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Everything posted by LandRover

  1. After you get out of your car you need to "Recalculate" and select "offroad". the "geocaching Navigation" page will only show when in offroad mode.
  2. If you have a palm make sure that you shut off Hotsync, for whatever reason Hotsync takes over the port and won't let anything else use it if Hotsync is running.
  3. You may wnat to go into the map setup and make sure that your unit is set to Show CN. If I remember right when I did one of the updates it reset my map set up to hide CS.
  4. New Avitar
  5. If we read the OP very carefully the answer is a "GPS" has absolutly no idea what altitude you are at, a "GPS" does not even know that you or your GPS receiver exists. Of course this does ASSUME that you are wearing your tin-foil hat so the GPS can't read your brain waves and even if you do forget your hat a GPS still won't know what your alltitude is unless you know what it is so it can extract the information from your brain.
  6. If your not in for a long hike Tiger Mountain, with lots of caches, is another area you might consider. Criminal's suggestion is a good one too if your up for a drive. Cache Landing IS one of those must do kind of caches.
  7. If your happy with what you got the stay with it. Why bother asking us to try to convince you that you should upgrade. It sounds like you never had any intention of upgrading.
  8. The way I understand it any US version of Metroguide newer than 4 does not support autorouting so if you try to route someplace it will only show a straight line. I could be wrong (it happened once before) but thats my understanding. [EDIT] After a little more research it appears that MG will auto route on the PC but not on a GPSr so I'm not sure why you are having problems. I use nRoute and City Slelect on my laptop and have no problems autorouting.
  9. I don’t bite, but I will run you over if you get in front of the Land Rover so you better make sure your tetanus shot is up to date.
  10. I would give them a call, a simular thing happened to me and they repaired it for nothing, a year later the buttons on the front were starting to wear and turn white, I called them to find out how much it would cost to have them replaced and they said they would cover it under warranty even though t was out of warranty by several months. They ended up not replacing the buttons but sending me a BRAND NEW 60CS instead. So instead of going through the email thing I would give them a call, and from what I have heard it is easiest to get a hold of them first thing in the morning.
  11. OK, I did that. I still get the "Can't unlock maps" error mesage when turning the GPSr on. Do I need to upload the maps again? Yes, you need to upload them again. Mapsource has not yet told your GPSr that the maps have been unlocked.
  12. Updated to 2.71 earlier this week. Went on an 11.5 mile hike today on Tiger Mountain and not a single elevation anomaly. Happy Happy Joy Joy
  13. How do you transfer maps directly to the card?
  14. LandRover


    Very Bunny
  15. Please add me to the list.
  16. This may be nit picking but the cache page does not say you have to share a memory about a dearly departed person, it only asks that you share a memory. FWIW: I too was not thrilled with having to share a memory so I put off finding this closest to home cache for quite sometime, but eventually HAD to find it, when I did I shared the memory of the BIRTH of my granddaughter, about as far from a departed one as you can get.
  17. Andrew, If your going to be grabbing those you might as well grab Wash Your Worries Away since you will probably be walking right past it. And since you will be in the neighborhood you should probably grab Lil Tiger too.
  18. NO, you have to be able to find tuperware in a stump first.
  19. There are also these nearby caches: Racetrack Cache Co-op # 78 Tukwila Pond Sleepy Hollow
  20. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do some more of Tiger Mt instead.
  21. I can be there any time but I got an email from El Santo and he has to drop his daughter off at school but he didn't list a time for that. Mr. Garmin says that it is a 55 minute drive from Federal Way to the trail head. El Santo and I will be riding up together, anyone else from the south end going that wants to carpool?
  22. Has a date and time been finalized for this yet?
  23. I should be able to make this.
  24. Gee, it sounds just like the weather during the Bellingham Cache Machine I won't be making the Longview machine, so you guys all have a good time and drive safe! Well I'm sure we'll be having fun, driving safe, now that's another story.
  25. Yes. Okay, I left myself wide open for that one. Let me rephrase the question. Are you going to post coordinates for the coffee stop?
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