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Everything posted by Dr.MORO

  1. 自己返信。 もう暫くして公開されるVer. 5.0におきまして、この表示エラーは修正されます。 またあっちこっち手直しされています。 もしお気づきの点がございましたら、本フォーラム上あるいは私宛のメッセージにて知らせて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 ~ Dr.MORO
  2. Domo (Howdy! und Hallo! in Japanese) Masao250! Hmmm, let's see... このトラベル・バッグは日本は北海道に来たいです。 そこ北海道のキャッシュ少なくとも3つを訪れた後は、オーナーの元に帰ってきて欲しいです。 日本国内を旅する際は、地元のおもしろい物や場所(東京タワー、神社仏閣、寿司屋、温泉など)と一緒に写真を撮って頂きたいです。 ---AND--- 私は日本、特に北海道が好きです。もう何年も北海道で休暇を取りたいと思ってますが、残念ながら(私の基準から)日本への旅は非常に高いです。ですので、この夢が実現するまで、まだ何年もかかりそうです。そんな自分の欲求を沈めるが為にも、また沢山の日本の写真を見るためにも、このトラベル・バッグを送り出します。 Not perfect, though should do the job OK. Best wishes & Tschüß! ~ Dr.MORO Volunteer translator for the Geocaching iPhone App & Geocaching.com
  3. Domo!!! どーも!!! Groundspeakの日本語訳ボランティアをしています Dr.MORO です。よろしくお願いします。 初めての日本語化からGeocaching iPhone Appの翻訳にもう一人のボランティアと携わって約2年、 作業を進めながら常に「日本GB と Geocaching iPhone App 日本語利用者」はどう思っているのか、大変興味があります。 ネタバレ、ですがもう少ししたら(一月以内?)新しいバージョン5.0が登場します。 日本語訳作業はほぼ終了しているのですが、ここでもやはり「出来」が気になります。 お手数ですが、是非是非皆様利用者GBたちの生の声を聞かせて下さい。 どんな小さなことでも本フォーラム上でも、私個人宛のプライペート・メールでも構いませんので、ご意見をお寄せ下さい。 Anyone who's using the Geocaching iPhone App in a Japanese environment, PLEASE left me know how you feel about it! よろしくお願いします。 ~ Dr.MORO
  4. Domo again!!! Weird-er. Back again. What was that?
  5. Domo again!!! Weird-er. Back again. What was that?
  6. Domo again!!! Weird-er. Back again. What was that?
  7. Domo!!! Is the site down again, as of 15:20 EST? Geocaching System Status says it's OK http://status.geocaching.com/ though nothing loads. Not even an error. Weird.
  8. Domo!!! Is the site down again, as of 15:20 EST? Geocaching System Status says it's OK http://status.geocaching.com/ though nothing loads. Not even an error. Weird.
  9. Domo!!! Is the site down again, as of 15:20 EST? Geocaching System Status says it's OK http://status.geocaching.com/ though nothing loads. Not even an error. Weird.
  10. It'd also be nice to have a selection of multiple map types including Google and the OSM-based maps. Read this reply from Moun10Bike: "Google requires us to make them the only option when the user selects Google to be his default map." http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=296068&view=findpost&p=5044300 A 'compromise' to bring back Google Maps...
  11. And the zoom controls. Zoom is somewhat hidden underneath the Left-hand panel. Just click on the small arrow to 'fold' it. YES, the scale bar is missing.
  12. No zoom control. Useless. Disabled premium member cache is a grey blob. Edit: No scale. Premium caches look fine with me. To show the Zoom & StreetView, you need to 'fold' the left hand "Search/PQ" area clicking the small arrow in the middle, and they should be on your far-left.
  13. Domo Moun10Bike!!! A 'compromise'... At least we get Google Maps back, and that's definitely a good thing. Thanks for making this happen!
  14. Just tested it. Google Map IS back. Weird that they have separated them from the previous OSM etc. maps. I wish they will change it so you can select them from the upper-right button in the map. I guess it's still a BETA map. Thanks GS!
  15. Domo again!!! Geocaching.com site update May 22nd 2012 http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=296071&view=findpost&p=5044290 Add Google Maps option for Premium Members MAN! It's TRUE! Can't wait to test it out!
  16. I did not see any banners whatsoever late last night nor early this morning. I did not tough the "X" either. Weird. There was no banner at 0400 PDT but it was there at 0900. -- Also came across this a couple of days ago ------ Some months ago Google changed its charging structure for third-party use of Google Maps, which meant heavy users, such as Geocaching.com, had to ditch the service or face significant costs. But now Google Maps are coming back … After Geocaching.com’s planned site update of Tuesday, May 22nd, premium members will once again have access to Google Maps through the Beta Maps page. Best of all, there will be no extra charge to players and all of the current maps (MapQuest etc) will still be available. More details will be released with the Geocaching.com site update notes next Tuesday. Personally, this is welcome news. I completely understood the company’s need to move away from Google Maps – the cost of keeping this option was going to be millions. Yes, we did have a number of different workarounds, however being a user of many different computers I found it a little frustrating to keep installing the scripts or, occasionally, find myself in a browser that didn’t have them. Hey! IF this is true, that would be AWESOME! Yes, only if it's true... Thanks Olddffart!
  17. I did not see any banners whatsoever late last night nor early this morning. I did not tough the "X" either. Weird.
  18. Domo!!! Sooooo, what's the deal? For how long??? Love to know the details.
  19. Domo again!!! Worst ever. Site dead again. http://status.geocaching.com/
  20. Domo again!!! Site is all dead...
  21. Domo again!!! Normal, everyone? At least for me, yes finally. Thanks up there!
  22. Domo again!!! Status page updated. "Impaired" Oh dear...
  23. Domo again!!! Here's my scheme that leads to Error 500. In Safari, I try to post a log (Found or Note) with a couple of TBs to dip or drop. I hit post, and after a long wait, I get a 500 error. Interestingly, the log is actually posted. Weird thing is, only the very first TB (or sometimes the first few) that has been chosen to visit or drop is done so, and is recorded in the TB page. All the following TBs are not moved properly, and are not logged at all. I try to pass through all TBs I carry even if the y don fit in the cache, for the TB's Mileage & it's traveling history. I really hope this gets fixed soon. ~ Dr.MORO
  24. Domo!!! Really slow here as well, AND getting Error 500...
  25. Domo!!! Having the same issue. Error 500 Starting possibly after the latest site update, or whatever that was yesterday.
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