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Everything posted by Stroover

  1. Aw man! now I remember! Oh well, I had my chance. Somebody PLEASE answer this so we can keep it goin.
  2. Oh, I want to Google it sooo bad! Ok, here it goes: From what I remember (back in the '80s), you got the meridians and the parellels that cross each-other and make right angles. But, the closer you get to the poles, they kind of make a curve, which is called the loxodromic curve, or a loxodrome.
  3. I was going to say that the tectonic plate those mountains are on is moving to the north-east, and the tectonic plate Atlantic Canada is on is moving west, colliding with the tectonic plate the mountains are one, thus causing those mountains. What they have in common is they are moving North-East.
  4. Ya, like I'm really enjoying the rain, rain, and more rain.
  5. Bad idea reason #1) Disturbing a wildlife habitat. #2) Jeoporadizing human safety. To put the cache a few meters away might be a better idea, and folks could just have a peek at the snakes from a safe distance.
  6. Now it has some official definition of some miniscule portion of a lightwave given off by some element or another...would have to google it to recall beyond that though. Beyond that, I actually remembered it from learning the metric system in school. Now, being a toolmaker, you should see me convert imperial to metric on the fly in my head.....starting with a fraction of an inch, and finishing with metric in decimal form (though I always double check before getting into grinding the metal!!!!)....hehehe Greywynd And I thought it was some Greek scientist in the days of Archimedes (might even be him for all I know) who did some calculating and what not, and came to the conclusion that if you were to to divide the circumference of the world, you would come up with 1 million segments the lenght of, well you guessed it, a metre. Guess I don't know everything.
  7. It does, and you're verry hot! Can you elaborate just a little more, using a foreign language in the equation? Well in French, the verb is 'embarquer'. Will that do? That'll do. For anybody interested, the French verb "embarquer" means to get in or on a mode of transportation, i.e. a bus, a car, a plane, a boat. The verb actually got its beginnings in relation to getting onto a barque, which was a big three masted ship, commonly used to cross the Atlantic. Take it away, Ve1bvd!
  8. It does, and you're verry hot! Can you elaborate just a little more, using a foreign language in the equation?
  9. Ok then. Another nautical one: What is the origin of the verb "to embark"?
  10. a fathom. Sailors used to tie knots every six feet in this way, then drop and anchor to see how deep the water was.
  11. Ohhh... That IS odd! If I were you, I would try uninstalling it from your pc, then re-installing it to see if it's better. If not, then 1) if you bought the software and still have the receipt, I'd try to exchange it for another one, or 2) if you "acquired" the software, I'd try to "acquire" it from a different cd and try re-instllalling it. Otherwise, I'm at a loss and will let more knowlegeable folks in these forums take a crack at it.
  12. Try turning your gps off and switching it on again, and trying it again. Sometimes when you put in new software on your gps, it needs to re-set itself. That's happened to mine already, and this corrected it right away.
  13. Yep, that's pretty much it. over a set time (say, 1 minute), a fella would count how many knots would pass by his fingers while loosely holding the rope to determing his speed.
  14. Okie dokie, then! The term "knots" has popped-up a few times on this thread, so I think I'll ask a nautical question: What is the origins of "knots" as we know it, as in sailing terms to measure speed on the water? In other words, why do we call it "knots"? How did that get started?
  15. GreyWynd gets it! He goes by Insp Gadget, and he's a die-hard cacher! Real nice guy, too.
  16. Okie dokie, Who is the New Brunswick geocacher who has a travel bug tatoo'ed on his shoulder, and when you meet/find him, you can log him in as a find? His name wouldn't be Stroover by any chance, might it? If this question is too difficult, I can find something more general (?). But for now, how about a clue: His geocaching name is taken from a long-time running kids' cartoon, from which the show's name and the main character's name are the same. A goofy kind of investigator, to say the least...
  17. Though I have been geocaching since 2004, my "tadpole" status shows my lack of interest in these forums, which are caused by a lack of maturity and respect by many. Slipery, I like your permit. And at $3.50 folks shouldn't be flying off the handle. We tip our waitresses more then that. AV Design, I like yours as well. And at your low price of "free", that's almost the same price as Slipery's. You can't buy a beer in a bar in my neck of the woods for that price. Relax, folks.
  18. Okie dokie, Who is the New Brunswick geocacher who has a travel bug tatoo'ed on his shoulder, and when you meet/find him, you can log him in as a find?
  19. Dartmoor, England, 1854, by a chap named William Crossing, who, along his treks on the moors would leave boxes along the trail with letters in them. As other trekkers would find these boxes, they in turn would leave their "mail" in them and take what "mail" was in it and send it off in the post to reach its destination.
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