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Everything posted by Dr.MORO

  1. Domo!!! Strangely, at the Lost and Found site & embedded Google map, http://www.geocaching.com/lostandfound/ the 10 Year! event I plan to go to GC23KGQ 10 Years! (Uxbridge, Massachusetts) http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...68-7981a6b7657f does not show up in the map. I guess there should be much much more of these planned throughout the globe. Also, the 10 years! events shown in the map DO have the special 10 icon, but the mentioned event DOESN'T and is still an event icon. What's happening here? Love to know, and have a quick fix. Yet, many thanks for the hard working Lackeys, and Hampsters! Dr.MORO
  2. Domo!!! The Hampsters are BACK!!! Yeah! Thank you hard working lackeys! Dr.MORO
  3. Domo!!! Yeah! The Hampsters are BACK! Thanks a bunch, lackeys! Dr.MORO
  4. Soon! There are more than the usual number of steps in the process for this release. Thanks a bunch, Nate! Glad the Hampsters are coming back! Dr.MORO
  5. Domo!!! Fyi, here are some sites that should help you convert your Japanese text into post-able codes. (IF you're fluent enough to type up your own Japanese text, that is HTML entity encoder http://geocaching.jog.buttobi.net/enc.html at http://geocaching.jog.buttobi.net/ I REALLY REALLY wish it would be much easier, by just typing in anything in any language, and will be posted AS IS. Good Luck! Dr.MORO
  6. Can I simply ask: HOW MUCH LONGER? until we can start using GC.com? Thanks for all the updating/upgrading! Dr.MORO
  7. I totally agree that there should have been a warning, like has been the 'Red bar' atop the web pages recently. Even if was 'under-the-hood' kind of things, just saying that there MIGHT be a downtime, would of helped. Not all cachers will get to this forum, and should be panicking all over Earth, like a Sat-lost GPSr. But then again, thanks Nate for letting us know what's happening now, all for the better. Just notice sooner would of been more better. Can't wait for the 10 Years! event to attend! Thanks, Dr.MORO
  8. Domo!!! Same here with pictures lately on Safari. Very sloooooow uploading, and also especially when viewing. Sometimes forever to view them. I post at least one picture per find, and have many uploaded. Quite frustrating. Hope this gets resolved really soon. ~ Dr.MORO PowerMac Dual G5 + Mac OS 10.5.8 + Safari (Webkit) 4.0.5 (5531.22.7, r57054) Domo!!! Hampsters seems to be in the hospital or garage or something like that. Got an error message "The Image upload system is currently down for maintainence. Please try again later." But, then again, it's not just the upload system. The whole image-related stuff is really slow lately. ~ Dr.MORO Domo!!! Hampsters Returns! Images loads fine now! Thanks for coming back! ~ Dr.MORO
  9. Domo!!! Cool Tip! Didn't know! iPad = Error Will try "iPad", and also the Google method. Thanks! ~ Dr.MORO
  10. Domo!!! Same here with pictures lately on Safari. Very sloooooow uploading, and also especially when viewing. Sometimes forever to view them. I post at least one picture per find, and have many uploaded. Quite frustrating. Hope this gets resolved really soon. ~ Dr.MORO PowerMac Dual G5 + Mac OS 10.5.8 + Safari (Webkit) 4.0.5 (5531.22.7, r57054) Domo!!! Hampsters seems to be in the hospital or garage or something like that. Got an error message "The Image upload system is currently down for maintainence. Please try again later." But, then again, it's not just the upload system. The whole image-related stuff is really slow lately. ~ Dr.MORO
  11. Domo!!! Hampsters seems to be in the hospital or garage or something like that. Got an error message "The Image upload system is currently down for maintainence. Please try again later." But, then again, it's not just the upload system. The whole image-related stuff is really slow lately. ~ Dr.MORO Mac OS X.5.8 + Safari (Latest webkit)
  12. Domo!!! Hampsters seems to be in the hospital or garage or something like that. Got an error message "The Image upload system is currently down for maintainence. Please try again later." But, then again, it's not just the upload system. The whole image-related stuff is really slow lately. ~ Dr.MORO
  13. Domo!!! Same here with pictures lately on Safari. Very sloooooow uploading, and also especially when viewing. Sometimes forever to view them. I post at least one picture per find, and have many uploaded. Quite frustrating. Hope this gets resolved really soon. ~ Dr.MORO PowerMac Dual G5 + Mac OS 10.5.8 + Safari (Webkit) 4.0.5 (5531.22.7, r57054)
  14. Yes, thanks! We're getting on that one. Uh...I seem to have moved to Idaho without my knowledge. I just posted a note to a TB page and it shows my location in the wrong state. Domo!!! Great to have issues fixed. I also have problems with the TB pages. The Drop logs and the Retrieve logs are alternated wrongly now for each cache. The drop log should come first & under, and the retrieve log should come next and above. Timeline with newest date on top seems to do okay. Also, in the TB's map page, all the log's timeline are now backwards; oldest on top, newest at the bottom, resulting in the numbering in the actual map as newest location as #1, not the number of stops in has made. Hope this get resolved soon. Thanks! ~ Dr.MORO
  15. Domo!!! Is this because GC.com STILL does NOT accept/use the Unicode/UTF-8? If they did, I guess the text length limit would be less a problem. Not? SO, for many many other reasons, I strongly push GC.com to incorporate Unicode/UTF-8!!! Thanks, Dr.MORO PS: If Unicode would have been used in GC.com, I wouldn't need to bother using image files in place of Japanese characters, to describe my lucky 'Go-En' signature item on my public profile page! Dr.MORO's Public Profile
  16. I TOTALLY AGREE!!! No Unicode, No Modernized nor Global Geocaching.com! (And, I don't think it's that difficult...) Anyways, thanks for trying to improve the GC.com. Very much appreciated, but would love to see more! - Dr.MORO
  17. Domo!!! Quite scary! First read it here, but links to the same BBC article. http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/10/solar-f...th-gps-signals/ Maybe go back to basic Compass, Goggle Earth & printouts? Need to build up my geo-sense before this happens. - Dr.MORO
  18. Forgot to mention, everything was logged fine in My Profile page immediately. Meaning something definitely not working with the GS's email notification system.
  19. Domo again! Still happening. Yesterday, after logging a find with dropping my TBs, no Watchlist:Found nor Owner:Placed notifications at all. Though, for the Onwer:Retrieved notifications, about the first half of them did not come, by the latter half came through. Very Weird!!! Anyone else? - Dr.MORO
  20. Domo!!! I haven't received 'Found it' notification email from a cache that has been on my watch-list and which I've found and logged today, also missing all Owner notification of my placing of several TBs I own. All seems logged okay my 'Your Profile' page. The 'retrieved' owner notification email from the same cache all came okay. Throughout today, other notifications from my 'Watch-list' also seems to missing, but not all of them, strangely. Interestingly, I had no such problem for the cache I found yesterday, practically doing the same thing with my TBs. Watch-list notifications looked okay until today. Something newly changed on GS's system causing the problem? - Dr.MORO
  21. Hi! Just posted here, http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...t&p=4197549 But, also thought right here would be nice place to 'voice' my thoughts. Basically and simply, I dislike the Public Profile's 'Trackables' Unique Icon Column with the new 'alternative strips' scheme. SO UGLY!!! A huge insult to the icons and their designers!!! PLEASE bring back the WHITE Background!!! At least just for the icon column! - Dr.MORO PS: Not to mention that Public Profile's 'Trackables' tab opens up a 'Collectables' page, misleading that trackables are also collectables... It's all about consistency...
  22. Hi Nate! One thing, maybe someone has already mentioned, but more voices is way better than one. In the "My Public Profile" under "Trackables" tab, you see a list of "Collectibles" (Inconsistency?! This should be Trackables throughout! AND it's misleading that these 'travelers' are 'collectibles' as well.) Back to my main story, it's nice to have the "Row" alternatively striped with color. BUT!!! PLEASE DO NOT do this in the unique Icon column!!! Please NEVER!!! It totally ruins the appearance of the icons without the White background! Really UGLY!!! WHY?! And, it's a great insult to EVERY beautiful unique icons AND their designers! This is JUST unacceptable, and MUST BE FIXED!!! I will keep my voice up, until this issues is solved, and all the Icons have their White background back! PLEASE!!! - Dr.MORO Safari 4.0.4 in Mac OS X 10.5.8 on PPC G4
  23. Thanks Nate! I understand the massive difficulty of 'Modernizing' the whole web site, all for the better. It would cause quite a big chaos among so many different PC & Mac, and all other platforms, with even more diverse browsers and versions. Thanks & Wish you guys great luck in making our GC experience better! We all look forward to seeing a better future of GC!
  24. Hi again! When you go to a Trackable Item page, and click the Tracking History (???km ) View Map, and jump to the 'where-have-gone' maps page (Geocaching > Trackable Items > Trackable Item Map), the waypoints visited show up with Numberings, which is great. BUT, I would love to see this Numberings ALSO beside all the 'Corresponding' logs shown in the same page below. Double-clicking the Numberings in the maps just zoom in the map a bit. I also wish to jump to the 'Corresponding' log, by a 'Single'-click. Thanks! - Dr.MORO MacOS X 10.5 Tiger PPC G4 + Safari 4.0.4
  25. Hi again! When you go to Geocaching > Your Profile > Your Trackable Item Details page, http://www.geocaching.com/my/travelbugs.aspx Why are not the Trackables' Icons not showing in the lower Right column? Is this somethings newly 'removed', or just a new 'bug'? It think it should be unified throughout the whole GC web sites/pages, that the lower-Right column showing one's Trackable Item Inventory WITH individual icons showing. ESPECIALLY, in the aforementioned "Your Trackable Item Details" page. Thanks! - Dr.MORO MacOS X 10.5 Tiger PPC G4 + Safari 4.0.4
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