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Everything posted by CaverOne

  1. bons, Your right. I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't myself when I made that post Cavesr4all
  2. Interesting. I don't know why this hadn't been done before.
  3. *Sigh* Publishing cave locations is prohibited by no one. Read the law again. Then read the law it refers you to. Better yet, click here: http://www.cavesr4all.com/Cave_Locations/cave_locations.html Thankyou for your concern, and cave softly!
  4. Thanks for gettin' my back, pardner. Although the subject has been beaten absolutely silly, what I had to add had not yet come to light, at least not that I've seen. I don't care for discussion boards, as you can see by the low number of times I've posted. So if I'm posting you can bet I feel that I have something relevant to add. Thank you and goodnight!
  5. I'm following the discussion closely with my partner Vader, and I wanted to set the record straight. Unfortunately, the thread was closed, so I opened a new one. Here is an exerpt from our website, www.cavesr4all.com, in which I address the issue of the Federal Cave Resourse Protection Act of 1988: "A word about the FCRPA The Federal Cave Resource Protection Act of 1988 was designed to protect certain caves and their unique natural resources. Specifically, “to secure, protect, and preserve significant caves on Federal lands for the perpetual use, enjoyment, and benefit of all people; and to foster increased cooperation and exchange of information between governmental authorities and those who utilize caves located on Federal lands for scientific, education, or recreational purposes.” It’s interpretation is clear, especially with regard to the publication of cave locations. Section 5 (a) states “Information concerning the specific location of any significant cave may not be made available to the public under section 552 of title 5, United States Code...” Known for his research, CaverOne actually found FRC title 5 section 552. (Reading federal regulation code is like wading knee-deep in wet cement.) The code specifically refers to various government agencies being required to provide information to citizens who request it. Government of, by, and for the people. Therefore, the FCRPA merely states that information regarding the locations of significant caves is not required to be made public by government agencies, as is most other information. In addition, the law specifies that the Department of the Interior shall compile a list of “significant caves” to which the law will apply. We have done and continue to do extensive research in our quest to obtain such a list, and have come up empty. The point would seem moot, however, given that the section of law in question only seems to apply to government agencies. At CavesR4All.com, we certainly would not conduct any illegal publication of cave locations, as has been suggested by critics of this site. But clearly the law is not intended that way." So what we have is a Federal Reguation, Title 5 section 552, which states that the Government must release any and all information it has, to anyone who requests it. Freedom of Information. All FCRPA88 states is that the locations of significant caves is not included in this information. While a lot of people will say that there is some debate as to the interpretation, it seems perfectly clear to anyone who bothers to read the code. Surely I am not the only one to take the time to look this up, am I? Here endeth the lesson. CaverOne
  6. I forget... was there a point to this discussion. I'm all for closing it My Webpage
  7. For more inforamtion on Colorado caves and there locations. It will be updated soon. My Webpage
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