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Everything posted by brslk

  1. I just looked up "troll" on Wikipedia. They have your picture there. Stop feeding him friend of chad. I know it isn't easy but if I can... anyone can.
  2. I don't think you want to know what most people think. You just want to stir things up as usual. I used to have a girlfriend like you... she needed drama in her life... liked to stir things up... liked to cause trouble when there was none... I got rid of her. No one likes a drama queen.
  3. In my best Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka voice: "WRONG, SIR! WRONG!" Normally, I'm a giver. I'll replace baggies or add dry log sheets or fix up a cache if I can but I do that out of respect for a cache owner. With your sense of entitlement and attitude, I wouldn't bother helping. It's your cache, you fix it. +1 Glad to read that despite what I thought of the CO he an even bigger donkey than I thought. Way to lose friends and alienate people buddy... Even his "apology" was kinda backhanded.
  4. There was one placed near me last night that must have been hidden using google earth or something other than a GPSr. I say this because it is placed in a tiny park (nice place) that is in between two skyscrapers. My GPSr was bouncing all over the place and my iPhone showed me about 6 blocks away. I looked for it and will look for it tomorrow as it hasn't been found yet. I WILL find it first!
  5. Quoted for truth. Really? I use both. I use my iPhone about 90% of the time and prefer it but I spent and continue to spend way more for the iPhone than I did for my one time purchase of my $100 Legend. As for paper and ink (Who doesn't already own a printer?),That used to run me about ummm...maybe $50 a year. Besides... money has nothing to do with it for most people.
  6. Please please please tell me this was a typo... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  7. Wow... that sounds like a nightmare. Good on you for trying to make it good though.
  8. Ok. Is this someone who was part of Team Lagonda? Oh noooooos. Say it ain't so. Name rings a bell... refresh my memory? The only person to ever cause me to get a vacation. His name must never be mentioned. Perhaps I do not know what I think I know and will bow out.
  9. Sounds like one of those geo terrorists we've been hearing about trying to stir the pot a little. I'd just ignore it and move on. I had the same feeling but checked out the profile and checked out the logs on the finds. Of course... I could be wrong... I have often thought I was right but my wife knows better.
  10. That really depends on where and how it is placed. My one regular cache's logbook is filling up faster than my micro's. But, for the most part you are correct.
  11. I wouldn't think there are that many abandoned ammo cans out there. People that place ammo cans tend to look after them and maintain them because of the cost involved with them. As to who would be legally responsible for them if abandoned, I would suppose the cache placer if him/her could be tracked down. If not, they would just be considered litter. Is there a reason you ask?
  12. Yes, but I think the majority of people who have replied to this thread have stated that they don't hate micros just because they are micros. I personally like micros. I just dislike them being placed inappropriately.
  13. Two reactions: "Good for you", and "So what?"First of all, if anyone has gone missing, you KNOW the blue bow is behind it. Secondly, I can't help but point out that this response just goes to show how much of a joke Waymarking is considered by many. *** Yes, I realize some people are really into Waymarking. But by and large, Waymarking is the red headed step sister of Geocaching and a lot of people just don't take it serious. I suspect there is a little more to do with a geocache review than simply pushing the button like at that other site. I suspect you might be correct. That why I'm watching this thread really closely. Likewise....I suspect there may be more to the Listing itself and perhaps that is why there is a delay What disturbs me even more is that it is taking more than 15 minutes to get a response from Keystone. That is just unacceptable. Someone needs to go wake him from his evening nap! I'm just now returning to the keyboard after driving home from the burial service for an immediate family member last weekend. Still, I published 14 caches so far today, 19 yesterday, 12 on Saturday and 29 on Friday. There has not been a single day thus far in 2010 when I have not published a cache. Reviewers have lives, too. We fit our volunteer work in around everything else. The OP's puzzle cache is in OReviewer's territory (another of the five reviewers sharing duties in the Keystone State). I am sure that OReviewer will be along in due course to have a look at it. Thanks for your patience. Sorry about the loss. I do hope you realize I was kidding. Indeed, sorry for the loss keystone. I am sure you realize that most of us forum junkies have the utmost respect for you. Be well and take some time to mourn. Cache submitters can wait. Or carry on if it keeps your mind busy.
  14. Try emailing the CO and ask if you can adopt the cache. If so your in business, if no answer post the "needs archived". I would post a NM...then wait... then email the CO... then wait... then post an NA. Give the CO a chance to fix things before posting an NA. Who knows what's going on in his or her life.
  15. Actually it seems that micros under lamp posts have generated most of the recent bomb squad responses that I've seen. I was going to mention that. I can't recall many times in recent history that an ammo can has been blown up.
  16. It really does frustrate me sometimes when someone sanitizes a nice wooded area by placing a boring micro in the middle of it. I once did even consider muggling it but my conscience wouldn't let me do it. However someone or more than one someone didn't have and issue with muggling it and it has been muggled three times. The CO has decided to archive it. For some strange reason I didn't place a cache there and within days after it being archived, someone placed another micro! GRRRRR! I have lots of bad thoughts but rarely act upon them...
  17. I think you have it there. I would call it a multi but do as the reviewer suggests. Can't go wrong that way.
  18. People who scan the cito or really any section of the forums. Scroll my friend.
  19. Why is the difference between a "nano" and a micro more important than the difference between two regular caches of that are different sizes? I don't get why these threads keep popping up. I thought nanos were "tricky" the first two or three times I found them. Now they're just a cheap way to get a difficulty 3 find on a cache that should really be difficulty 1.5. Must be a regional thing.
  20. I best leave this thread before the come out.
  21. Nor does Groundspeak charge per thread. The OP had a question, and it took you more energy to chastise than to answer the question or, better yet, just keep yer mouth shut. It seems to me these forums are for old hats to play around in, chastising "noobs" at every chance. If people would be more helpful, even for topics such as this one that don't necessarily address how to play the game, maybe new people visiting the forums would be more apt to hang around and learn this is a family/friend oriented game. I see people coming to our local organization forums to ask questions that they tried to ask on gc.com only to be ran out on a rail. So you get tired of posting the same answer again and again... Don't post it. Somebody willing to be helpful will. Oh no, you had to read yet another post that had already been answered 2 weeks ago? If you spend enough time on these forums that you know all the questions that have been asked and when, AND have the time to pen a hurtful reply, your time wasn't so valuable that you couldn't read it again before just moving on to the next post. [/rant] ... WHEW!. edit to answer: geocaching will lead to divorce in my house before it leads to bonding! A house divided, blah blah blah... Did you just tell me to keep my to keep my mouth shut?
  22. Because he's an attention-seeking troll. He WANTS to get ripped on. +1 +2
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