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Everything posted by danieloliveira

  1. Thank you. You'll be hearing from me soon
  2. I feel very strongly about this. NO
  3. I have a pertinent questions for Geoaware regarding this matter. In the USA you have states that count individually as countries for tallying in the earthcache masters project. I quote from www.earthcache.org - Bronze Earthcache Master Visit and log three (3) or more Earthcaches in two (2) or more states/countries. Silver PinSilver Earthcache Master Visit and log six (6) or more Earthcaches in three (3) or more states/countries and have developed one (1) or more Earthcaches. Gold PinGold Earthcache Master Visit and log twelve (12) or more Earthcaches in four (4) or more states/countries and have developed two (2) or more Earthcaches. Platinum PinPlatinum Earthcache Master Visit and log twenty (20) or more Earthcaches in five (5) or more states/countries and have developed three (3) or more Earthcaches. In western Europe We have Portugal that is made up of the Madeira (Madeira, Porto Santo, Deserta Grande, Bugio Islands) and Açores (Corvo, Flores, Graciosa, Faial, Pico. S. Jorge, Terceira, S. Miguel and Sta. Maria Islands) archipelagos and Spain next door with the Balearic (Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza) and Canaries (Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarotte, La Palma, Tenererife and La Gomera Islands) Archipelagos. Would Geoaware consider finds in any of these archipelagos as being "in another state/country" and could I use these finds to try to attain a higher level in the earthcache master program? Thanks
  4. I like this approach... Mind if I borrow it? Not at all. Please feel free
  5. Good initiative. Pity its so far away. I would attend for sure.
  6. Good initiative. Pity its so far away. I would attend for sure.
  7. In Portugal I can definitely say that its a very BIG YES
  8. One hour, thirteen minutes before midnight (Lisbon time) and I get an adoption request from Geoaware. Great stuff Thanks and Geoaware. I appreciate the work you do and the loads of mail that land on your desk. THANKS.
  9. Maybe I expressed myself badly. I was using the example of GE in the sense that people try to use GE in order to answer the questions related to a particular earthcache requirements, eg. the shape of a feature. I did mean it as a tool for obtaining coordinates and to create earthcaches Peace!
  10. With the development of GE, has anyone received half made up answers to their EC tasks? I thought of this because I've just received two replies to answers on two of my EC's that were clearly obtained via GE. Unfortunately for him he cannot answer all the questions. Has anyone had similar experiences?
  11. Leave only footprints, Take only photographs or kill only time would also fit nicely as slogans for earthcache items ... I think
  12. Friday is almost over for us and nothing yet
  13. It's a week now and still nothing. If there is a backlog this is good news for the earthcaching community as it means that there are lots of new earthcaches about to make an appearance
  14. OUCH! That's harsh!
  15. Since you mention earthcache day....... In 2006, when I was approached by Geoaware to promote Earthcache day, I organised an event cache at the same location. The meet was also highly successful and involved a in situ explanation of the geological phenomena. Check it out HERE. Sadly in 2007 no event was organised as I was working hard elsewhere. I'm thinking of something along the same lines for this year but at another earthcache nearby.
  16. I am proud to report that in Portugal, as a result of increased earthcache placements, one of my earthcaches Dykes and Sills Earthcache - DP/EC2 (GCPZC9) was been chosen as the location for a nationwide publicised event in the Programme "Geologia no Verão" (Geology in the Summer). This Programme runs every summer and aims to place geology within reach of the layman and participation is open to all who register. Below you can see the description of the activity (mostly in Portuguese): The event took place on the 26th of July and this is a copy of the publicised www page: Título: Geocaching+Geologia=Earthcaching (Departamento de Geologia da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) Data: 26-07-2008 14:00:00 Lista de Espera Ponto de encontro: Praia das Avencas, Parede Localidade: Parede / CASCAIS / LISBOA Itinerário: Praia das Avencas e nas suas imediações. Duração: 4,3 h Inscrição prévia obrigatória: SIM Lista de Espera Responsável pela acção: Mário Cachão Descrição: Os participantes nesta actividade irão travar conhecimento com o Geocaching e o Earthcaching, novas ferramentas para a promoção e divulgação das geociências. Notas: Com a colaboração de Geocaching@PT. This event shows how earthcaching has now become a viable tool to divulge and even perhaps teach facets of the earth sciences to people who have no idea where they are stepping on while walking through the blue planet. In addition participants also learnt about geocaching and the different facets thereof. This activity results from joint efforts that myself and a fellow geologist and colleague have undertaken with the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon through Mário Cachão who is a a professor of paleontology at the university. To make the same event enticing for geocachers nationwide, my colleague Paulo Henriques, organized a geocaching event cache to run simultaneously with the "Geologia no Verão" activity. The event is named the same as the activity Geologia+Geocaching=Earthcaching! (GC1DM08). The "Geologia no Verão" limited the number of participants to a maximum of 25 and we had people on the waiting list so it was rather successful. Below are some pictures taken during the event: The event site: Praia das Avencas, Parede (approx. 17 km W of central Lisbon) - looking west Another view of the beach - looking east The dykes in the middle ground The "teachers" The (attentive) audience More of the audience Post event picture If you'd like to see more pictures follow the links of the event cache and go through the logs.
  17. Since we're showing off pebbles and cobbles, here's some from Portugal. I will tell that all this is man made, its very old and you'll have to wait for a future earthcache to be able to find out exactly what it is. But so as not to detract from the original question asked above, I would say for you to see quite a few EC pages to see the sort of stuff that has been done. Then you have to develop your site and get it published.
  18. I have a simple method. 1- Thank them for their visit. 2- I have created one *.pdf file for each EC I own with the answers to the questions asked that is illustrated with pictures. It can either be a simple image with the answer or something more complex with an explanation as well. I send them that as an attachment for them to confirm their answers or see the errors of their ways. (one exception is an earthcache I have with some dinosaur tracks. In that case I have a published paper that I send them as additional information). 3- should there be any other questions on the part of the visitor, then I get into a lengthier e-mail. this would be an example of what I mean (cache name obliterated):
  19. Thanks
  20. Well.....they are actual caches but there's is no physical container with logbook. Think of them as a practical exam of sorts with planet earth as your book and the elements as your teachers.
  21. eheheheheh Excellent story
  22. Definitely erosional. Sounds like a very interesting site.
  23. As said before, I've had EC's approved within hours and others within days. Right now I'm waiting for one that has been submitted for 5 days and nothing yet
  24. I would like to see an earthcache geocoin...SOON.
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