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Posts posted by lordelph

  1. OpenSpace is really designed to foster bedroom innovators in the same way Google Maps has. Ed Parsons, the CTO of Ordnance Survey, is pretty forward thinking, but his bottom line is that "someone has to pay"


    A commercial entity like gc.com would have to pay. Last time I looked, 1:50K raster maps for Great Britain cost around £110,000 for a website licence. I don't yet know what the commercial model for OpenSpace will be, or even if there is one, but I would imagine something similiar but with various levels of fees to help new enterprises using OS data to get started.


    That said, it probably won't stop someone from making a Firefox GreaseMonkey script to integrate OpenSpace into gc.com though :laughing:


    I can't wait to see OpenSpace, it's a positive move for the OS and it'll be fun to see what's possible!


    (Disclaimer: OS sponsor www.geograph.org.uk and recently donated the 1:50K raster maps to the project)

  2. I do have a more serious suggestion.


    You and your intended are enjoying a nice stroll around our fabulous capital, perhaps walking along the river. You announce "well, we're here, can you see anything"


    "nope" says she


    "what about over there?" says you


    you point across the river where it seems unusually busy. You make the secret signal, then suddenly, each person holds a letter up, which reads




    after a bit of shuffling around, all becomes clear, your intended is bowled over by your gesture, and we convene at a pub to toast your future happiness.


    You see? An event cache. I'd be happy help organise that!

  3. I've never met Billy but as we share a common pasttime I've been following his progress and wish him and his family well.




    Any chance of a new thread, like "Billy's Road to Recovery" - everytime I see "Very sad news" bubble to the top I view the new post with dread....

  4. To answer this specific question, here's a quote from an e-mail I had from his solicitor this morning:-

    As a UK solicitor all I can add is, that provided everyone involved follows your guidelines for placing a cache they will be able to defend themselves against a claim of this nature.


    Now *thats* a good result. Glad to hear the whole episode is closed.

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