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Everything posted by Zuckerruebensirup

  1. quote:Originally posted by Alan2: You didn't have this choice. I bought mine to help me know direction while traveling and discover geocaching afterwards. That would count under the third choice, I'd say. I'm curious, though...wouldn't a simple compass have been a whole lot cheaper? ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  2. quote:Originally posted by VentureForth: Instead of criticizing the existing threads, how about suggesting new forum categories? I support the idea of adding some additional forum categories for those topics that seem to get a lot of discussion (especially the Rant Room...LOL), but that doesn't address the issue that was brought up here: people who aren't using the already existing appropriate categories. I've seen plenty of posts with titles such as, "Attention {X} Area Cachers!" Those should be posted in the specific Regional forums. As smoochnme pointed out, the PDA questions fit within the scope of the "GPS and Software" forum. Sure, adding more categories could help unclog the General forum...but only if people use them.
  3. No spam so far...knock on wood. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  4. No spam so far...knock on wood. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  5. quote:Originally posted by smoochnme: I'm noticing many topics about palms and PDA's in the "General" category. Would these not be more appropriatly be logged under the "GPS and Software" category. I personally have no reason to read any of these threads but I'm sure they are valuable to others. They seem out of place on the general page. And it isn't just the Palms/PDA threads...I notice a good number of non-General threads (i.e those that fit within an already-existing sub-category) that get posted to the General forum instead of the appropriate place. I mostly excuse the "newbie" ones, giving them allowances for not knowing better (although it really should be self-explanatory)...but I'm guessing that a large majority of the others get posted here because people think that the General forum gets better "exposure", and so the originators deliberately choose to ignore the sub-category in lieu of this more heavily frequented one. (Sometimes they post in both places, which is even more annoying.) There are so many postings in the General category that the threads scroll off the main page faster than most of us can keep up. Some of that would be improved if people consistently respected the category headings. (Not to mention that casual searches for relevant threads would become easier for everyone. When people don't readily see a discussion thread covering something they are curious about, they often start new ones...which adds to the number everyone has to weed through.) Personally, if people can't use the honor system for posting under the appropriate category headings, I think those threads should get deleted by the moderators. I'll bet if that started to happen, we'd begin seeing people use better discretion about what they post where. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  6. quote:Originally posted by harrkev: if the average thief was smart enough to do this, then he would be smart enough to work for a living. I've seen (or heard of) many VERY clever thieves (or saboteurs)...who it seems could make a good living, if they turned their skills in a productive direction. (Look at the people who create these destructive viruses, for example.) I've also heard that most shoplifters have enough money on them to pay for the items they're stealing. Many criminals do it for the 'thrill'...not because they can't afford an honest living. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  7. quote:Originally posted by harrkev: if the average thief was smart enough to do this, then he would be smart enough to work for a living. I've seen (or heard of) many VERY clever thieves (or saboteurs)...who it seems could make a good living, if they turned their skills in a productive direction. (Look at the people who create these destructive viruses, for example.) I've also heard that most shoplifters have enough money on them to pay for the items they're stealing. Many criminals do it for the 'thrill'...not because they can't afford an honest living. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  8. I'm still not clear exactly what "mapping" is, though. Is that what we need to be able to download the topographical maps...or is that something else entirely?
  9. quote:Originally posted by jfitzpat: Your friend might be referring to an old averaging problem in the Magellan GPS 315 (now discontinued (I think), but can be found for a good price). Most users do not find the averaging issue that big a problem, and I believe it has been greatly reduced in a firmware update. I'm curious about the averaging problem you mentioned. This past Saturday, we had our first MIGO picnic, and played a game with our GPSr's to get a taste of the differences in accuracy. The "master" coordinates were obtained with a 315, set on autoaverage for 20 minutes. A couple of hours later, when we did the actual "Pin the Coordinates" contest, all the readings...including the original 'master' unit...were about 35-40' to the west of the original location. (I'll have to e-mail the owner, and see if he's gotten the firmware update you mentioned.) ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  10. The description I saw says that it has a built-in database of worldwide cities and airports (17,596 and 477, respectively), and that it has a "virtual highway" page and more. I guess I'm not clear what the mapping function actually does, and how it differs from the above. Can anyone clarify it for me (or point me to a hand FAQ page)?
  11. You can buy one in a "dutch" auction (that's where multiple buyers all pay the lowest successfully bid price) at eBay for $359 (+ $14 shipping), and I believe no tax. That seems to be the cheapest I've found them. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  12. I don't have the GPSr you mentioned, so I can't speak at all to the first point...but as for the second, keep in mind that when you look for something hidden at a given coordinate, you have to factor in both the error from your unit AND that of the person who placed the cache. (Those errors could either be cumulative, or cancel each other out to some extent.) Also, we just did an interesting exercise at our first MIGO picnic, to test out the accuracy of the groups various GPSr's...and found the results to be very interesting. Over a couple hours time, the 'Master' unit got a new reading that was about 40' off from it's original auto-averaged 20 minute reading. And everyone else's agree with the new coordinates. It has made us wonder if the time of day (and resulting relative location of the actual satellites) is a factor. ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  13. I saw one of these advertised by The GPS Store, and it sounded like a pretty good deal. But I've learned from past experience that "looks" can be deceiving...especially if I've never heard of the manufacturer. Is anyone familiar with the Standard Horizon Magnum Nav-40, and can you comment one way or the other whether it's something you would recommend, or consider for yourself? ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  14. quote:Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team: My S.O. asked me what I wanted for my birthday last year. [...] I thought that a GPS would have a great secondary purpose. [...] But other than taking it out of the packaging, I hardly ever got to so much as hold it. [...] It was pretty obvious to me, that my new gadget got grabbed. I allowed this to continue, with a bit of grousing, of course, until Valentine's Day '02 came around. We were planning for our Geo-Xpedition to the Contact Cache and I commented, "I know what you can give me for V-Day..." I asked for a new GPS. One of my VERY OWN. I'm thinking rather than asking for another GPS, you should haved gotten one for "him"...and then grabbed it for yourself.
  15. quote:Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team: My S.O. asked me what I wanted for my birthday last year. [...] I thought that a GPS would have a great secondary purpose. [...] But other than taking it out of the packaging, I hardly ever got to so much as hold it. [...] It was pretty obvious to me, that my new gadget got grabbed. I allowed this to continue, with a bit of grousing, of course, until Valentine's Day '02 came around. We were planning for our Geo-Xpedition to the Contact Cache and I commented, "I know what you can give me for V-Day..." I asked for a new GPS. One of my VERY OWN. I'm thinking rather than asking for another GPS, you should haved gotten one for "him"...and then grabbed it for yourself.
  16. So basically, anyone with a pacemaker is banned, right? ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  17. So basically, anyone with a pacemaker is banned, right? ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  18. quote:Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team: Let me ask a hypothetical question: You are a hard-core "if they place it we will cache"-type geocacher. You also happen to be down on religious materials placed in caches. You notice a new cache in your vacinity, one like THIS. Are you going to go visit it? IMHO, if you go there and trade for items that those people have placed, you are a hypocrite. I'm confused as to why you feel this way about the cache you referenced. Is it the WWJD braclet? ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  19. I'm curious whether anyone has bought a particular brand/model of GPSr, thinking it would be great for Geocaching...but after using it, wished you had bought something different? ------- "I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!"
  20. Just a reminder that tomorrow's the big day. Check the MIGO website for details.
  21. Just a reminder that tomorrow's the big day. Check the MIGO website for details.
  22. quote:Originally posted by tatoeba: Okami I would like to know where did you get those cute smileys? All you have to do is to click on "reply with quote", and it shows the location. It's the 'newbie' smile from here: http://www.contrabandent.com/cwm/s/contrib/owen/
  23. quote:Originally posted by Alan2: What'd ya save? I bought a Nikon Coolpix 5000 with 3 piece filter kit, cleaning kit, tripod, carrying case, rechargeable battery (and charger), zoom lens, wide angle lens, extra 128 Mb compact flash card (plus the standard 32 Mb card that came with the camera), a high speed USB carder reader/writer, plus a 5 year extended service contract...and eventually the adapter tube that goes with the lenses...all (inluding shipping) for less than I could have gotten JUST THE CAMERA locally. (Not to mention that there would have been an additional 6% tax if I'd have bought locally.) That totals up a few hundred bucks. (Plus the box it came in had the UPC symbol intact, so I could still get the $50 rebate and another 32 Mb memory card on top of the deal I already got.) On my HP Jornada 548, I saved about $140 over the local sales prices, as well. That's over 33% off. I agree with sbell. Pay attention to the feedback, and eBay is no more risky than buying anywhere else online.
  24. quote:Originally posted by Alan2: What'd ya save? I bought a Nikon Coolpix 5000 with 3 piece filter kit, cleaning kit, tripod, carrying case, rechargeable battery (and charger), zoom lens, wide angle lens, extra 128 Mb compact flash card (plus the standard 32 Mb card that came with the camera), a high speed USB carder reader/writer, plus a 5 year extended service contract...and eventually the adapter tube that goes with the lenses...all (inluding shipping) for less than I could have gotten JUST THE CAMERA locally. (Not to mention that there would have been an additional 6% tax if I'd have bought locally.) That totals up a few hundred bucks. (Plus the box it came in had the UPC symbol intact, so I could still get the $50 rebate and another 32 Mb memory card on top of the deal I already got.) On my HP Jornada 548, I saved about $140 over the local sales prices, as well. That's over 33% off. I agree with sbell. Pay attention to the feedback, and eBay is no more risky than buying anywhere else online.
  25. quote:Originally posted by inceptor: As to a fight? Nah, too old to go 12 rounds with anyone any more. Nah, we're never too old for fighting...especially in the virtual world.
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