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Everything posted by ekhoc

  1. Hi, suggestion: user selectable setting for which weekday one considers as the first day of the week. Currently, the site is using Sunday as the first day, which is against the international standard (ISO 8601) stating that Monday is the first day of the week. Regardless of what one thinks what should be considered as the first day, it would definitely help to have all the calendars following the same notation.
  2. Hi, the server at live.geocaching.com has been ramped down on Sept 15, and this is why the Geocaching Live Beta application no longer has access to database.
  3. Actually, SmartGPX supports Field Notes, although it is a bit more tricky to get them to the geocaching.com site. I've used it for logging while travelling. The trick is to write the logs with SmartGPX, so afterwards you can then export the logs to a Field Note file (in the mobile). That file needs then be sent to the website.
  4. I tried today the Trimble Geocache Navigator. Not available For me, the Field Notes were a major reason for using the Live Beta. If it would even be possible to download them from the mobile and send in manually..
  5. This brings now a question: where to find a replacement app (and which one) for Symbian-based non-touchscreen mobiles?
  6. Got me interested I registered to the 2014 mega forum, and now waiting for an admin to approve it edit: hey, I'm in
  7. I'm also having an E72, and would hate to see the current app disappear. While there are two applications listed in the "API Partner Applications" for Symbian, neither one works with E72, but appear to require touchscreen mobiles. There just is no alternative.
  8. According to the store, the application is not available for E72. When could that be expected?
  9. With current gasoline prices (over 8.5 usd per gallon and climbing upwards ), driving long distances just for caching isn't really fun anymore. A bike is a good help for local caching. Of course, caching by car when anyway driving long distance is always an option. For that, a folding bike would actually be quite handy - just park the car somewhere, get the bike from trunk and go caching.
  10. The geocaching.com site is nowadays available in multiple languages: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. Expecting more to come. One does no longer necessarily need any English skills to use the site, which can add some complexity to the issue. It is very possible that a cacher understands neither the language of the cache owner, nor English. Travelling with only hand signs as a communication method may be a bit difficult. but it is possible. Perhaps we should ask for a possibility to log with a video instead of written text?
  11. The request at Feedback has been to remove the avatars, not resize them.
  12. If wider, then please dynamic/liquid - the current width works perfectly with netbook. On a wider screen, it is rather narrow.
  13. The use of dates appears to be a bit inconsistent. On my profile page, dates switched nicely to DDDD/MM/YY format that I selected from account settings. Would have preferred the standard DDDD-MM-YY or DD.MM.YYYY, but even this format with slashes this is a big improvement, thanks On the pocket query page, the format still appears to be MM/DD/YYYY Switching the format does correctly change the dates on the profile page, but pocket query page is consistently unchanged. Probably in the next release then
  14. Maybe not many with 1024x768, but 1024 at least used to be a rather common width for netbooks. Works rather well on such small display as mine has, 1024x600. Nevertheless, I would prefer seeing dynamic size instead of fixed - the main display I use has 1600x1200, and the fixed width does not really work very well with that. Yes, I use browser in full screen At least please do not make it fixed wider, the current one is fine for the netbook A bigger pain is the transparency of cache pages. Some pages have become really difficult to read.
  15. Aiheesta voisi pitää jatkokeskustelua tuolla mainitulla kääntäjäfoorumilla. Avoimia asioita näyttäisi olevan vielä.
  16. Hey! We've still got piles of snow here in Finland too On an average, snow melts here (I'm in "south") usually by end of March, and up north mostly before June. Does not look promising this year, though. Average snow depth here is still 16.5 inches, not to mention the North...
  17. Ehdotin kuvausta suomennokseksi noin puoli tuntia Haaskalinnun viestin jälkeen. "For" on varsinainen malliesimerkki sanasta, jota ei voi kääntää, kun kohdekielessä ei ole koko preposition käsitettä. Yleensäkin englantia suomeksi tai päinvastoin kääntäminen tuntuu sujuvan parhaiten virkkeen lopusta alkuun päin. Kaipaisin mahdollisuutta nähdä puolivalmisteen. Onkohan sellaista
  18. Listing on aika ajoin näkynyt suomeksi muodossa kuvaus. Se sopisi suomennokseksi niin arkistoinnin kuin kätkön sivunkin kohdalla. Arkistoitaessa arkistoon menee nimenomaan kätkön kuvaus, kätkön itsensä ollessa joko kadoksissa tai roskiksessa.
  19. iPhonesoftan käännös ei minua käytännön syistä kiinnosta (= ei ole laitetta, jolla moista ajaa). Geocaching Live taas on jo kokonaan suomeksi. Kun kääntäjiä ei nähtävästi enää tarvita, missä pääsee kommentoimaan (puoli)valmista käännöstä?
  20. Minusta nämä ehdotetut multikätkö, mysteerikätkö ja kirjanmerkkilista ovat hyviä käännöksiä. Listingistä on kyllä näkynyt listaus-muotoa, mutta useammin cache listing on tullut suomeksi vastaan muodossa kätkökuvaus. By-sanan kääntäminen yksinään on mahdotonta. Missähän olisi nähtävissä näitä käännettäviä sirpaleita?
  21. Having a CITO during May Day might not be the best possible date. Trash will probably be plenty, but most people are out celebrating on those two days, so attendance will most probably be very low
  22. Ehdoton ehkä, eli ehtimisen mukaan voisin ainakin osallistua kielenhuoltoon, jos kääntäjien juna jo meni.
  23. For Finnish, the abbreviations commonly seen are KK (kiitos kätköstä - TFTC) and EOEJ (en ottanut, en jättänyt -TNLN)
  24. Hi, at least at some point there was a hard limit in the software, over which you just could not go. This may still be the case.
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