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Everything posted by sh.wis

  1. sh.wis

    Spam messages.

    Trujillo2600 Hines3276 Nolan2479
  2. Thanks for this circumvention tip. It works and I was able to submit my new cache.
  3. It should show both. If it's not showing the final, it was probably unable to parse the coordinates you provided. Make sure your spaces and periods are in the right places. I checked the correct format of the coordinates multiple times. Everything looks correct. I even tried other (dummy) coordinates. It always shows only the start point and not the final location.
  4. I'm trying to post a new mystery. After submitting the coordinates on page 2 of the form I always get an error message: Please confirm coordinates on the map. I entered both coordinates in the shown form (actually I successfully posted a new tradi just an hour ago). I hit the button 'Confirm coordinates on map'. The map then shows the starting point, but not the final location. Then I select country and state and click on 'Continue'. And then the error message shows up. I.e. I'm not able to complete the process to post this mystery. I already tried to logout and restart Firefox. Always the same result. I'm using Firefox 12.0 on WIn 7. Looks like a bug to me, but maybe there is a smart solution to overcome it. sh.wis
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