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Everything posted by Greenish
MISSION 1 Signed up: 23 July Name received: 14 August Mission Sent: Mission Received: MISSION 2 Signed up: 23 July Name received:14 August Mission Sent: Mission Received:
Got the last coin I was waiting on from BlueEyedAussie yesterday.
If i'd seen what was going on in this thread earlier I would have told people to stop guessing me because I had signed up many years ago Huge congratulations to Pingo's and Allied Oz though And thanks to GeocoinGuy for being so generous with his limited edition coins! *Edited to say - I had a feeling it was customer #1000
Seriously loving this one!
Proxy coins have changed so much since the old days of the photocopied, laminated bad boys. Just look at the new acrylic ones at www.gxproxy.com - they are excellent. I love my ASPGB 2011 coin with proxy. Proxy-ness has been taken to a whole new level.
....or the 'Lost' edition? LOL But I think I may just start backing away now, and avoiding eye contact....
I'd love to. Anyone want to sponsor a poor southern hemisphere'er to go north to where the fun and excitement is?
Congrats to the GrEEK winner! Great prizes drneal
My purchase occurs when the 5 days of ordering ends.. that's when I will order from the mint, purchase tracking numbers and pay the icon fee. Glad I changed my mind then So my third guess is Azure Sky (I was going to guess her last time, but other factors made me change my mind - for better or worse) DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Azure Sky had the fastest finger! Congrats Craig! I will send off a color chart in email today and explain the design. Ill even make it simple for you and send a color coded design. After Keewee chooses colors and a plating, I will post that art to this thread. Nooo!! You cant let Keewee choose the colours - he'll just go for all Blacks
Um, i'm not sure how to say this, but .....I think some of you are getting a little confused with your labels. Dork - A stupid, inept, dull, slow witted or foolish person. A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions. They enjoy being the centre of attention so they can do foolish and inappropriate things. Very likely to do any job badly. Nerd - A nerd could be viewed as someone with an extremely intense interest or fascination in an academic field of study (often an obscure field), or similar "cerebral" pursuit. Being a nerd is typically associated with intellect, as a nerd often enjoys specialising in complicated fields of study. Very likely to be a rocket scientist, a renowned yet reclusive professor, a scientist, an intellectual, a computer programmer, an engineer, an inventor, etc Geek - could be viewed as someone with an interest or lifestyle having to do with niche activities, especially fandom and technology. It is not uncommon for a geek to be capable of reciting large amounts of knowledge that is unintuitive, intriguing and (at times) long-winded. Geeks tend to have average grades. Geeks can vary in their interests, from fun (films) and sometimes even frivolous things (collecting plastic figurines), to heavily technological interests etc. Likely to be a gamer, a Star Trek fan, technologically enthused, a film series/book series buff, a free-spirited (not malevolent) technology hacker, a creator of unusual objects (artist, etc.). Yours sincerely, Nerd. (Therefore I cant enter this competition) *Edited to say - Ashallond - you're definitely a nerd boyo! (With a touch of OCD!!)
i'm an idiot
stupid me walk on by people, nothing to see here
My guess is Keewee
WOW - It took this long for someone to ask WHAT THESE WERE BEING PLATED IN!!! Congrats Mamoreb, you have just scored yourself an Artist Edition!!! Circle of Four is being plated in Polished Gold and Rhodium - Artist Editions are being plated in Black Nickel + Polished Gold and Black Nickel + Rhodium. Artist Editions will have NO ENAMELING. Rats! AEs for asking questions! Umm are they round ? Got my purchases, so now back to bed with a nice light giddy feeling, just like my wallet Cheers Jim Now THAT is dedication Jim......AlliedOz got up at 5:30AM!!! Does getting up the earliest win him an AE? Keewee - did you get that awful sinking feeling?
Your evil voodoo doesn't work on me Kiwiman
ME TOO!!!!! Yay for quick typing fingers! Or mouse clicking fingers.... I am happy now. Back to bed
Hurry up, i'm getting an ulcer
Thanks for doing this one Ashallond - a whole year was too long to wait
Hmmm - I predict a huge internet outage in Tazzie... 12 hour outage starting in about half and hour!!! NOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Mine from Blueeyeaussie finally arrived today so yours can't be too far away Or maybe the postal services is using the Circle of 4 coin to find Tazzie and is having difficulty? ... Actually Mr Smartypants, if it was using the Circle of 4 coin, it wouldn't have been able to locate New Zealand at all!!! Unfortunately our mail all comes into Queensland to be sorted, then takes another 4 days to get from QLD to Tassie. Sigh. Yeah... but that didn't create a situation where I could poke fun at you!! Now... to find a why to get NZ on to the Circle of 4 coins... Photocopy little pictures of NZ, cut them out (ask your parents to help you use the scissors), and stick them down on the Circle of 4 coin using some nice water based glue (stop sniffing Craig) and voila! Circle of 4 with NZ. You could also get creative and put some little fluffy white sheep stickers on the coin as well, along with some snow, with some teensy little Australians getting airlifted out of it
Cool - can I put in a pre-order for the pre-sale now please? I want one of each thanks, bye.
Yep. Do this one But as for your questions: What made you decide to collect? After finding a couple in a cache, I had to get myself some of their shiny, pretty goodness How did you start your collection? Did you buy individual coins? Get them at events? Buy in bulk? My first few coins were bought from the online geocoin stores that are listed in the sticky at the top of the forum, then I won some in forum cointests and were sent 'mystery' coins. Finally I made my own and things went silly from there... How long have you been collecting? Five and a half years How many different Geocoins do you have? (Approximates are fine) Hmm - well last time I checked I had 90 pounds worth of coins (about 41 kilos). All different, all sparkly and marvellous and shiny... Sorry got a bit caught up there Any advice to newbie collectors? Some may say it's best to make your own geocoin and trade....but, personally, I think it would be better to see what's out there, decide over time what you do and dont like about each geocoin, and change your mind many times about what you like Then buy some doubles from the geocoin stores (ebay is overpriced something fierce) keep one, and trade the other. Discover the 'value' of geocoins through trading small amounts of coins (only one or two), as not all coins are equal (even if they started out that way!). Check whether they are trackable or not, so you dont get surprised. Not all coins have the same value to everyone as well, which makes it harder. Finally, when you think you've got the hang of it, make your own marvellous, one of a kind, super geocoin, and i'll trade you for one Also keep to your budget as these are highly addictive little metal things we are talking about. Oh yes, and dont forget to RUNNN!!!!!!!!!!
Mine from Blueeyeaussie finally arrived today so yours can't be too far away Or maybe the postal services is using the Circle of 4 coin to find Tazzie and is having difficulty? ... Actually Mr Smartypants, if it was using the Circle of 4 coin, it wouldn't have been able to locate New Zealand at all!!! Unfortunately our mail all comes into Queensland to be sorted, then takes another 4 days to get from QLD to Tassie. Sigh.
Yes. Here ya go Liz! Lovely!!! And that was my order exactly, but i'll be wanting the SET not just the one, so please feel free to bill me for $67 ....or so Do you still need me to drive through...or shall I bring 'round the pickup truck?