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Posts posted by Windsocker

  1. Hello,

    we are planning a 5-day trip to Ireland (Dublin) in October.

    We are searching now for a hotel, not directly in the city. Any hints?

    Because we have no maps from Ireland for our GPS (Garmin 76 CS) - is it possible, to get it from an Irish cacher when we are in Dublin? And last, but not least we want to meet some cachers from Ireland during our trip.



    Try putting you post on www.geocachingireland.com most of the Irish cachers hang out there :(

  2. For some reason all my pq's have stopped working they are suposed to run every day but


    6/16/2006 8:56:01 AM 6/18/2006 2:32:01 PM 6/18/2006 3:58:06 PM 6/19/2006 5:44:25 AM this is the last time they ran.


    i have tryed unticking the boxed are reticking them to know effect.

    has anyone else had any problems :rolleyes:

  3. Time to stop lining the pockets :huh: and buy some more server's :huh:<_<


    this will put new cachers off what a pain in the ****


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  4. Having been to the Isle of Man a couple of weeks ago to do some caching i have to say get there if you can as its got some fantastic caches to be found.


    I only wish i could get away in the summer to attend the event but I'm in the camping business so no chance B) however I do have all the caches on my watch list to see how you all get on as there's plenty of surprises in store.




    Steve (The Windsockers)

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