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Everything posted by Dr.MORO
Domo!!! Totally the same here. Works when something in the 'Inventory', dead when nothing inside. Hope it will be fixed soon. Mac OS X 10.5.8 on PPC with Safari 5 Dr.MORO
HUGE! And, very nice design! Love to buy one, but then again, would like to meet one on the road. Very tempting... Dr.MORO
Now that would be sweet. It would allow me to keep my mileage-marker TB makred as NOT-COLLECTIBLE (which it is, only *I* should ever hold it) and make dipping much easier. One more point: Any item in my collection (and owned by me, which I believe should be a requirement for it being in my collection!) should be protected from a GRAB (even if someone else knows the code). One more way to protect mileage marker travellers from people who maliciously (if only electronically) GRAB items. All in all I think this whole collectible stuff is badly thought out. a) yes I want my inventory list kept short I want my mileage-marker in *my* collection to protect it from grabs (see above) c) yet I want to be able to easily dip it So I think we need 3 places: - Inventory (other folks' TBs I am currently holding) - a dipping collection that allows ME to easily DIP the items (one or all) , ie drop and retrieve in one go for mileage marking purposes. Having to move them to the inventory and back is urgh - a collection of MY OWN TBS I own but which I don't expect to drop or dip ever, again protected from GRAB Excellent Post! I agree to all! Great way to "correct" this feature to make it work best for all cachers! Just wish all above to be implemented in the next coming improvement of GC.com. Go Hampsters! ~ Dr.MORO
Yes, count me in for these! Both of them! Thanks Semper Questio! Now, looking at the still 'Evolving' Trackables Collections Knowledge Book, I even more strongly feel that 'Unknown' should go completely, just leaving 'Non-collectible' as default, and an option to change to 'Collectible' (or Collecable). AND, I totally agree with those who fear the term "Collectible (or Collectable or whatever)". VERY misleading! It strongly dampens the entire concept of TBs. Yet, I cannot think peacefully now, for another appropriate word to replace it. Thanks again for the overall improvement! Looking forward for more! All for the better! ~ Dr.MORO
Yes, and for all of you folks who used up a perfectly good GC#, now you can turn it into a REAL cache! Good idea. Maybe I'll go place a new cache this weekend while my father-law is in town for our (Rick & Kelly) college graduation Hi again BRoKeN W! I guess I should have expected to see you here! Yes, this new feature should help you, along with many other BIG collectors. Just wanted to thank you again for my very first geocoin to own! What a beauty! Everyone on the road who sees it, are amazed, and of course, discover it! She's not going to put in my 'collection' anytime soon though, together will 10 or so other TBs I carry all the time, I log every single cache I find with her. Hope to see you on the road! ~ Dr.MORO
If we merge them, a lot of collectors won't find the thread over there, and the people who take care of programming this stuff won't see it here. This is why I suggest you post your YAY! HOW COOL!s here and your "I need it to do this!" over there in the website forum. Thanks Eartha! Great point! My request 'retracted'! Basically, I like the improvement a lot. It was a bit buggy, and we just need to 'voice', and have the 'upper' people pull it up. Thanks again! ~ Dr.MORO
Thanks a bunch for listening to us! Look forward to the fix! ~ Dr.MORO
Hi Eartha, Thanks for moderating these forum! BTW, can we have all two (three?) of the related forums 'merged'? And, also seed a alias-link is both TB & Geocoin forums, as well as the Geocaching.com Web Site forum, to jump to the final merged forum? Trackables Collections Trackables Collections Man, as expected, this one is on fire! All for the better! ~ Dr.MORO
Hi Moun10Bike, I understand the 'forcing' part. But, the freedom must be on the TB owner's side, not the carrier/holder, I think. The basic idea of this great new feature, I presume, is to ease(=shorten) the 'Inventory' list of 'self-owned' TB, and put them onto your 'collection' list. I still think this feature should be limited to self-owned TBs ONLY, not for those owned by others. That is, unless the TB owner 'opt-in" to have it 'collected'. I feel the 'Inventory' list serves as a 'necessary reminder' for the TB holder, not owner, to show they have certain TBs that are not theirs, to be 'moved along' whenever they can. Once taken 'off' the Inventory, and put onto the 'Collection' list, the possibility for the TB to be moved would become drastically minimized. Great for self-owned TBs, but not so good for other other-owned. But, in all, 'collecting' others' TBs seem very misleading to the 'general' caching game rules. Just my thought. Thanks, ~ Dr.MORO
Wow! The knowledge book text & chart has already changed! BUT, still the 'Unknown' status is still there, and is 'Collectible' (These items can be collected by another player) by default! Really? WHY?! ALL TBs before today, were 'known' to be "Non-Collectible". You just could not 'collect' them, and everyone knows that as a fact. Then today, why suddenly & automatically change their status to "Collectible", if 'unknown'? Why not make the change simple AND easy for all TB AND owners out there, so they don't have to change every single TB Status BACK to 'Non-Collectible' one at a time? As saying over and over, BY DEFAULT, ALL TBs, even though 'Unknown', SHOULD BE "NON-Collectable"!!!!! New feature is a great idea, but still cannot understand the sudden status change. Please explain, in detail, so that most all can understand why the 'default' status of all exciting TBs has been changed, and there has been a huge workload added to the user side, in order to 'revert' the status to what is was in the first place. AND, which is it, Collectible or Collectable?! Thanks, ~ Dr.MORO
Hi again OpinioNate! Can you 'merge' mine as well? 3.3. Trackable Collections: Pros & Cons Thanks! ~ Dr.MORO
I understand your argument - I just don't agree with it. However, I might be convinced if you would please just follow this instruction and stop talking about it here. I am pretty worried that OpinioNate does not agree with it. Too bad, he just doesn't get it. AND, he doesn't want us to talk about it here. Okay, as you wish, just started a new 'FIRE' here. 3.3. Trackable Collections: Pros & Cons Yes Raine, TB & Geocoin ARE different, but don't they 'act' the same in GC.com, except for the icon? Now, since GC.com is back up, I will start diving a bit. Thanks anyways for all this to happen! Lovely Hampsters! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo!!! As request by OpinioNate, I'm opening a new 'Can of Worms' here! As of today 6/2/2010, GC.com has gone through some changes. Release Notes 6/2/10 Among many of them, there is this. Please read all carefully, and let's debate! Okay, here some from me to add to this fire. "By Default", all TBs should be 'Status'-typed as 'NON-collectable', never 'Unknown'. All for the better! ~ Dr.MORO
If you don't want your Trackable collected just set the status to "non-collectible". Doing so will remove it from a person's collection and place it in their inventory. Many times the owner of a series of geocoins mean for them to be collected. Thanks for the quick response, Nate! I understand the need for TB collectors. But, that should be ONLY for the TBs you own yourself. Never for TBs owned by others. I just wanted to point out that "By Default", all TBs should be 'Status'-typed as 'NON-collectable', never 'Unknown'. Really?! First time to hear such thing! You mean, there are many TB owners out there that release their TBs into the wild, just to have them be "collected", not moved, by other cachers? How generous! This is not about a new non-activated TB, distributed to other collectors who will activate & 'own' the TB, right? All about 'activated' TBs, correct? Well, I'm just a tadpole, so I guess the GC & TB game world is way bigger than I can image!
BTW OpinioNate, HOW LONG is the expected downtime? Any goals to WHEN it will be back online? It would be very helpful for all cacher to know this information. Thanks again! ~ Dr.MORO
Now, just read the Trackables Collection knowledge book. I don't know about this having/letting 'other' cachers 'collect' TBs. I understand very well the need to make yourself a 'collection' list, and move in/out your own TBs from this list. I log every TB I have in my possession at the time I 'Found' a cache, aka 'dip', mine AND others, until I find a cache appropriate to 'drop'. Having a 'Collection' may help others with large self-owned TB collection, as this new feature seems to be intended for. BUT, this feature should NOT be available for any TBs owned by others! Why do you want your own TBs to be collected by others?! TBs that are not yours MUST always be listed in the holder's 'Inventory' list all the time, as a 'necessary reminder' that they have it. TB are meant to travel from cache to cache, once released into the 'wild', NOT Collected! Just my thought. Hampsters are live & kicking! Look forward to all the improvements! ~ Dr.MORO Self-reply. Forgot to mention. By default, if the TB 'Status type' is 'Unknown' (The owner did not choose Collectible or Non-Collectible upon activation.), these items SHOULD NOT be collected by another players, and should be "Non-Collectible". In all, there should be no 'Unknown' from the beginning, 'Non-Collectible' by default, and if there is a really large need, add 'Collectible' status. But, again, I do not like the idea of another cacher 'collecting' my own TBs. A concept very misleading. Just my thought. ~ Dr.MORO
Wow! Very long list! Now, just read the Trackables Collection knowledge book. I don't know about this having/letting 'other' cachers 'collect' TBs. I understand very well the need to make yourself a 'collection' list, and move in/out your own TBs from this list. I log every TB I have in my possession at the time I 'Found' a cache, aka 'dip', mine AND others, until I find a cache appropriate to 'drop'. Having a 'Collection' may help others with large self-owned TB collection, as this new feature seems to be intended for. BUT, this feature should NOT be available for any TBs owned by others! Why do you want your own TBs to be collected by others?! TBs that are not yours MUST always be listed in the holder's 'Inventory' list all the time, as a 'necessary reminder' that they have it. TB are meant to travel from cache to cache, once released into the 'wild', NOT Collected! Just my thought. Hampsters are live & kicking! Look forward to all the improvements! ~ Dr.MORO
Domo again! What just happened??? Triplet post of my short post? Weird! Anyways, sorry, & forgot to read Colin's post just above. Glad the Hampsters are back. Hope for their Full recovery! Dr.MORO
Domo! BTW, still no words from the Lackeys above? I think all would like to know what has happened with our Hampsters. Dr.MORO
Domo! BTW, still no words from the Lackeys above? I think all would like to know what has happened with our Hampsters. Dr.MORO
Domo! Seems like the Hampsters are back! Some of the backlogged emails are poring in right now, starting just before noon EDT. Let's see what FTF I missed... Dr.MORO
Domo!!! Same here. No TB notification from around noon Eastern time. Maybe also other GC.com emails, but how can you know, without being told? Wish there was at least an announcement somewhere viewable in this forum. I guess the Hampsters just went off for a break. Dr.MORO
Domo!!! und Guten Tag! Great analysis Jens aka Teuto-Yachter! Exactly what going wrong in the TB map page. And Yes, I also think it got even worse after this update. Very weird. One would expect it to not get better at lease, but not to turn even worse. Hope it's fixed soon. Thanks Lackeys & Hampsters! Dr.MORO
Domo!!! I think it got worse! Before it wasn't working properly either, showing the daily cache visits backwards. Now, not just the daily visits, but as others point out, the oldest is at the top, kind of. And the route is like haywire! Hope it gets fix soon! Thanks Lackeys & Hampsters! Dr.MORO
Domo!!! I have Two Vehicle Static Cling/Decal TBs. One is my cache-cah, which sometimes gets 'discovered' by cachers at events, but not yet on the road or trail or elsewhere. The Other, is stuck onto a very very rare vehicle that is the very first to be imported to the USA quite resently, and still now only less than a dozen are in the States. After searching GC.com, I think it's also the very first TB of it's kind, even in the whole GC world. The First-To-Discover prize, is to get a FREE RIDE in it!!! No one has yet! Now, go 'Discover' it! Hint: ZbabGenpre