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Everything posted by danieloliveira

  1. Since we now have an official EARTHCACHE geocoin why not get Groundspeak to allow dipping of this coin, and only this coin, into and out of EarthCaches?
  2. Mais uma muito bonita: Há em tons de azul também aqui
  3. You will soon! Look for the Tooth Fairy to put one under your pillow! YES! I have one in my hands now. I agree that the backside is a bit bland but overall it is just perfect. And there are another 3 yes votes in the house. THANKS Now, why is it still not on sale at the EarthCache store?
  4. I'd like to comment further but I still haven't got one to look at
  5. Changing the present program is full of hazzards. New cachers with a goal to attain will all of a sudden feel that perhaps the goal posts have been moved. Except for some notable geologists in the program for the rest of us attaining Platinum has taken considerable time and effort. Don't pull the rug out from under them. It would seem that getting all Platinum awardees involved with a questionaire may be an appropriate approach. I see where you're going K.Ddid and my intention is not to pull the rug out from under anybody but Geoaware did raise the question and this is just a opinion. I am quite content to leave things as they are and that is why I end my reply with "do we really need prizes for doing what we love?".
  6. Que é do Monho?
  7. Esta última parece ter desaparecido dos radares
  8. E porque não? Never say never. Foi um prazer e a tua cache tem uma tema delicioso. Ai o malandro. Concorrência directa
  9. That's not fair. I am an old geezer and probably will not live that long! Can you EC in Europe by proxy? One country comes to mind as the first to visit. I can't speak the language but I know a geologist who is good at translation. Guess who? I also don't think it is not fair that when I was in Saudi Arabia and Belgium, there was no such thing as geocaching. I would go back to Belgium in a minute but I am not sure about Saudi Arabia. When I was there in the 80's Americans were welcome. I haven't looked but are there any ECs in Saudi Arabia? I guess it leaves me with the mystery European country with a resident geologist who knows the language! You've just given me a wicked idea. Let me develop it some more
  10. I would make the next level EUROPIUM level and to make it really something “difficult” to strive for I would adopt the following formula Europium: 50 10 50 - 50 EC founds in at least 10 countries/states and the development of 50 EC’s. But then do we really need prizes for doing what we love?
  11. I forget about page length or word counts and only stop when I have said everything I need to say so that the visitor gets a clear understanding of the subject at hand. Sorry, its the geologist in me. However, I am always open to an e-mail that says "blá, blá, blá...windows error...... blá, blá, bla but we found this and this and this. Will you allow the find?". If I feel that the lesson has been learned you can count on a +1 in your tally.
  12. Thanks Hugo. Always on the ball
  13. O site do geocaching.com está um NOJO!
  14. Hey Geoaware, seriously, which EarthCache was number 5000? I know we would like to see it. Thanks. I would too! Can you post that EARTHCACHE code here? Thanks.
  15. You have my sympathy. I'm sorry you had to go through all those low quality EC's that end in DP/EC. If I ever find the owner of those caches I'm going to tell a thing or two.
  16. I think we all have to agree that an official EARTHCACHE geocoin would have the official EarthCache logo on the front, which it does. Moreover, I agree that the back side could be improved a whole lot. However, it is the only EARTHCACHE geocoin available so make the most of it and if it really hurts you to look at it's backside, don't turn it over, ever.
  17. Let's slow down a bit. As far as I can remember what Geoaware said was that if the name is spelled fully in capitals then it is correct in this form: EARTHCACHE. However, if you opt for capitals and small letters then it should be spelled like this: EarthCache. I wasn't going to fast was I? I did find this though. http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...=203448&hl= I knew that I did read it that way some where and no where does it say that it is supposed to be spelled in caps but the offical way to spell it is EarthCache. Let Geoaware cast the final and deciding vote on this matter.
  18. Hi there and welcome! Nice to have you as active members of this community. You guys live in a privileged part of the country so enjoy it.
  19. Se o ALCAS concorrer vão ter de se esmerar muito
  20. STOP making us overseas cachers JEALOUS!
  21. Isso és tu que és rezingão. Uso, como o Paulo disse atrás, o Latitude para isso. Agora está integrado na aplicaçáo GoogleMaps do telemóvel e como utilizei quase exclusivamente o dito cujo para cachar nos Açores, lá foi actualizando a posição baseado na posição do GPS incorporado (quando não tem cobertura GPS utiliza os dados da localização da célula GSM, se disponível). Foi giro receber SMS e telefonemas do pessoal ("então, estás nas Furnas? já comeste o cozido todo?") e esgotou-se aí a utilidade da coisa, já que não forneci previamente o link à família, potenciais interessados em saber por onde andava. É claro que tenho pleno controlo de a quem e como forneço a minha posição (posso-a forjar a qualquer momento, também) e só tenho pessoal de confiança na lista de contactos. Vi-me em situações em que gostava que o uso de mecanismos destes fosse mais massificado. Por exemplo, quando me combinei encontrar com um conjunto de amigos num lugar bastante movimentado e do qual não tínhamos pontos de referência. Em vez dos "estás onde? falta muito?", era fazer uma consulta ao dito cujo. O geocaching live, pelo que vi, tem a vantagem de integrar a rede social criada pelos geocachers (há quem diga que é o melhor disto tudo), as caches e este sistema de localização. Podemos fazer a aproximação a uma cache, verificar se existem geocachers por perto, fazer field notes e ir mandando o bitaite da ordem. Parece-me bem. Experientei e encontrei logo algumas coisas curiosas. Os mapas são servidos via openmaps, que pode ser um ponto negativo, já que a cobertura por estes lados é escassa. Nos pontos positivos, e pelo menos para os clientes Vodafone, a aplicação pode usar a APN live.vodafone.pt, o que significa que para grande parte dos clientes o tráfego é gratuito ou apenas sujeito a uma tarifa diária, independentemente da utilização. Uma boa alternativa a aplicações como o Trimble Geocache Navigator, digo eu.. Terei que ir experimentando ao longo dos próximos dias para poder fazer uma apreciação global mais completa. Rezingão? Pois sou. tenho um amigo que tem um doutoramento na matéria e é bom professor.
  22. Let's slow down a bit. As far as I can remember what Geoaware said was that if the name is spelled fully in capitals then it is correct in this form: EARTHCACHE. However, if you opt for capitals and small letters then it should be spelled like this: EarthCache.
  23. I will get one of the three I bought out for circulation. How can I get it to Portugal? Just my two cents worth, the EARTHCACHE side is great but the Groundspeak side leaves something to be desired. GSA gets a 9 1/2 for art but the Groundspeak side look like it was printed off a printing press. Give 'em a 1 1/2! Those numbers are out of 10! Don't anybody get mad. Overall, I like the coin. Sent you a PM! I agree with you about the "tails" side of the coin.
  24. Prodrive!!!!!!
  25. The conspiracy theorists are out and about. And I can understand why. After months of waiting and speculation we find out that there is a EARTHCACHE geocoin by some very keen and awake web hunter instead of....Geoaware. Now that it is confirmed that it is official, let's get some and get them traveling....or not.
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