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Posts posted by LandRover
I'd be tempted to stake out one of my caches and beat the tar out of the person that came to take it.
Just booby-trap all your caches, you may not get the right person but the word will get at that you don't want to mess with The Jester.
And by the way, I am in no way liable for the actions of others.
I have a problem I haven't seen mentioned yet. If I start up my 300 with the SD card in it it fades out and shuts down after it asks me if I want to go into mass storage mode or not (not sure if that's the proper verbiage but I think you know what I'm talking about). It doesn't matter whether I select yes or no. If I remove the SD card all is well and I haven't tried a different card yet. This started about a week ago, I reformatted the SD card and all was back to normal for a couple of days then it started again yesterday.
Any ideas?
Perhaps he isn't being lazy so much as protesting the proliferation of nano caches? Regardless, if you don't sign a signable log, you risk having your find deleted by the cache owner.
My method of protesting nanos is to not hunt for them, at least not on purpose.
I just might have to take that day off and Ride the Iron Horse one more time.
I just tried to hook up the (Garmin) external power cable (the four prong cable) to my 60Csx, and discovered that the cable prevents usage of the auto mount.
Are there any options open? A different power cable? A different auto mount?
Take a dremel and hack carefully cut out a corner of the cradle. Make sure to wear your safety glasses, hunks of plastic in your eye don't feel too good.
Well, the event page was submitted today for publication. Now it appears as though the rules for where an EVENT can be posted are changing. Now they are telling me that I can only talk about getting together for dinner on the cache listing page.
Im confused. I can publish ONE cache, but I cant publish a route of caches.
I told you about this early in this discussion.
Just remember, the meal, not the caching is the event.
Good point Andrew. If there is too much about the cache run on the cache page it will delay the publication while you work things out with the reviewer.
Ideally there would be a 'cache landing page' that is hosted offsite similar to the sign-up pages used by Shop99er for their events. Then you can focus the cache page on the dinner event itself and put all the cache run route info on the offsite page.
Here is the relevant section of the cache listing guidelines:
Event CachesIn addition, an event cache should not be set up for the sole purpose of drawing together cachers for an organized hunt of another cache or caches. Such group hunts are best organized using the forums or an email distribution list.
This is why the focus of the cache page needs to be on the dinner event not the cache run.
The cache page that was submited was nearly identical to other cache machine pages including the Missoula Cache Machine that was YESTERDAY. I know that another published event has no bearing on any other event but come on, what's the difference here?
My 60CSx has also stopped acquiring satellites, it worked fine on Saturday then when Iwent to use it on Sunday (900 miles from home) there is nothing on the Satellites page just the rings. checked the software and I'm running 3.6 but the GPS SW Version lists 0.00. Ran the software updater and it wants to install GPS Chipset Type G. When I try to intalling it everything goes through all the motions. but when I check it still lists the GPS SW Version as 0.00. I have done a hard restart / reset and have run the SW updater about a dozen times. Pulled the MSD card and ran the updater, reformated the MSD card and ran the updater. Nothing seams to help.
When I called Garmin this morning their wait time was 40 - 45 minutes. so that is out for right now.
After you've installed the newer Chipset (ie the normal software) it should come up with another screen saying it will now check for additional software (or something like that). It is that EXTRA software that covers the GPS and which you need to install.
Good luck.
My arrow was all over the place this morning, but as soon as I had recalibrated the compass, it worked perfectly again.
I tried it all, I finally broke down and sat on hold for 20 minutes and talked to Garmin. The 3+ year old 60CSx is going back for repair and the rep. put in in under warranty.
The rep also pointed me to a site www.gpsinformation.net that has the chipset software that can be downloaded directly instead of through the webupdater. I found it interesting that Garmin doesn't have that software on thier site but could send me to a 3rd party site that does.
I'm already burnt out on this. I did plenty of research, found a few cache's and spent a couple months working on this, got a cache all ready. But since I'm a "newb" I should place one into the already oversaturated areas around here. Well no thanks. I'm a very serious hiker who hikes almost every weekend, year round on long hikes. I'm one of those people who brings along a little trash bag and cleans up anything I find along the way from other hikers. But I don't want to leave geo-litter.... I'll just stick with hiking from now on.
If there's a mod reading this, you can lock this thread if you want.
Bye Bye
My 60CSx has also stopped acquiring satellites, it worked fine on Saturday then when Iwent to use it on Sunday (900 miles from home) there is nothing on the Satellites page just the rings. checked the software and I'm running 3.6 but the GPS SW Version lists 0.00. Ran the software updater and it wants to install GPS Chipset Type G. When I try to intalling it everything goes through all the motions. but when I check it still lists the GPS SW Version as 0.00. I have done a hard restart / reset and have run the SW updater about a dozen times. Pulled the MSD card and ran the updater, reformated the MSD card and ran the updater. Nothing seams to help.
When I called Garmin this morning their wait time was 40 - 45 minutes. so that is out for right now.
Looks like my meeting will be on July 8th. I'm going to come in either Sunday night or Monday morning (6th or 7th) so I can spend the 7th doing some caching.
Just saw that there is snow over Snoqualamie pass - what's up with that in June?? It's going be 93 here today!
Can anybody give me an estimate of how long it tkaes to get from Bellevue to the Snoqualamie Falls area?
depends on traffic, but about 30 minutes without traffic.
It will take the longest just getting to I-90 from Bellevue.
If you expect to make it from I-90 and Bellevue Way in 30 minutes, better have your radar detector handy. Depending on traffic, I would make it closer to 50-60 minutes. Milepost Zero is I-5 and I-90. What is the exit at the pass? That will give you a clue as to the distance.
I won't be able to make these dates as I have relatives visiting then.
And then cut that estimate in half as Snoqualmie Falls is nowhere near Snoqualmie Pass.
Maybe a moderator could rename this thread to just "Closed roads and trails" for me, so we can continue using this as a general thread on this topic....
So, does anybody know the scoop with the closure of the North Fork Road (outside North Bend) just past Deep Creek? What for, how long, etc.
There's a sign posted warning of the closure as you start on the road, and the closure is just past the Forgotten Bridge at Deep Creek cache. So Potty Mouth and all caches beyond that are unreachable at present.
I just received word from the King County that the Wagner Bridge is now open.
Yes, the Wagners Bridge is now open. I provided the web folks an update at the end of last week that the bridge was open so I’m not sure why the page is not there. I agree with you that it should be there for some time giving the bridge is open update. I will check in on it for you and thanks for your patience.
Thanks, Larry
From: Jeff Adams (qwest)
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 11:24 AM
To: Jaramillo, Larry
Cc: jeffadams@qwest.net
Subject: Wagner Bridge #364B
Is the Wagner Bridge Project completed? I looked at the web page last week and it had not yet been completed, looked again this morning and the page can not be found.
If the bridge is in fact completed it would be nice if you were to leave the page up for a while telling us that the bridge is complete instead of just taking the page down.
Another useful option on models with the micro data card (i.e. 60c) is the ability to automatically store track as .gpx files on the data card. Select “Data Card Setup” from the same page as the other track settings and check “Log Track To Data Card”. In addition to the normal track log it will create one .gpx file for each day and I’d be surprised to see more than 2-3 percent of the SD card consumed with track data. I haven’t played with this feature much but you can store more than 10,000 points in multiple tracks for a day. I just not sure if you can store more than 10,000 points per track. Anyway, if you forget to download your track after the hike with this option enabled you can always go back and find it (the regular track clear doesn’t delete the .gpx files)
However, you should make it a habit to clear the track memory before you start your hike. This is especially important if you choose not to “Wrap when Full” and don’t have the log to SD card feature. Otherwise, your drive to the trailhead may waste some of the track memory. Also make sure to waypoint the trailhead before you start hiking.
If your Garmin X series is set to save tracks to the data card your track log size is only limited by the amout of free space on the card.
One trick I try to do is turn my GPS off and an just before and after my hikes, this creates a new track log to the memory card and I dont have to worry about the before and after track points.
One final question before I head out today. I assume I can switch from on road navigation to off road once I reach or get close to my destination?
Yup, while on the map screen press the menu button and recalculte then select off road
Hope my explanation is good enough to solve my issue.
I have a GPSmap 60CSx that has Mapsource City Navigator NT loaded for Iowa and Nebraska. When I first got this unit, I could push "find geocache" then "goto". The map page or active route had buttons on the bottom of the page that gave the options for "note" and "found" which would allow you to enter a found cache in the GPS calendar. I have set up my GPS geocache options to "yes" for found geocaches.
But now I dont have the found and note options at the bottom of my map pages or the page where they were previously. I cannot figure out how to get the found button back up and showing again.
Anyone know what the deal is? It seems that this issue started when I put the City Navigator NT onto my GPS unit as well.
For the "Found" & "Note" button to show you need to be navigating in the "Off Road" mode.
I've got a cool Townie from Electra. Wonder if it could handle the trails.
Are you sure you have the time?
Keeping a kitchen that clean with 4 boys must be a full time job, let alone all the laundry and other stuff that also goes along with them.
The condition reports for Mt. Adams don't seem very good so now I need to figure out a backup plan.
Does anyone have information on Mt. St. Helens or something equally as challenging and accessible for this weekend?
Looks like access to Climber's Bivouac hike in only until June sometime.
Mount St. Helens Climbing Update
[Last Updated: 15 May 2008]
Winter / Spring Climbing Access is Limited: Record snowpack has formed large unstable cornices (snow overhangs) on the crater rim (please see climbing page and scroll down to cornice photo). Heavy snowfall has closed Forest Road 83 beyond Cougar Snopark (parking at Cougar SP is limited). Marble Mtn Snopark remains closed to a record snowpack. The snowpack may delay reopening of the road to Climber's Bivouac trailhead until as late as mid to late June. Spring climbers should note that closure of Forest Road 83 beyond Cougar Snopark adds 3-miles one-way distance and that climbing Mount St. Helens requires a multi-day climb. For the latest road and snopark information see winter recreation webpage.
2008 Climbing Permit Sales Begin February 1, 2008: Permits for the April 1 through October 31 climbing fee season are sold online, in-advance on a first-come, first-served basis through the Mount St. Helens Institute.
Climber's Register has been moved to the Lone Fir Resort, 16806 Lewis River Road, Cougar, WA. (360) 238-5210. Permits are required above 4800 foot elevation on the volcano year round. During the Nov 1 to March 31 winter climbing season permits are available at no charge by self-registration at the Climber's Register.
My wife Arlene fractured her ankle in March. Hopefully it will be OK by the middle of June so we can make a Delorme run on US 2 to Waterville and then down to Vantage to get maps 78, 81, 93, both 103s. Up to 90 and 89 in the Trout Lake area and then over to 87 on I5 and come home. We would like to take the low slung Scion hatch back as it gets twice the MPG that the Land Cruiser does. Arlene will not be able to go on any hikes and will probably stay in the vehicle. Looks like the Scion would be OK for the Trout Lake area but not the Trinity Mine area. Maybe we should bypass that area and just drive the Land Cruiser over later on. Appreciate any thoughts on both the Trinity Mine area and also the Glenwood and Trout Lake area. The Trinity Mine area is in Map 34 and the caches in Map 90 are SE of Glenwood, while the Trout Lake Area is in Map 89 of the NEW Delorme
Atlas. Thanks Dick
Is it cheaper to do one trip in the Scion and a second shorter trip in the Land Cruiser or a single trip in the Land Cruiser?
OMG!!! Do you people realize how close we are to Champoeg!!
AGGGGGH!! This is worse than waiting for Christmas to come!
What's Champoeg??
It's when you wash your hair with champagne
Is this cache idea up and running?
Or does anyone have some waterfall bookmarks?
I know it's an old post, but I want to hit several waterfalls this weekend since it's going to be so nice.
I don't have a bookmark list but here are a couple
The Bride's Booty at Bridal Falls
One is off Hwy 2 and the other off 410 so you wouldn't want to try both on the same day. I also understand that the falls at follow the rainbow pretty much dry up later in the summer.
There's also Victor Falls - Revisited. This one is a hidden gem that you would probably never have know was there except for caching.
CHIME...CHIME.. I'm really pushing the limit on getting everything done so I can go.
Now do not throw sticks at me, for I'm not sure I did the right thing but I'm open to a few Slaps to the forehead with a wet Carp, for what I'm about to tell you.
I'm still not sure it's going to work as I need to go out and test it.
First I'm a MAC person..
Second, I wanted to load Northwest Trails into my 60CSx. Note.. NWTP is a PC Program.
Third... I played around with this and that... I think it is now loaded but need those that have used it to verify it is loaded on a MAC GPSR. That is the correct system.
I just know that the Maps are different, I'll bring another GPS in case I hosed the good one up.
If you like I could bring my palmtop and load the NWTP on at the trail head, I could also load up the Topo maps at the same time. Of course if you have City Select/City Navigator maps you would loose those when NWTP & Topo get loaded.
On the plus side; With little or no cloud cover, our daylight is going to last significantly longer.
I'll have my head lamp(s) anyway just in case.
Another plus side is that a majority of the trail under a pretty good canopy of nice forest so there will be lots of shade. There are a couple of open areas but we should hit those fairly early on before it warms up too much.
WOW I just checked the weather report. High 70's at least on Saturday.
Looks like it will be very warm. At least it won't be raining.
High 70's to mid 80's is the range on the forecast. Couldn't ask for better luck with the weather.
Some of us have a bit too much padding to like the mid 80's much...
I prefer the low 60's, even on a less than 50's day it only takes me about 10 minutes to start peeling layers. It was a very hot day (high 90's) on Tiger a couple of summers ago that convinced me that extra water is not a luxury.
I knew I was in trouble when I stopped sweating. I eventually found a stream that was not dry and was able to drench myself with said water. And although not recomended I filled my hydration bladder with untreated water, I went out the next day and bought a water filter.
Where's the post-hike beer consumption going to take place? We might be able to make that!
I did some checking with some Issaquah / Sammamish locals here at work and they suggested The Issaquah Brewerey for any after hike festivities.
What you are seeing above looks a lot like the issue described in this thread. I just completed a week worth of testing and I'm pretty sure what is causing this inaccuracy with my Colorado is the use of backlighting.
Where you using backlighting on your Colorado during this trip?
I'll post some pictures tomorrow showing the difference in accuracy I'm seeing with backlight on and backlight turned off but it is striking.
I'm not sure wheter the backlight was on or not but it is highly likely because if found it very difficult to see the screen w/o the backlight on.
Next outing I will make sure the backlight is off and see what kind of difference it makes.
Garmin Colorado FAQ and Issues List
in GPS technology and devices
I'm still running 2.51