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Everything posted by Dr.MORO
Domo again! Event description ready, and waiting a bit longer for any good to news to add. I really hope 'they' up there are not sitting on the final decision whether or not to award a Souvenir during this holiday break. PLEASE, Groundspeak! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! BTW, I read the email sent from earthcache@geosociety.org about this EarthCache 10th Birthday, and they mentioned also about the special EarthCache 10th Birthday Coin and Tag. I still cannot seem to find them neither at Landsharkz and Shop Geocaching. Anyone know where and when can we purchase these? I need to fetch a few for myself, AND for the EarthCache 10th Birthday Event cache raffle. Thanks, ~ Dr.MORO
Domo!!! Planning to have a mini-event on this day. I really hope Groundspeak awards all those who cerebrate the EarthCache 10th Birthday with a nice special souvenir. Really. PLEASE?
International Cache In Trash Out Weekend
Dr.MORO replied to Odyssey X's topic in General geocaching topics
Domo!!! No date for 2014 set yet, ay? Earth Day is always on April 22nd, and this is a Tuesday. I really hope that the International CITO (Cache In Trash Out) Weekend 2014 in on the April 26~27th weekend. I have tentative plans to have a CITO Event coinciding with a larger local cleanup "15th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup" on Saturday, April 26, 2014. BTW, our last year's CITO was postponed by an unprecedented whole city lockdown, due to bombing suspect hunt. Boston Strong! ~ Dr.MORO -
Geocaching Labs: Mega-Event Caches
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
AMEN! +1! (from another religion...) -
Geocaching Labs: Mega-Event Caches
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
You are wrong. The HQ is not even among the 100000 places that I'd like to visit and I would not participate in the Block Party even if someone paid everything for me. Along the same lines, the five brewery lab instance is about as interesting to me as a guardrail cache. I agree with CardinalRed. More and more geocaching delevops away from what it has meant to me. Cezanne Domo Cezanne!!! Compared to many others, just too bad your 'taste' of Geocaching is sooo limited NOT to include any other cache or cache site to visit, or even a place with no cache at all. "##### is as ##### does." (Fill in the #####) Not nice, at all. For the "Lab" concept, I still want the Lackeys to 'experiment', and try new ideas. Why not? A Beta test site would be a great idea to test these new things. Limiting the access to a limited number of invited members, and having them 'play' with it for a while would also be nice. I really wonder what else is coming down the pipe? Good Luck & Cache On! -
Geocaching Labs: Mega-Event Caches
Dr.MORO replied to OpinioNate's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo!!! I AM a Lab Rat, so I am interested in where this 'experiment' will go. Not that I can attend a MEGA Event often, but we'll see. Of course, every cacher's wish would be the attend the Block Party for once, and also visit HQ. Oh, how much I wish I was able to be there this weekend. One day....... Go Science! -
Domo!!! Some Western Mass caches up for adoption in the following post: "11 Western Mass. caches for adoption" http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=314484
Centimeter level precision Low-cost RTK GPS receiver!
Dr.MORO replied to Dr.MORO's topic in GPS technology and devices
Domo again!!! WOW!!! The Kickstarter program is gathering over five (5) times it's funding goal!!! Amazing!!! I'd love to see a USB dongles of some sort, so I can cache 'better' with a MacBook Pro, or even something that will attach to a GPSr-less iPod or iPad. -
宣伝ですが、一応、広島は平和記念公園でのミニ・イベント・キャッシュ、早くも公開となりました。 (集合時間は未定だけど・・・正午過ぎか、夕方5時か?うーむ、悩む。。。) 7/3(水)"World Peace 世界平和 with Dr.MORO" http://coord.info/GC4DP0G
Domo, Japanese Cachers, aka GB!!! Just a heads up to anyone in Hiroshima on Wednesday July 3rd, as I plan to be in Hiroshima city, Geocaching most all day by myself. Is anyone interested in a mini Geocaching Event, or even Geocaching together for the day with me? The mini Event Cache has been already discussed with the local Volunteer Reviewer, yet the exact gathering time & location within Hiroshima city can still be changed. I was thinking about Hiroshima Peace Park. If interested, please send me a PM as soon as possible. Also, if you happen to know anyone that might be interested, please fell free to forward this information. I do not Tweeter nor Facebook, yet please spread the word as you like. I will add more posts here, once more information is set, like the publishing of the Event Cache. Good Luck & Cache On! ~ Dr.MORO, from Boston Groundspeak Volunteer Japanese Translator & iPhone App Beta-Tester --- Japanese 日本語 --- どーも、日本のキャッシャーたち、人呼んでGB! 7月3日(水曜日)、広島市内でほぼ一日ジオキャシングする予定です。 ミニ・イベント・キャッシュ、あるいは一緒にジオキャッシングをする事に興味のある方はいらっしゃいませんか? ミニ・イベント・キャッシュに関しては既に地元のボランティア・レビュアーと相談中ですが、広島市内の何時の・何処でなどの詳細は決定して居らず、まだ変更可能です。第一候補としては平和公園を考えています。 興味のある方は、是非是非私までなるべく早く連絡下さい。 また、知り合いに興味のありそうな方がいらっしゃるようでしら、この情報を伝えて下さい。私は、TweeterもFacebookもしませんが、そっち系に流して戴いても結構です。 詳しい情報、特にイベント・キャッシュの公開など、この板上で随時更新致します。 Good Luck & Cache On! ~ Dr.MORO, ボストンより Groundspeak 日本語翻訳ボランティア & iPhoneアプリ・ベータ・テスター
Geocaching.com site update May 30th 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
At the top - says "Stop watching" Still, I don't see this "Stop watching"... Where Right/Left to, Above/Below? Mine is at the very top of the forum page I am on - there is a blue circle icon and the words Stop Watching....I can't add the screen shot I took but if you email me akiteflier at gmail dot com I can send it to you. Are you talking about 'Watching' these 'Forum' pages? If so, Yes, Thanks, yet I know about about this Forum 'Watching' Blue square buttons at the top. I think Joe Tramp, and I too, want to know where the 'Stop Watching' button is for caches you already have in your Watchlist. I cannot seem to locate any direct link that used to be in the previous cache page design that says "Remove from Watchlist" in the Top-Right "Navigation" column, under "View Gallery", above "Ignore Listing". -
Geocaching.com site update May 30th 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
At the top - says "Stop watching" Still, I don't see this "Stop watching"... Where Right/Left to, Above/Below? -
Geocaching.com site update May 30th 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Hmmm, I couldn't view this new cache page design in Safari. Not even in Chrome. Then, when switching to Geico, err Firefox, I do see it. Ramdom selection, by user? By bowser? Anyways, nice addition! Very 'informative'! I like it! Just one request: I would love to 'jump' to the specific log when clicking on the large icon image. Thanks! ~ Dr.MORO -
Domo!!! NO CONNECTION! Feels like a Geocacher without a GPSr or even a map. No cache, no joy...
Domo!!! Yes, PLEASE feed the Hampsters!
Geocaching.com site update April 17th 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Self-reply. Just another 'add-on' in Chrome... (NOT Groundspeak-official) -
Geocaching.com site update April 17th 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo!!! BTW, what is the new "VIP-List", and how is this used? Love to know. Pray for Boston Love & Peace ~ Dr.MORO -
Geocaching.com site update April 2nd 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo!!! I have a 'search' link added to my cache page's "Related Web Page", and it still works fine. Searching for "Return to Tradition" named caches: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?key=Return+to+Tradition&submit4=Go Could this be of something with the URL syntax missing or not specified? Missing the http : // www . geocaching . com part? Try this instead: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/nearest.aspx?key=Forgotten+Rock+Wall -
Domo!!! Same here, sort of. I long lost TB I still had on my Watchlist, just got logged by the probably the same guys. http://coord.info/TBD738 Very suspicious... Maybe just randomly typing in numbers, and bogusly logging whatever hits. Dumb use of the mind...
どーも! 日本語キャッシャー(GB)たちへ朗報です! 先月は日本スーベニアの公開と、ログへの日本語直接入力が可能に。 そして本日付で、Geocaching.com 日本語版を公式に公開することとなりました! 少しでも多くの日本語利用のキャッシャーたちに、さらにはより多くのジオキャッシングに興味のある方々に、言語の敷居が低くなって、この病みつきになる宝探しゲームをどんどん楽しんで貰いたいと願うばかりです。 まだ諸々の都合上完全対応とは行きませんが、既に7,000にも及ぶ項目を優秀なボランティア・チームで翻訳しました。大感謝です。 相当な議論と熟慮があった翻訳ですが、なにぶん初公開ですので、日本語訳に関するご意見・ご感想を是非お寄せ下さい! よろしくお願いいたします。 ~ Dr.MORO Profile for Dr.MORO: http://coord.info/PR3FMKG (Also Groundspeak Volunteer Japanese Translator & iPhone App Beta-Tester)
Geocaching.com site update April 2nd 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo!!! Yahoo! Yippie! やったねー! This day has 'Officially' come! Great work, Japanese Translation Team! And Thanks Groundspeak for opening the door to Geocaching a little bit (100million more) wider! Awesome! 最高! ジオキャッシングが大好き! ~ Dr.MORO Groundspeak Volunteer Japanese Translator & iPhone App Beta-Tester -
Domo!!! Greater Boston area cachers, I have one for you! GC47J79 Charles River Cleanup Earth Day 2013 CITO http://coord.info/GC47J79 Come join us!
Geocaching.com site update March 5th 2013
Dr.MORO replied to Moun10Bike's topic in Geocaching HQ communications
Domo again! Double-byte logging is great. I also would like to know if the cache/TB descriptions can handle double-byte characters as well. BTW, I just noticed a new Japanese user who has a Japanese double-byte user name. Check this Profile. http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=374a2e0d-26bd-438c-89a1-0b2f488d929e I'm wondering if this is also something that was introduced with this update. Or, is this something in relationship with logging in with one's Facebook account? Maybe both? FYI, I have been seeing cache names which include double-byte characters for some time now. Thanks, ~ Dr.MORO (Groundspeak Volunteer Japanese Translator & iPhone App beta-tester) -
Domo!!! Just followed my way here from www.mygeocachingprofile.com, which is now Groundspeak-owned. They do the 'Official' Stats page in everyones' Public Profile. The 'Official' Stats follows the user's setting for Date Format, which has seven (7) different way to choose from. I personally LOVE the YYYY/MM/DD format, and use it for most everything personal, and also in my Lab notes. As others state here, it's the best for sorting things by the date. Anyways, interestingly, the www.mygeocachingprofile.com site only has two (2) Date Formats to select from. mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy. Yuck. I just want to request that www.mygeocachingprofile.com also adds the YYYY/MM/DD, and the others missing as a selectable formats. All Seven of them. PLEASE???