bend the rules in some situations. Anyway, the guidelines are very clear on the subject:
What is a commercial cache? A commercial use of the web site cache reporting tool is an direct or indirect (either intentional or non-intentional) attempt to solicit customers through a geocaching.com listing. Examples include for-profit locations that require an entrance fee, or locations that sell products or services.
I submit that Epcot is a "for profit location that requires an entrance fee". These caches would not be acceptable if placed now. However, the guidelines also say that caches placed before the rule came in are OK.
The implication of the above is that a not for profit location with an entrance fee is OK e.g. National Trust sites (assuming the NT lets you place the cache).
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Chris n Maria:I recon this is going to be a well sort after bug. So lets take it to the cachers meet and then start moving it around the UK. That way it will move quickly and add a target for the new cachers who have come in from the program.
If it goes abroad straight away it will take ages to move.
Bear rescues a speciality!
London & UK Geocaching Resources: http://www.sheps.clara.net
I totally agree. The red hippo will have no significance for cachers abroad so I think it should tour this country first.
As the meet is an event cache, presumably the TB can be logged as having been there.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by stul:The UK geocache information contains an optional reference using the British Grid System. If we are using these co-ords instead of the hddd mm.mm do we need to change the map datum seting to "Ord srvy GB" instead of "WGS 84"?
Although I always download the coordinates using easygps, which makes the whole question irrelevant.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Can I just make a plea that we experienced cachers do not pile in and swap out all of the BBC goodies in the cache. It would be terribly disappointing for a newbie to arrive there and find there is nothing left.
I'm also just a little bit uncomfortable with the way Rincewind and Luggage went straight for the travel bug without giving newbies a chance although I accept that a newbie might not know what to do with it and only one person is going to get the chance of moving it on anyway.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
So, whose up for a group massace on the new cache, theres a travel bug in there
Too late, Rincewind and Luggage are probably there now retrieving the travel bug.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
In general, I agree with the Northumbrian. There may be situations where I'd allow the rules to be bent if I was the approver. Certainly, Epcott should be out as far as I am concerned. There aren't many places more commercial than Disney.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
I'm not an expert, but I think asbestos isn't dangerous unless it is in the dust form. While it's still solid there is no risk. The problems arise when you're trying to remove it or do building modifications (e.g. drilling a hole through an asbestos sheet creates a lot of dust and is therefore dangerous).
I don't think there will be a problem for the cache or it's contents.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Rincewind & Luggage:Well, we're off to do a 'Dan & Pid' - anyone joining us?
We promise we won't take the T & J Bear!
Rincewind & Luggage
I was going to, but I've decided it's far to sad even for a geocacher
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
I was watching the wrong side. I was busy making my new Bluetooth adaptor work and forgot to turn over. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by el10t:Ho ho excellent!
The article was really great, then the preview for Inside out was even better. "Satellite of Love" by Lou Reed as the backing music - well cool.
There was a thread about caching theme tunes a while ago in the forum. Satellite of Love was my suggestion.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
They seemed to be able to get a signal in the studio. I want that GPSr
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by TreeBeard (Pid):Jeremy, I was actually joking
I was trying to be light hearted too (hence the
). If it is a great location (who am I to judge, not havig been there) then I agree that it deserves a cache in a legal and safe place.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Inside out site Who are Tim and June Tate though?
Dot Life site (quite old).
Southampton site with a competition to win an eTrex
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by TreeBeard (Pid):That cache rocks! Its the best ever! please dont archive it! pleeeeeeease. Even if it is against the rules its still fantastic.
Having to risk one's life in a dilapidated and falling down building is not my idea of a cache that rocks - except in a more literal sense.
If it's a) very dangerous and
off limits to the public, it has to be archived. Would it be such a good cache if it was outside the grounds in a safer / more legal location?
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Pharisee:quote:
Originally posted by jeremyp:I also don't take travel bugs .......
Would you mind if I asked why? I'm not really being nosey, I'm just curious.
As discussed in another thread in this forum, there is a certain responsibility involved in taking travel bugs. I can't guarantee when and where I'll next be geocaching so it would be unfair to take a travel bug on the off chance that I might be visiting a cache some time in the future that helps it to its goal. e.g. between mid November and Jan this year I did no caching. This was not by design, I simply found myself doing other stuff.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
If the police see a container in a suspicious location, they are going to blow it up first and ask questions about it after. I don't think they'll bother to get close enough to look inside any plastic container.
Also, the average geocache, if it blows up, is going to kill a few cows and the odd unlucky hiker. Terrorists don't plant bombs in the open countryside, so I don't think we have too much to worry about.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Originally posted by Searching_ut:Personally, I tend to forget, or not get around to posting finds on the web page more often than not. I always write in the log book though, and even take a pencil and piece of paper just in case.
The log book shows who was really there. Who cares what ends up on the web??????
If a person has placed a cache and gone to the trouble of posting on the web page, surely you owe them the courtesy of a web log to let them know somebody has visited their cache?
The second ten million caches were the worst too.
Cheap GPS for first timer
in United Kingdom and Ireland
If you purchase a mapping GPS (e.g. the eTrex Vista) from say eBay or anywhere else abroad and others, make sure it has a European base map.
For the uninitiated, the base map is the (usually) low detail map that the GPS uses when you haven't downloaded the proper map (from Mapsource or other GPS software) for the area you are in.
The second ten million caches were the worst too.