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Everything posted by SandyCreekPirates

  1. yeah but they shouldn't differ significantly. when someone else is getting coords "way off" while you're certain that they are not, chances are the reason for this is a different datum, such as WGS84 vs NAD27. Well put! I don't recall anyone actually putting a number on their "way off" diagnosis, so it might not actually be that far off. Like I said before, as long as my GPSr takes me directly go GZ, the coordinates will stand. From this page http://www.bivouac.com/PgxPg.asp?PgxId=210: So if your using NAD27 to get your coords, you would leave the coords as is even though everyone else is using WGS84? Would you at least post in your clues that you are using NAD27 coords? That's a non-issue. I'm using WGS84. Plus, I'm in the US. Do you post in your clues that you use WGS84? *Edited to say that the link doesn't work on my end.*
  2. yeah but they shouldn't differ significantly. when someone else is getting coords "way off" while you're certain that they are not, chances are the reason for this is a different datum, such as WGS84 vs NAD27. Well put! I don't recall anyone actually putting a number on their "way off" diagnosis, so it might not actually be that far off. Like I said before, as long as my GPSr takes me directly go GZ, the coordinates will stand.
  3. I currently have 22 published cache pages. On four of these, I have been told a few times that the coordinates are way off. However, when I go to check, my GPSr hits zero within 3 feet of the cache. I ran into a fellow cacher once while out for cache maintenance on one of these caches. Now, he has a similar GPSr to the one I have (same brand, different model) and after he made the find, we compared numbers. Both of our GPSr units were showing zero at the same spot... within arm's reach of the cache. Do I have a top of the line GPSr? Nope. Is it possible that other GPSr units read differently than mine? Sure, it is. Will I be changing the coordinates of these caches? Not as long as my GPSr takes me directly to ground zero.
  4. Around here, with a concealed weapons permit you can inform the individual that you have a gun on you and that you would like the situation to cease, but that you are willing to reveal the weapon if the problem does not stop. Then you have the right to remove your weapon and remind the individual that you will fire if they do not back off. After that, it's any man's game. Fair enough in my opinion. I'm not trigger happy, nor do I ever wish to shoot anyone, but I DO like to have the upper hand if a bad situation arises. Call me crazy... And, for those who say (not necessarily in this forum) that you don't need to carry a gun if you stay out of questionable places... what is questionable? A bad situation can arise anywhere. In recent years we had a string of churches around here fall victim to robbery, theft and vandalism. Now, who among us would consider a place that is generally seen as a safe haven to be a questionable area? I'm not a church-goer, but I would never even think about conducting any wrong-doing in a place that, at least, teaches a pretty solid set of morals. Food for thought! this would help in a great deal of FTF confrontations.... "please step out of GZ, i have a concealed weapon and am willing to use it to defend my rights to a FTF"
  5. don't be so sure. my PDA opens the cache descriptions in a web browser and shows all HTML content. it doesn't show japanese because it doesn't have the appropriate font, but it would if it had. it displays many other unicode characters just fine. That's a device that has GPS capability. My phone would add the characters also, or an image for that matter. I was specifically referring to handheld GPS (only) devices. Not positive, but I don't think that's a requirement. Sounds like a puzzle cache, so it would make sense to work on the puzzle before attempting the cache anyway. My guess is that, unless fluent in Japanese, most people would have to do a little research on translating Japanese to their respective language. In this case, they should have access to a device that would display the characters.
  6. Around here, with a concealed weapons permit you can inform the individual that you have a gun on you and that you would like the situation to cease, but that you are willing to reveal the weapon if the problem does not stop. Then you have the right to remove your weapon and remind the individual that you will fire if they do not back off. After that, it's any man's game. Fair enough in my opinion. I'm not trigger happy, nor do I ever wish to shoot anyone, but I DO like to have the upper hand if a bad situation arises. Call me crazy... And, for those who say (not necessarily in this forum) that you don't need to carry a gun if you stay out of questionable places... what is questionable? A bad situation can arise anywhere. In recent years we had a string of churches around here fall victim to robbery, theft and vandalism. Now, who among us would consider a place that is generally seen as a safe haven to be a questionable area? I'm not a church-goer, but I would never even think about conducting any wrong-doing in a place that, at least, teaches a pretty solid set of morals. Food for thought!
  7. NOT good advice. Horrible advice since the adults could get separated again, get two guns. Yup!
  8. Sounds like a great idea to me! I would think that most people pick and choose the caches that they search for, as it has been made painfully clear in these forums that those that despise micros (not me) don't go after them. In my (amateur) opinion, if someone reads the cache page and does or doesn't want to move forward, that's their decision to make. I also feel this way about locationless caches, but that's a topic for another thread...
  9. We were in Tennessee weekend before last. Did some caching while there. From what we saw, there are a LOT of caches in cemeteries where we were. We did a little night caching and skipped over all of the cemetery caches simply because of the implications that can be made when someone is in a cemetery at night. Glad we skipped them! Being from SC, I can assure you that the reviewer here will NOT allow caches anywhere near a cemetery. Even stages of a multi that are simply to gather information are not allowed. This is what I was told by the reviewer. It all has something to do with a bit of legislation that would make it illegal to operate a GPSr on any historical grounds. These grounds included, among other things, cemeteries and, theoretically, could have been adapted by the state to include whatever they wanted. Members of local geocaching associations sat with legislators and made an agreement to keep geocaching out of the area the lawmakers specified and the lawmakers would let the bill die. Again, this is what I understand from the SC reviewer. Hence, there is no ACTUAL legislation, but geocaching folks in SC like to keep the status quo and stay on the state house's good side. Once more, I am in now way an authority... this is just what I have understood from past conversations and emails.
  10. Yeah... so... umm... this is strange! I just stopped by yesterday to check out a possible cache location and it seems like a pretty cool spot for a cache. Still in the planning stages as of today. This evening I see a thread on these forums entitled "So where's your cache centroid?" and I have to check it out. Went through the steps to find my centroid... it's about 550 feet from the cache location I just scoped out yesterday. Gotta put one there now! Now, to come up with a theme that goes along with the spookiness of this whole scenario...
  11. Yeah... so... umm... this is strange! I just stopped by yesterday to check out a possible cache location and it seems like a pretty cool spot for a cache. Still in the planning stages as of today. This evening I see a thread on these forums entitled "So where's your cache centroid?" and I have to check it out. Went through the steps to find my centroid... it's about 550 feet from the cache location I just scoped out yesterday. Gotta put one there now! Now, to come up with a theme that goes along with the spookiness of this whole scenario... Edit: Oh, and my centroid... on the grounds of a monastery.
  12. So, does that mean that if I go out with a caching buddy and we find 1 cache, only the person who actually finds the cache gets credit? If so, that doesn't seem right since we both contributed to the cause of finding the cache. If not, then your statement is based on the number of caches found, and that isn't right because it shouldn't matter if it's one cache or 1000... the rule should apply the same either way. These guys are soaring on their achievement... don't bring them down. I say CONGRATULATIONS!
  13. What's the GC#? GC20A37 I get 15% commission for that, right? You got it!
  14. What's the GC#?
  15. I have one of those as an existing cache container... very nice containers!
  16. I've come across something very similar... they can be tricky hides. However, the one I found was about 12 feet up the tree. Just my input.
  17. No angst here. You have made your point in a courteous manner, as all correspondence should be. Oh, and I believe that I like hiding caches. Therefore, I'm gonna keep doing what I do. Thanks!
  18. I would think so, but that particular cacher and I have a mutual friend and I know that the two of them actually do love nanos.
  19. We're dealing with the same thing, but it isn't our first time. It's just part of the game. There are people out there that can't resist messing up something that belongs to somebody else. I don't understand it, but I have to accept it. I have temporarily disabled the cache and I'll be finding a (hopefully) more hidden spot and replacing my cache soon... hope you'll do the same. Del SandyCreekPirates
  20. That's what I thought. This cache is a nano container, not a leaky altoids tin or film canister. I have never used anything like that for my caches. Only waterproof containers here. I did have one match holder that leaked a bit, but I suspect the lid just had not been tightened by a cacher, as when I did maintenance I could tell that the log had been damp in spots, but the seal was intact and the log was dry. The nano in question is an EASY traditional with no twist whatsoever. I have placed four of this style of cache to offset the 17 difficult puzzle caches that I have placed in the same 10 or so square miles. Some people enjoy the hard ones and some enjoy the easy ones. Therefore, in trying to keep everyone in mind, I am on a streak of placing easy caches for those who don't like the puzzles. But, I digress... Thought I was overreacting, but wanted to get some feedback. Like I said, I am generally optimistic and would like to keep it that way. Thanks, Del SandyCreekPirates
  21. This is a recent "found it" post by a cacher that found one of my caches. "quick find love this containers NOT TFTC SL" Now, I am usually an optimistic person and the other logs on this cache have been anything but negative, but the big "NOT" at the end is typically indicative of negative sarcasm on the part of the user. However, the cacher DID finish his/her post with a thank you. Am I just being touchy, or was this cacher rude? Del SandyCreekPirates
  22. As a matter of fact, the marker was found near an entrance to The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Guess this confirms the suspicions. In case anyone is ever nearby and interested in seeing it for yourself, the coordinates for the marker are: N 35 42.367 W 83 31.370 Thanks, Del SandyCreekPirates
  23. WOW! I'll get it all in here sooner or later! Here's the pic that should have been in the first post... http://img.geocaching.com/cache/log/displa...8ee551f8573.jpg Thanks! Del SandyCreekPirates
  24. Whoops! Forgot to say that I searched the coordinates that we recorded and the closest benchmark listed is 0.2 miles away. Thanks, Del SandyCreekPirates
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