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Everything posted by Zuckerruebensirup

  1. So does this only work for charter members? I just updated my profile...and it took my new location, but not my new title. What's up with that?
  2. Thanks, Jeremy. You da man!
  3. Thanks, Jeremy. You da man!
  4. quote:Originally posted by TheRealDesertRat: Why do we need to charge money again? [...] there are plenty of ways to make enough money to keep the site up. Yeah, like pop-up ads, and such. No thanks! I'd much rather have a group of charter members pay to keep the site up, so that I can choose NOT to pay, and still look for those public caches...without the irritation of a bunch of pop up ads. If you think about it, those who don't pay are actually getting a pretty good deal...the paying members will be financing the free site, and keeping it ad free.
  5. quote:Originally posted by TheRealDesertRat: I am sorry that those of you that can afford to do this right now are so adiment about not letting others find your caches. I don't think that's the case at all. As you'll see in this thread, it looks like the main use of mocaches will be in situations where there is deliberate vandalism taking place. I don't think it's a matter of exclusivity, but rather a measure of determent for those with ill intent.
  6. quote:Originally posted by Kodak's4: Do it. Go build a website, publicize it, promote it. Go buy a bunch of servers, go buy the bandwidth. Don't whine about it. Do it. And when you've done it, tell us how much it cost. I really want to know. Don't forget to tell us how many hundreds of hours you put in to get it all running, too. LOL...looks like I'm too slow at typing. Kodak beat me to the punch. I don't believe TheDesertRat was seriously suggesting the creation of a new site, but was merely trying to use it as an analogy. But I still can't help getting a bit steamed when people whine about having to pay for something that others have put a lot of hard work into, and who act like things they have had the priveledge to participate in are owed to them for free, forever.
  7. quote:Originally posted by TheRealDesertRat: maybe those of us who do not want to apy the $30 a year should get together and form non-members only caches. I know you were only being facetious to make a point, and aren't actually suggesting the start of a new site...but if you actually did want to do so, do you think you could do it for under $30 a year? (Not to mention the hours and hours of free labor you'd likely have to donate. quote:Originally posted by TheRealDesertRat: If someone wants to donate money, I agree with that, I would even donate money, but if you try to bribe me into it with members only caches, that is just going to make me mad. I'm curious, have you actually ever donated? (I don't need to know how much...I'm just curious whether you've put your money where your mouth is.) It's easy to say I "would" donate, but the words are pretty shallow until you do donate.
  8. quote:Originally posted by E=Mc2: My point about being made to pay is simple this.. Nobody is MAKING you pay anything. If you want to geocache, go out there and do it. Do you think you're possibly going to run out of free caches to find? I agree with the CacheCows, you are simply arguing semantics by picking Jeremy's wording apart. It seems obvious to me (and most others, I'm sure) what he meant about not having to pay for traditional geocaching.
  9. quote:Originally posted by Team CacheCows of Wisconsin: I would personally like to request that edits/deletes of posts by their creators be implemented as it was in the old forums; no limit at all. I second that! Besides the reasons listed above, in some cases (like this one, for example), it's handy for future readers if I can update the first post to include the information shared by people along the way...it summarizes the information, and saves people from having to scroll through the entire thread to glean the information they're looking for.
  10. quote:Originally posted by E=Mc2: Traditional or not they are geocaches...am I correct. Thus yet again I say that we must pay to geocache. Simple as that. There are plenty of public geocaches out there. You can find them without paying a penny (other than your gas and the expense of a GPS). Therefore you are geocaching for FREE. You don't have to pay anything...and you can still geocache. I don't understand what your beef is about allowing people to hide ADDITIONAL members only caches. Nobody is taking away the free ones. (And if the individual owners choose to remove their caches from public view, that is their RIGHT as the OWNER. Do you feel that we, as geocache owners, owe you free admittance to our caches?)
  11. quote:Originally posted by E=Mc2: But we still are "paying" to play the game. If you do not pay, you can not find the cache because you will not know about it. If I spend my OWN money to buy an ammo box, and a bunch of trinkets to put in it, why should I be forced to share it with the whole world, whether I want to or not? There are plenty of people who will continue to maintain traditional (public) caches. Just read this thread. As they point out there, many caches don't get a lot of activity, so the owners of new caches may choose to continue to make them public, to help keep their find ratios up. Personally, I think the MOC's (Members Only Caches) will mostly be utilized in situations where there is deliberate vandalizing going on in an area. quote:Originally posted by E=Mc2: Also what about folks who are "members" that leave the info about these special caches inside unspecial caches.....then what? I would hope that if a cache owner chooses his right to share with members only, that those other members would respect his wishes, and not put the info anywhere that the general public could get to it.
  12. Well said, Markwell! While I am much newer, I see myself as maintaining my enthusiasm for this for a long long time.
  13. Well said, Markwell! While I am much newer, I see myself as maintaining my enthusiasm for this for a long long time.
  14. People are still allowed to place as many 'public' caches as they want to. Perhaps this 'members only' choice will encourage MORE caches to be placed...in situations where people have become gun shy by plundered caches, etc., and wouldn't have placed a cache at all, if they were forced to expose it to the entire www, including those who can't be bothered to register. Personally, I think it's a GOOD step.
  15. Plus, after leaving the bug at a public bus stop, they've logged it into a cache...which'll be sure to confuse some unsuspecting cacher who goes there to look for him, and will undoubtedly go away empty handed. If the bug were mine, I'd "grab" the bug, to remove it's attachment to the Iceland cache, and update his page, stating that he's gone AWOL from the geocaching community, and giving instructions on the off chance that whoever finds him will be curious enough about his travel bug tag to log onto the site, and put him back into circulation.
  16. quote:Originally posted by lorax184 (on Lord Baltimore's tracking page): "we left him at a busy bus stop in Reykjavik. Hope he turns up again someday." WTF???? The more I read about the things that happen to many travel bugs, the more regret I feel about the bugs that I have released...and the less faith I have that I'll ever see any of them again.
  17. quote:Originally posted by lorax184 (on Lord Baltimore's tracking page): "we left him at a busy bus stop in Reykjavik. Hope he turns up again someday." WTF???? The more I read about the things that happen to many travel bugs, the more regret I feel about the bugs that I have released...and the less faith I have that I'll ever see any of them again.
  18. Wow, I guess Hans-Georg can take the "if ever" off the end of his cache description now.
  19. Oops...make that 1-5 stars.
  20. At the bottom right hand side of this page is a Rate Topic selection that says, "Rate It!" When you click on the dropdown, you can select from 0-5 stars.
  21. At the bottom right hand side of this page is a Rate Topic selection that says, "Rate It!" When you click on the dropdown, you can select from 0-5 stars.
  22. For those pre-existing threads carried over to the new forum, is it still possible to edit our old messages? Or are those frozen, and considered to be a different user? (I notice my old posts all identify me as a "guest", rather than as a geocacher.)
  23. quote:Originally posted by Jeremy Irish: The import is not perfect. Fortunately we have all the old posts in the old site so you can refer back to them. How do we get to them?
  24. Most of the links on my opening post here somehow disappeared with the recent "upgrade"...along with the quote I included from the person who sparked my decision to start this dicussion thread. Also, I notice that the system converted a whole bunch of the single quotes (such as in contractions like "can't") to boxes. What's up with that?
  25. Most of the links on my opening post here somehow disappeared with the recent "upgrade"...along with the quote I included from the person who sparked my decision to start this dicussion thread. Also, I notice that the system converted a whole bunch of the single quotes (such as in contractions like "can't") to boxes. What's up with that?
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