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Posts posted by brslk
Whos cache is against the guidelines?
I was hoping you could answer that. I read your earlier comment, worded to the effect of, "...so many <caches> drilled into trees...", I was of the assumption that you've actually encountered these yourself. I seem to recall something in the guidelines regarding defacing property. While you might think it is splitting hairs, I would argue that drilling a hole into something would qualify as defacement. I would be willing to bet that any reviewer who read your post would see it the same way.
Which begs the question, have you actually located caches that were "drillied into trees"?
In your mind, would that be against the guidelines?
Which brings to mind my other questions;
Should the guidelines be followed? If you believe they should be followed, can you tell us why you believe this? If cachers decide to ignore the guidelines, should there be consequences? If there should be consequences, what should they be? If a cacher comes here looking for advice on his cache, and it is clearly in violation, (or like in the case of the OP, simply looking for folks to agree that his violation should be ignored), should we, as a community promote the guidelines, or should we tell them to ignore them? If we are out caching and we find a cache that clearly violates the guidelines, should we just shrug and stick our heads in the sand, or should we take a certain amount of responsibility for the world around us by letting the reviewers know what we found?
Have I seen caches drilled into trees and stop signs and support legs and........... Yes I have.
Is it against the guide lines? I think so.
Will I turn them in? I think not.
I think it all comes down to common sense. Not everyone has it. Some people know when they see a hide that might not be quite kosher with the guidelines but can use common sense to see it will result in no harm to the game or anything else.
Kinda like how the reviewers make judgment calls.
Then there are some people who don't have common sense and have to stick to the guidelines almost religiously even when it doesn't concern them. (or they like to preach as such online)
If I see something that is detrimental to anything that could affect anything I or others do, I will take action. If not... no.
Silly to do otherwise.
I wish there is a way to keep CO from placing new cache until they repaired their "needs maintenance" caches that are out there.
An excellent idea!
I agree with that. Certain people might not. Certain people who have had caches archived because they were ill placed and didn't respond to reviewers notes.
Responding to reviewers is hard. Let's go shopping!
Maintaining a cache is hard. Let's go shopping!
He was right... it is still funny....
I treat puzzles like I treat women, Im all excited about them at first, then they drag on, and nag at me until i cant take it anymore, and i dump em like yesterdays Chinese restaurant trash.
but this weekend, im making it a point to give all my multi and puzzle caches one more go around, a bootycall of sorts for those caches most people avoid, cause even puzzle and multi caches need loving once in a while,
That was good.
That looks like a pretty kewl cache. I see the original coffee container was hidden on 12-04-2004. In this game, that listing could almost be called antique!
I see you found it in October of last year. Was the container you found the same one that was originally placed?
If you were able to prove that, this cache would certainly qualify as a coffee container that has lasted for years. If not, someone could argue that it could have been replaced the day before you found it.
(Yeah, I know. Folks will argue anything on the Internet)
Not to mention the picture of the wet logbook. Hardly a ringing endorsement of this container.
I don't think one report of a wet logbook since 2004 is too bad. I've seen such things reported with ammo cans. I'm not saying they are a perfect container. I'm just saying there are worse.
That looks like a pretty kewl cache. I see the original coffee container was hidden on 12-04-2004. In this game, that listing could almost be called antique!
I see you found it in October of last year. Was the container you found the same one that was originally placed?
If you were able to prove that, this cache would certainly qualify as a coffee container that has lasted for years. If not, someone could argue that it could have been replaced the day before you found it.
(Yeah, I know. Folks will argue anything on the Internet)
As far as I know it is still the original container. Perhaps the CO will read this thread and let us know. I see he posts in the forums from time to time.
I had no idea that a degrading folgers can would react just like a rose dipped in liquid nitrogen! It disintigrates that fast? wow
Perhaps you can show me where in my post it says I know the exact history of every cache container i've found?
Imagine the difference between the rose before and after. Supple plastic vs. brittle plastic. The Folgers container won't break easily when it's new and supple. Once it becomes brittle, it's very thin and will break easily. Once the container becomes brittle, it will take very little pressure or impact to break it.
Sudden disintegration of plastic after exposure to the elements isn't some new and radical theory.
Suggested reading you can do on teh interwebs for free (I'll assume you don't have access to a scientific journal database). You'll notice that UV light is the big one - in fact, some researchers are trying to find ways to make biodegradable plastics by trying to make plastics MORE susceptible to UV light than they already are.
As for your other nonsense, you stated that you've seen these caches last for years, but you have fewer than 150 finds and have been caching for less than a year. How is it possible that you have personally seen caches in Folgers coffee containers last for years? Do you have another account?
I'll leave it at that.
*edited to remove wise words that someone took personally*
I have no idea what the date was when I joined this site has to do with when someone else places a cache?
I have never seen one "disintegrate quite suddenly". How is that even possible?
As for the taste of Folgers, I have no idea. I don't drink coffee.
I could discuss Bourbon for hours but those bottles don't make such good cache containers.
How can you see a cache last for years if you've only been caching for less than a year? Do you know the exact history of every cache container you've found?
Plastics are not inert. When you put a plastic container outside, it's exposed to temperature changes, UV light, moisture, etc. All of these things work on the chemical composition of the plastic over time. Eventually the plastic becomes weak and brittle, and then it doesn't take much for the container to break. This often happens quite suddenly, especially with containers like those Folgers cans where the plastic is very thin and relies on a certain amount of pliability to stay intact.
Imagine someone dipping a rose in liquid nitrogen and then hitting it with a hammer.
Plastics intended for long-term use are treated with stabilizers so they can better withstand the elements. The cheap plastics in disposable food containers are not.
Science is hard. Let's go shopping!
Thanks Miss Science!(or are you Malibu Stacey) I had no idea that a degrading folgers can would react just like a rose dipped in liquid nitrogen! It disintigrates that fast? wow
Perhaps you can show me where in my post it says I know the exact history of every cache container i've found?
I agree with you for the most part but I have seen several of those red Folgers coffee containers last for several years here.
Years? Really?
"Joined: 18-October 09"
The Folgers containers have a tendency to disintegrate quite suddenly, and the lids are crap.
And why anyone would buy Folgers is beyond me. I don't even drink coffee and I know better than to inflict that on anybody.
He didn't say they were his caches. They could've been placed years ago by someone else and found recently in good shape.
I agree with the folgers sentiment. I am a coffee fiend and even if I believed the cans made decent containers, a free container would not be worth drinking that! I aim for the lock-n-lock aisle and buy clean ones that won't attract animals (even so, I've had a bear munch on a lock-n-lock) or plan a day at the shore and head down to the englishtown (nj) fleamarket for cheap ammo cans.
I have no idea what the date was when I joined this site has to do with when someone else places a cache?
I have never seen one "disintegrate quite suddenly". How is that even possible?
As for the taste of Folgers, I have no idea. I don't drink coffee.
I could discuss Bourbon for hours but those bottles don't make such good cache containers.
oh please im not offended, ive been called much worse by many more people in person mind you, youll have a hard time offending me in an internet forum.
I wasn't worried about offending you... lol
I would not like it at all.
I cache to relax and have fun. Not to have some retard jump out of nowhere and scare me.
(not implying ashnikes is a retard or in any other way mentally unfit)
I'm with you. Also not implying that ashnikes is a 'retard.'
"retard" is indeed a bad choice of words. I am sorry for that.
I knew and know better...
meh, im only really dumb when it comes to private property, and guidelines,
And common sense.. and making friends... and social skills... and not alienating people... and....
I give credit where credit is due.
I would not like it at all.
I cache to relax and have fun. Not to have some retard jump out of nowhere and scare me.
(not implying ashnikes is a retard or in any other way mentally unfit)
Why would anyone think to look on the tree when the title basically says it is an LPC? Such misdirection does not, in my opinion, equate to cleaver.
If I call my cache a MIST must it be a micro in a spruce tree?
I don't think the title of a cache has to give away the location.
If the description says it is a micro in a spruce tree then that is wrong.
I found one awhile ago that had "hidden among the trees" that was "among" the trees but was a fake rock on the ground...
Just like people need to look about 30' beyond GZ, they also need to not be hand fed the cache.
When you go shopping now do you look for containers that might work as geocaches? for example have you switched your coffee purchases from a bag to a can so you can use the can later as a geocache?
Absolutely not. Containers used for food attract animals (even in the city), and there's no way a coffee container can stand up to the elements where I live.
I agree with you for the most part but I have seen several of those red Folgers coffee containers last for several years here.
I think they opened it up and found a note that said, "Nope... not the cache. Try again!"Saw that same scene back in late 2008. I still don't know what they found in there. Anyway, it is a little more suspenseful than this one.Loved the white t-shirt, by the way. Looked very closely to see if it had a Geocaching logo on it, but I really couldn't tell. I might have to watch it again.
You too?
(edited to edit my edit)
Some of these questions are starting to get monotonous.
He has no interest in learning anything other than how far he can troll before being banned.
"why when i can send mind control waves to forum members who will do it for me?"
"what's a guideline? is that like a new drug or something?"
And he says it's just his sense of humor...
I can't even bother to try to stay on topic anymore in his threads because they have no topic. They are just ridiculous and successful attempts at trolling.
OK... on topic. There is a vast difference between nanos, geocaches and letterboxes.
If the OP had even trid in the slightest to research things himself would know that. But then.... he did say the above.
From a film student standpoint, i think this film started out as a 10 min short.
and became too influenced by investors and friends.
As far as character development, it IS possible to take that many characters and develop in depth story lines about them, look at snatch for example. Its not so much that there were too many high profile characters, but rather that they were wasting their screen time with poor writing. Which i blame for the excessive use of colorful language. Actors suck at improv, and when told to do so, they just toss in curse words, when curse words are written into the story and the character, they can come across as great, look at Samuel Jackson.
I think the director or writer, or both, really loved geocaching, and wanted to incorporate it into this obscure awkward comedy, even though the movie really has nothing to do with geocaching, it just so happens its one of the quirky things the main actress enjoys doing, which leads me to believe the above, also by incorporating in geocaching the producers knew it would sell the movie at least to the geocaching community which has been paying dues, and fees, and all sorts of stuff to Groundspeak for how long now? 10 years? so theres a huge investor, and it worked. we all watched it one way or another, and most of us paid for it.
all in all the movie wasnt terrible, it had great potential, i just think a lot the language was unnessicary, and distracting, the characters were largely undeveloped, and the situations they were dumped into were so sporadic it took too long to figure out where the movie was taking the audiance, and people just do not have the patience to sit that long through it.
lets make a better movie about geocaching.
Wow, that's a great review ashnikes, and I agree with much of it!! Especially the part about the writer or director having been a Geocacher. But as far as marketing a movie to us on that basis, I believe we (geocachers) are still an extreme fringe element in the grand scheme of things, and there wasn't much of a "bump" to the movie there.
This doesn't happen often but I also agree with ashnikes. When someone is right... they are right.
yes, the cache i am trying to place is only 462 ft from a cache i own the one i listed. the radio cache i own already exists, and im trying to place a different one 462ft from it, which has not been published for obvious reasons,
Well... despite what I may have said and what you may think, I am not completely against you.
When I mentioned the agenda issue in the other thread I did also say that I didn't totally agree with it because I had a hide denied because I mentioned that there were local businesses in the area, I never named them.
In this case, I would just move one or both of the caches. You know that the reviewer is not going to budge on this.
Good luck.
my poor reviewer, must loath my new listings, this one for example ive been tying to get published for close to two weeks, cause i kept trying to figure out ways to get around this proximity issue, all this work to hide a dang cache, i think ill take my cache down, and see if i can place it somewhere else, AGAIN, or ill flip a coin to try again or forget it, since the cache in question is mine also i could move that one 50ft farther away, then recheck my coords at gz of the one waiting to be published and see if i was off before, and could maybe squeeze by the 528ft rule. jeesh what a pain,
Are you saying that the cache you are trying to place is too close to a cache that have placed?
I would also be worried about the agenda issue. Your cache page should not have an agenda such as promoting the radio station or library etc...
Not that I agree with that guideline but there it is.
no matter what you "work" at if you work at it hard enough you can make money off of it, you do not have to have a lame desk job you dont like to make ends meet, but if you want ot do something you love and make money at it too, you better realise you wont make a whole lot of money, but you can make enough to survive and continue to enjoy doing what you love at the same time.
Who says you can't do what you love and make good money? Just sayin...
One of the wisest men I ever met told me, "Do what you love, and the money will follow."
He was right.
Nobody in their right mind is going to pay me to drink beer and look at pornography...
Thanks for the fun!
Would you turn it over to someone with the skill to carry it forward (that would definitely not be me!)
Why not make it open-source and let the community take it over?
My thoughts but better stated than my previous post.
If I want people to access a cache in a particular way, I make it a multi that guides them that way. Other than that, if someone can't be bothered to read the cache description for whatever reason, I'm really not interested in hearing them complain about something that's stated in the description or attributes.
Mine comes in a dense cardboard container with a wax coating on the inside, all topped off with a metal lid. It manages to keep my chew good for a few days. Though I go through about one every two days, and collect them to recycle. I wouldn't ever think about putting one out as a cache though... sheesh I have destroyed on in my pocket before from moisture on a hot and muggy day out working in the yard.
edit for spelling
Mine comes in all plastic. I have thought about (but not very hard) using one as a cache container. At the very least, it could be used to hold a bison tube with the log inside.
I have a signature item from a cacher 1 state over that is one of those cardboard/metal cans with a mirror inside. It's a redneck compass. "It doesn't show you where you are, it just shows you who's lost."
That is very funny.
I will refrain from commenting about rednecks.
What's your team name and why?
in General geocaching topics
I suppose since the wife caches with me about half the time but doesn't log online I should have a team name...
How bout' brslks?