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Everything posted by Zuckerruebensirup

  1. Our gathering has been posted as an event cache. I hope everyone who doesn't already have plans for the morning will find a way to work it into your schedule. Thanks to Rusty for spearheading this, and getting the ball rolling. I hope this will be the first of many get-togethers.
  2. quote:Originally posted by cleenjeep: I will plan on being at the lansing mall, on sat the 27th, at 10:30 am. How do we know who the others are though? We'll be the ones wandering around looking lost, while frowning at our GPSr's, and wondering why the coorindates aren't pinpointing which particular table we should be sitting at.
  3. quote:Originally posted by cleenjeep: I will plan on being at the lansing mall, on sat the 27th, at 10:30 am. How do we know who the others are though? We'll be the ones wandering around looking lost, while frowning at our GPSr's, and wondering why the coorindates aren't pinpointing which particular table we should be sitting at.
  4. You automatically get notifications on your own travel bugs or caches.
  5. quote:Originally posted by Buckaroo Banzai: _if it was you, what would you leave in the cache?_ BB
  6. quote:Originally posted by Buckaroo Banzai: _if it was you, what would you leave in the cache?_ BB
  7. quote:Originally posted by Lone Rangers: You just need to know the area you are going to place or hunt a cache in and take the proper precautions. Actually, for the last two caches I hid, I added (in bold red print) "No food or or scented items, please! They tend to attract animals." Both of the caches are fairly new, so I haven't had a chance to see how respectful the local coons and such will be.
  8. quote:Originally posted by Lone Rangers: You just need to know the area you are going to place or hunt a cache in and take the proper precautions. Actually, for the last two caches I hid, I added (in bold red print) "No food or or scented items, please! They tend to attract animals." Both of the caches are fairly new, so I haven't had a chance to see how respectful the local coons and such will be.
  9. quote:Originally posted by SkyTrek: Has anyone checked out heavy duty plastic zip-lock bags? I placed a multi-cache, using film containers as the first couple of legs. In one of the spots, I thought about adding a disposable camera in a ziplock freezer bag, but I'm afraid squirrels will chew through it, and either damage the camera or expose it to rain. Has anyone tried leaving a camera in just a ziplock bag, without a container for additional protection?
  10. quote:Originally posted by Don&Betty: I wonder if people really want to do tough ones rather than the easy "kiddy" ones. Seems like they don't, since there's so much talk about the numbers found, and the bunches of them found in one day. Nobody's going to find a bunch of mine in one day! They will have experienced an activity in finding any one though. I think a lot of people get more enjoyment out of the challenging ones...but that many people have trouble finding time to take an entire afternoon (or even all day) away from other responsibilities to dedicate to Geocaching. So, if it means do NO caches, or to do a couple of easy ones...the easy ones end of getting the action. Personally, I have trouble relating with the intense competitiveness that some people display here. "Number of finds" is so very subjective...depending on the difficulty, the average number and distance of caches to people, how many people who were helping to look, whether you used the hints, etc. I think it's nice to be able to track our finds...but in my opinion the "standings" lists are rather pointless. (But hey, if some people get warm fuzzies from seeing their name at the top of a list, who am I to rain on their parade? ) Personally, if I find myself rushing through a cache...especially one in a nice area I've never had the chance to see before...just so I have time to "get another" in before the day is done...I know that I'm only cheating myself.
  11. quote:Originally posted by Don&Betty: I wonder if people really want to do tough ones rather than the easy "kiddy" ones. Seems like they don't, since there's so much talk about the numbers found, and the bunches of them found in one day. Nobody's going to find a bunch of mine in one day! They will have experienced an activity in finding any one though. I think a lot of people get more enjoyment out of the challenging ones...but that many people have trouble finding time to take an entire afternoon (or even all day) away from other responsibilities to dedicate to Geocaching. So, if it means do NO caches, or to do a couple of easy ones...the easy ones end of getting the action. Personally, I have trouble relating with the intense competitiveness that some people display here. "Number of finds" is so very subjective...depending on the difficulty, the average number and distance of caches to people, how many people who were helping to look, whether you used the hints, etc. I think it's nice to be able to track our finds...but in my opinion the "standings" lists are rather pointless. (But hey, if some people get warm fuzzies from seeing their name at the top of a list, who am I to rain on their parade? ) Personally, if I find myself rushing through a cache...especially one in a nice area I've never had the chance to see before...just so I have time to "get another" in before the day is done...I know that I'm only cheating myself.
  12. I guess Jeremy's duck should have been named "Covet" or "Greed", rather than Envy.
  13. I guess Jeremy's duck should have been named "Covet" or "Greed", rather than Envy.
  14. I suppose infosponge's Poky Little Puppy would count, too. [This message was edited by Zuckerruebensirup on April 09, 2002 at 10:34 PM.]
  15. I suppose infosponge's Poky Little Puppy would count, too. [This message was edited by Zuckerruebensirup on April 09, 2002 at 10:34 PM.]
  16. Or, if you don't expect to have the time to catch back up with all of the messages when you get back, and you just want to totally shut them off until you get back, you can do similiar to what the two previous notes suggested, and set a filter (or filters) up on your incoming e-mail, and simply have the messages automatically deleted (sent to your trash folder, actually, in most cases). Just don't forget to turn the filters back off once you return.
  17. Or, if you don't expect to have the time to catch back up with all of the messages when you get back, and you just want to totally shut them off until you get back, you can do similiar to what the two previous notes suggested, and set a filter (or filters) up on your incoming e-mail, and simply have the messages automatically deleted (sent to your trash folder, actually, in most cases). Just don't forget to turn the filters back off once you return.
  18. quote:Originally posted by Shel:My question is, how do I get folks to navigate from one point to the other? There's an example of one type of decoding system in the opening of my Grandmother's House cache. (Scroll down to just past the three asterisks.)
  19. quote:Originally posted by Shel:My question is, how do I get folks to navigate from one point to the other? There's an example of one type of decoding system in the opening of my Grandmother's House cache. (Scroll down to just past the three asterisks.)
  20. I don't have an excuse for my oversight...except that I'll be turning 35 next week. They say that when old age starts kicking in, the second thing to go is your memory. The first thing to go is...umm, I knew it just a second ago...I'm sure it'll come back to me any minute now.
  21. I don't have an excuse for my oversight...except that I'll be turning 35 next week. They say that when old age starts kicking in, the second thing to go is your memory. The first thing to go is...umm, I knew it just a second ago...I'm sure it'll come back to me any minute now.
  22. I'm amazing to me how quickly this sport (and the features of the site) have evolved in such a short time period.
  23. I'm amazing to me how quickly this sport (and the features of the site) have evolved in such a short time period.
  24. quote:Originally posted by unclerojelio: I think I'll do it backwards... Watch out, or someone may report your Travel Bug number to Jeremy, and ask him to deactivate it from the system.
  25. quote:Originally posted by unclerojelio: I think I'll do it backwards... Watch out, or someone may report your Travel Bug number to Jeremy, and ask him to deactivate it from the system.
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