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Everything posted by LandRover

  1. Are there coordinates for the coffee stop?
  2. I'd be up for something except I'M GOING TO THE LCM
  3. As someone who has found the cache in question, I'll answer for Fledermaus, though perhaps I shouldn't: The cache was at the confluence of tidal land (usually considered public property) and a cit easement that is located adjacent to a park. I'm guessing Fledermaus thought his permit covered placement (and it may have). In fact, I think what the cop said was hogwash. If they didn't want people using a public easement they should post it. People are under that birdge all the time fishing, etc. Even without using the city's easement it is legal and easy to get to the cache location. I think the big group of people and freaked him out. The idea of the Warren Avenue Bridge in Bremerton as a terrorist target is laughable. But that's neither here nor there.... As one of those who was asked to leave by the local authorities, I have to say that it was not the friendliest interaction I have ever had with the police while out caching. As far as permission for placing the cache in question if permission had been given then he should have stated that to GS once they brought up their concerns instead of lamb blasting TPTB. The example I gave is not the only time Fledermaus has gone off the deep end when asked to remove one of his caches. Just look at this one, yes it was a long time ago, but there is a pattern there.
  4. You have everything you "NEED". You will find that as you get more into geocaching there are going to be a few other things that will make your life easier. The first thing you are going to want to figure out is how to create Pocke Queries (PQ), with a single PQ you can get 500 caches sent to you that you can then open with Map Source then down load to you Garmin. Eventually you will probably want GSAK, Cachemate, maybe USAPhotoMap, or GoogleEarth but none of these are "NEEDED" they just make life as a cacher easier. I am sure someone will pop in here with links to all of the above.
  5. And what agency did you get permission from when placing this cache, the agency of "I'll do whatever the hell I want"?
  6. The USB cable works fine for real time traking on my 60CSx, I'm not sure about the "X" series but m understaning is that the non-"X" series 76 & 60 were the same machines in different cases.
  7. new avitar
  8. Maybe if you sent a note to the "Family members" that introduced them to geocahing they might be willing to put a little pressure on them.
  9. I always thought it pronounced See-Tow
  10. If you look at all the sugested caches I would guess that at least 50% are fresh water caches.
  11. Can you say Blake Island. Chief Sealth's Birthplace Blake Island Summit Blake's Baretta Blake Island Manse Others on Puget Sound YLEKALB KCOR Peanut Butter & Jetty
  12. And when you get that monster Range Rover stuck, there's usually a Jeep somewhere nearby to winch you out. A winch! Only a wuss would need a winch.
  13. Yes you need Garmin software package that supports auto routing, such as City Select, City Navigator or as I understand it an OLDER version of Metroguide. Nroute is not much good for autorouting without the maps it needs, hey it was free what do you expect.
  14. You'll want to download nRoute from Garmin, I beleive it is a free download, to use with your GPS hooked up to your laptop. I'm not sure where on Garmin's site it is located but I'm sure someone will pop in here with a link. edit: changed City Navigator to nRoute
  15. Well, we did get muddy
  16. will be there
  17. I might just be able to make this one.
  18. I must amend my previous statement. I double checked and was corrected earlier this evening. It would be preferred if a purchase was optional, but depending on the minimum purchase requirement it may hold up the listing of the event. An example would be that if everyone was expected to at least order a drink that would not usually be a problem. If, however, everyone was required to order a full meal that would be too much. And yet Groundspeak allows listings like this
  19. I don't think this happens on the x seires since you're downloading the maps into the microSD. After loading both TOPO and CIty Select maps on my 60CSx the tide stations are still there.
  20. The buttons on my 15 month old 60CS are wearing down also so I called Garmin earlier this week to find out what it would cost to have them replaced and they told me that they would cover under warranty. I will be sending it back on Monday, caching to do this weekend don't you know. I don't care whether they just fix it or send a replacement, either way their CUSTOMER SERVICE is the best. DHL just dropped off my BRAND NEW replacement today.
  21. The HVAC system in your building can have a lot to do with the changing elevation readings. Give tis a try on your drive to work n the morning, select the altimiter page with your window rolled up the crack one of your windows and watch the elevation go up. There are some issues with the altimiters in the 60CSx's that I garmin is aware of and I would assume working on.
  22. I don't know the answer o your question but there is a workaround. When the XML file opens after clicking on the link do a "save as" and and the GPX extension to the file name.
  23. I have just noticed that after starting up my 60Csx if I select "Use with GPS Off" the "GPS is Off" dialog comes up but after a few minutes the "Poor Satellite Reception" box comes up again, I have it on in the basement w/o any reception which is why I selected use ith GPS off in the first place. I'm not sure if this is a 2.62 issue but I don't remember it doing this before I loaded 2.62.
  24. It's been at least 2 years, in the summer of 04 we took a motorhome to West Port for a week and I had to set up an account to make my reservation then, I made the reservation about this time of year so I could get a spot in the summer there also.
  25. I have reserved a spot for our trailer on the lower loop, site #11.
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