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Everything posted by LandRover

  1. Make sure you have the latest version of USA Photomaps
  2. I have a cache that someone peed in. I tossed the it contents and all, then moved the replacement container about 25' away just in case they decided to come back. What cache was it that you found geodumped on Tiger? We were up on Tiger yesterday and were glad we didn't run across it. Although we did run across a cache that had been muggled, all of the contents were gone but they left the ammo box. Go figure.
  3. I placed my first coin back in July in a multi-cache that involves a 12 mile hike. I was doing another hike in the area yesterday and stopped by to check on the coin as it was still listed as being in the cache, not suprising since I was the last to log the cache, but the coin was missing. At least they had to work for it.
  4. Way to go Andrew
  5. So you have 2 virtual caches that combined have had 530 logs in 5 years. Thats a wopping average of 2 logs per week, I can see how that would fill your inbox in a just over a century or two. Better nip this in the bud before you start getting 3 emails a week. Adopt them out.
  6. The only cave/mine entrance that i know about on Tiger is the one near Caroline's Journey. The entrance is gated to prevent entry but if you want to wade to the gate I'm sure that you could look in. Another cool destination on Tiger is Tiger Mountain's Logging Legacy, while it's not a cave ther are still several artifacts from the train crash still there.
  7. Here's the deal find out how many finds the hider in question has, what neighborhood he lives in then place 10 caches near his house that all say if you have MORE than X number of caches your log will be deleted. Make X about 10 less caches than the caher in question has.
  8. Just install CN, since you already have it, to your laptop then download nRoute for free from Garmin and use that. The CN license only allows you do download maps to two GPS devices but there is no restriction on the number of computers you can put it on.
  9. I did the same thig and was able to see the map I made. I thought that maybe I could pull the map file I already had on my gps opnto my computer and then add my custom map to that using Sendmap. All seamed to work okay but when I sent it to my GPS the map file showed up on my memory card but would not display any of the maps.
  10. I was able to find the "test_pv.txt" file, I just had to drill down deep enough to get to the right folder. When I opened the file I got the same results as eaparks but then on a whim I copied and pasted into Word & WordPad and in both the file then comes out looking like what is shown in the example.
  11. Okay, I have been able to create a map and can load it by itself to my 60CSx but have not ben able to combine it with other maps. Instruction #4 In "Uploading your custom map using MapSource." say to "Copy test_pv.txt (found in the Test_Map folder of cGPSmapper) to your custom folder" I can't seem to find that file, I'm not even able to find the Test_Map folder. Is there somplace else I can get teh test_pv.txt file? Thanks
  12. I would guess a retired bomb-sniffing dog would be really good at finding ammo cans given that ammo cans at one time contained ammo.
  13. Lord Hill Park in the Monroe area has several caches also.
  14. Bug has been dropped as well as another that wants to go to the 13 original states, both are in a bag that has been labeled to hold for lowrider71.
  15. That's what I thought but while the doctor was taking the little hunk of abrasive wheel out of my eye he told me I really should have been wearing eye protection. I could have bought a RAM mount for less than the $100 it cost me for the visit to the doctor.
  16. I used a dremel and notched out a section of the plastic part the 60 snaps into so that I could ge the power cord in much easier. Caution: WEAR SAFETY GLASSES WHEN DOING THIS.
  17. I have the bug and will drop it off before the 20th.
  18. Anybody want to be a maverick with Plaidguy and me, and do it from South to North? I started Lord Hill from North to South in July and didn't have time to finish before I got to the bottom half. If we run out of time or crash and burn before we finish next weekend, I'd rather miss out on the ones I've already done. Sign me up. Since I'm a Southend kind of a guy traveling North is only natural.
  19. The reason the "Select from most recient" is blank is because there is no "most recient". In the PDB file to create box you want to click on the file folder to the right, navigate to your desktop then give the PDB file any name you want. That should at least get you to the next step.
  20. Yes you can upload custom Icons to your 60cx. Click on the link Red90 provided and goto FAQ #9. xImage is used to both download screen shots from your GPS as well as upload custom Icons to your GPS.
  21. I found a round tuit in a cache, if you need it I could mail it to you.
  22. Another way to find locals is to look up some of the local caches, find out who has found them, look up there profile then send them an e-mail. My son was in Okinawa a couple of years back, he didn't like it at the time (fresh out of boot camp and home sick) but is now trying to get back there.
  23. I sure hope the person you paid for the permit had a nice lunch with your money. I went through process earlier this year to place a cache in a State Park and although it took some time to get all the paperwork processed it was a fairly easy process and NO MONEY had to be paid to get permission to place the cache.
  24. We just did Mowich Lake to Ipsut Creek via the Wonderland Trail on Saturday to grab Wonderland Series: Seattle Park it is a virtal cache (inside the Mount Rainier National Park) that had not been logged in almost 4 years.
  25. I did see on the news yesterday that there is a new fire in the White River area so that may have something to do with the reason the area is closed. We went up to Ipsut Creek & Mowich Lanke on Saturday and although the road was open the area alongside the road within a mile of the Park entrance was closed to camping and stopping.
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