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Everything posted by lordelph

  1. Can we fix it? Yes we can!
  2. Alibags is making a bit of spare cash working in a grotto... ...children seem reluctant to enter!
  3. Here's an attempt for Deego - he's been hiding behind the logo all along! See?
  4. A little publicized ability of Haggis are their uncanny powers of festive disguise - faced with danger in a Santa's grotto type situation, they blend in with ease....
  5. May the moderators have mercy on my soul...
  6. Here's Jess and here's the pineapple while I'm on...
  7. A thread for fun in the original spirit of the locked thread! Make a seasonal avator or ask someone to "do you" here! Some people are having trouble getting their avatar to change, here's a reminder Updating your avatar requires you to jump through a few hoops.... * go to your profile http://www.geocaching.com/my/details.aspx * click the "change/edit" link under your current avatar * upload a new image * click the image to select it as your avatar * then click the "Select Avatar" button which appears * then you must click the "re-register the changes" link to make it work!
  8. even if i can't get a silly hat on a pair of pineapples Computers today eh? Amazing
  9. ...or maybe divert back to the original topic of Christmas avatar fun! Here's one requested for Us 4 and Jess!
  10. 'tis the season to be jolly Moote, so here's one for you too
  11. Ah now *that's* a funny hat Pharisee!
  12. X X X 5 X X X 4 X X 8 5 X 2 4 3 X X 7 X X X X X X X 8 8 X 9 6 X X X X 7 6 3 2 9 1 7 4 X X 4 X X 8 3 X X 2 9 X X 6 X X X X 1 X X 9 8 X X X X X X X X 7 2 8 X X X 3 Edit: what am I doing? Snowduku? SNOWDUKU!!. Shoot me now.
  13. 5 with this one, and now I know what the black dot means too!
  14. Why I outta....
  15. It's not dead, and Gary is keen to remain involved with it. Sorry about the delay. It's encouraging to see interest still remains! I've got the basic prototype working, will endeavour to get this up over the weekend...
  16. If both events were particularly snazzy affairs, and in trying to attend both you had some kind of accident it would be a Flash Cache Bash Clash Smash I'll get my coat. Seriously though, if you organise it, I'm sure people will come!
  17. The server it's hosted on is down this morning. Should be up soon or I'll be getting a lot of phone calls shortly....
  18. If you have a WAP capable phone (and coverage on Dartmoor) you could try http://rtr.ca/geo - a nice lightweight gateway for gc.com
  19. I know Letchworth is famed for it's black squirrel population, can't find many links about them, but the NHDC website had this to say: "...these areas house Letchworth's famous black squirrels. First sighted in 1944, these truly black squirrels are found only within four miles o f the town centre. They have featured on national television on several occasions, and a local public house is named after them." (EDIT - lots of information on other sightings here too)
  20. Well, someone told me that beauty was only skin deep, but ugly goes right to the bone.
  21. DMLH - Daddy My Legs Hurt (early abort caused by tired child!)
  22. legal tender is complicated thing, start here!
  23. Ah, GB is the ISO country code for the UK. Not idea how *that* happened.
  24. The Act of Union 1800 created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, which puts paid to your UN story!
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