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Posts posted by Bluespreacher

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by jeff35080:

    Okay.... if hollow trees are bad, how 'bout an area that is stalked by a masked, machette yeilding, invincible maniac? icon_eek.gif Look here:









    If you hide it, they will come....


    Sounds like a great cache ... but so far away!


    Keep on caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Mopar:

    Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:

    I'm not trying to start a fight, but... if the numbers "don't matter", why is it that they are so often brought in to play in order to discredit a poster?

    Actually, I don't think I've EVER said the numbers don't have some effect on things. I think to some extent they DO matter, and I've never been afraid to say it. Experience matters in everything else we do, why not geocaching? Go on a job interview and tell them that experience doesn't matter. Lets see if they hire you as the new CEO even though your fresh from that pizza delivery job and you don't actually even know what CEO stands for, but it pays 1.2mil a year, so you can do it!

    I think the guy who was last running the Fortune 500 Co is more qualified then the delivery boy.

    I think that someone who has only found 1,2,or 8 geocaches in his life is probably not qualified to tell people with 50, 100, or 1000 cache finds what the best way to hunt/hide a cache is.

    Everyone is new once. I'm still learning. I sure know after finding 2 caches I wasn't qualified to tell people how they should hide a cache, or what the best GPS is for caching. Know what? After 125 finds I'm STILL not qualified to tell someone how they should hide a cache, or what GPS is the best. I think I can offer other people opinions based on my experiences, but thats just it, MY OPINION.

    If you have virtually no experience geocaching, what makes you think your qualified to say "hiding caches here is wrong", "GPS A is better for caching then GPS B", or "I'm writing a book/movie/play about how to geocache"?


    + _Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon. _

    I agree with everything you said. I hope you (and I ) get over this cold! icon_biggrin.gif




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  3. quote:
    Originally posted by L.O.S.T. Mutant_KJ:

    My son and daughter and I had our first experiences Geocaching this weekend. I thought we'd try three relatively easy caches right near our house. My daughter had been especially excited and, although we found the locations using the coordinates and found the landmarks described in the clues, in all three cases we did not find the cache container. In one case, we found items that most likely were part of the cache at one time but not the actual container described by the cache hider, who had been there only a few weeks ago and said it was there then.






    While it's possible that we are dealing with cache thieves, I have to doubt that. Should we have to "dig" to find a cache (like bring a shovel)? I would think not. I tried looking under bushes, in trees, near logs and stumps (or in stumps in a couple of cases) but did not want to seriously disturb the landscape - I don't expect that I should have to or that anyone should want to disturb the landscape.


    In one case, where we new that the cache was hidden right alongside a very public trail, we were walking back and passed another family who said "did you find it?"; When I answered "No", they replied "well that other family found it" - I am not sure of which cache they were referring to but I thought it a bit odd.


    Any suggestions?




    Alien with an Attitude

    L.O.S.T. Member #14

    **Tread Lightly**


    I guess we all feel your pain. icon_biggrin.gif I, too, would encourage you to keep on caching. My first try's were discouarging, but funny. I'd like to say that it just gets easier, but there are times when it just doesn't work. I'm still stymied by 1/1's from time to time.


    BTW, who goes with you? My wife does not care at all about geocaching, but she's a good sport. I may have "the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps", but she seems to find the cache! Go configure!


    Keep on caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  4. quote:
    Originally posted by MarcB:


    An account of our worse caching day so far. Don't forget to click the "Whittington Woods" link I have supplied for bonus material icon_frown.gif.



    "We searched for hours in the cache area but all we could find was an ammo box in a little hollow. Suggest you archive the cache..."


    [This message was edited by MarcB on January 04, 2003 at 12:37 PM.]


    I've heard it said that a bad day caching is better that a good day at work. Is that still true? I guess there could be an *exceptionally* bad day caching that might change everything. It would be interesting to hear the comments of the others in your "party"!




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  5. quote:
    Originally posted by TeamJiffy:

    I look at that logo all the time, and I am trying to figure out what that little logo-person is _doing_. (the person is the little stylized figure on the upper left corner of this web page).


    If the answer is 'Something else?' please explain _what_.


    All in good-natured humor... icon_biggrin.gif




    I always just figured it was a dance of joy after finding the cache.




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Dale_Lynn:

    _Does anyone else use a laptop for navigation when geocaching?_


    I have to laugh.... The title of this thread makes me envision meeting somebody on a trail carring a laptop computer and watching screen to get directions to locate a cache...





    I'm Diagonally Parked, In A Parallel Universe.


    One of my first hides was found early by a family with a lap-top and a GPSr attached. Their battery died while at the cache and they had a little trouble getting back, as I recall.




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  7. quote:
    Originally posted by BrianSnat:

    It's a dumb idea. What if it breaks in the cache and some poor, unsuspecting child reaches into the cache and slices open his jugular vein?




    Then it wouldn't be such a great idea afterall, would it? What are you people thinking?


    _A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away._ -Barry Goldwater



    Exactly how does a child cut his jugular reaching into a cache container? OK, maybe a quadraplegic reaching in with his teeth!


    Remember on these forums it's important to be accurate! icon_wink.gif




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  8. quote:
    Originally posted by Tony Jago:

    Should (micro) caches be hidden without permission in areas where security guards, police or the FBI are payed to patrol. Examples being - Hospitals, Private residences of Prime Ministers, or Presidents, Power Plants etc. Areas where there is 24 hours video surveilance of the asset.


    My personal opinion after attempting a micro cache today is that geocaching has no place in these areas. I throw it open to the geocaching community to decide.


    I voted absolutely no. Then I thought about it some more. Many public areas have security, but are open to the public (Court houses, museums, school buildings, etc.). It is not illegal to be there, you are just watched. It is just possible that a hider a lot more creative than I am might come up with a virt or micro that would not be out of line. Seems to me the real problem comes if there is a steady stream of cachers visiting a public place. Would that not attract a lot of attention from the security people? But a very clever and wise hider might be able to pull it off.




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  9. quote:
    Originally posted by MrGigabyte:

    It only appears on US maps. It is anything north of the top of the map and is generally just coloured white.


    For those that listen to Pat Buchanan's rhetoric...




    ...Canada is a "whining" country that has been "freeloading" off the U.S. defence budget for decades, outspoken American talk-show host Pat Buchanan said Friday. The latest attack to come from the failed Republican presidential candidate followed his televised comment that Canada is a "Soviet Canuckistan" - a term frequently used by an American Holocaust-denier.


    Buchanan was responding to the objections Canadian officials made to a U.S. law demanding photos and fingerprints from some Arab-Canadian visitors to the country...



    That Buchannan guy, what a laugh-riot. He gets me everytime. Isn't he the same one that wanted to razor wire the Southern border? Man, he can't get along with anybody.


    Please, I'm a recovering English major -- don't jump me for spelling or grammar mistakes. It freaks me out.




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  10. quote:
    Originally posted by CoronaKid:

    Although I love caching and I am still fairly new to the sport, I can't help but feel a little nerdy everytime I put that lanyard around my neck.


    My wife stills says to me, "You're such a nerd!" Am I? Are we? I mean, what the heck are we actually doing anyways?


    I suppose the nerd stigma will slowly dissipate as the sport grows in popularity. Time will tell.




    Does wearing Geocaching.com Boxers add to the Nerd Factor? I was just wondering, no reason. UM, going now....




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  11. quote:
    Originally posted by Sissy-n-CR:

    Here's what I got so far. Remember, I'm looking for a card that is geared towards informing the authorities, be it the police, security, land managers, or even just really nosey people, about our hobby. Not really something for recruiting.


    Here's what I got so far:

    _The left image is the front. The upper right is the inside upper. The lower right is inside lower._



    Once it's complete, I can make it availible in PDF, EPS, or CDR10 files.


    Let me know what you think.






    I like the direction you are going. You said that it is specifically for law enforcment, but I think it's a pretty good explanation for anyone. Looking forward to the final result.


    Keep on Caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  12. quote:
    Originally posted by Capn_Skully:

    Back on January 2, 2003 I posted a question about dangerous caches.




    Right now, I plan to retrieve all of my caches. Archive all of my caches. Withdraw my membership and persue my sailing.


    This activity seems to be too elitist for me to continue. icon_confused.gif Thanks for the fun I had.


    Fair winds, Capn Skully


    Sounds like a pretty cool cache to me. I thought your warnings were appropriate and helpful. Not a cache for everybody, but some would love it!


    While it's a real ego-boost to read logs where your cache is praised, I guess we all get logs from time to time from someone we've made un happy. So be it. I really don't think geocachers are 'elitist' at all. Just sounds like your first seeker was a bad fit for your specific cache. Not really that big of a deal. icon_wink.gif


    Keep on caching (really),




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  13. quote:
    Originally posted by Criminal:

    Not really a newbie at all, but occasionally get stomped anyway. icon_wink.gif


    How about NO STOMPING at all? icon_biggrin.gif


    Oh, but you keep coming back for more, right? I also seem to have noticed your hiking boot prints around a couple of times. I alway enjoy your posts, though. icon_cool.gif


    I think the 'Getting Started' forum should be a no-stomping zone, but hey, in 'General', a little good-natured tap dancing is part of the fun.


    Keep on caching!




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  14. quote:
    Originally posted by worldtraveler:

    I've been working on a theory that most people don't bother reading previous posts before jumping in with their own opinions. This seems to be especially true once the topic rolls to the second page. I think you are the only one who actually bothered to check the link on my response.


    I posted another absurd response to the "geocaching in graveyards" topic http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000900883&m=6880920645 and it didn't even raise a ripple.




    I thought it was serious. I thought, what a considerate person to let himself be used by bicyclists!




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  15. quote:
    Originally posted by Prime Suspect:

    Depends. The only reason to _not_ tell the truth is to prevent the cache from being looted. So if I'm walking out of the woods and come across someone who has no idea of where in the woods I've been, then why not tell them? Otherwise, tell 'em you're looking for your lost frisby/golf ball/dog.




    Don't tell them you're looking for your dog, they may find one for you!


    Bluespreacher icon_wink.gif


    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  16. quote:
    Originally posted by Geo Troll:

    Originally posted by chillas:
    Originally posted by leatherman:

    The matter is not clear at all.


    It's quite clear, actually. The land owner's actions - to prevent someone from leaving - is criminal. Sometimes issues are black and white. This is such a case.



    Bottom line is everyone who disagrees with us is not a jerk. Ok, maybe the guy didn't do a great job but he apparently settled down once it was calmly explained. All us who have walked through the woods only to find an old refrigerator and wondered how that got there - It is usually someone trespassing and dumping!

    Get over it. The Cacher handled it well.

    Of course this is just IMHO.


    How come I was never lost BEFORE I got a GPS?


    The guy is a jerk. OK, I don't know about 'is'. Let's just say 'was'. It's not that he disagreed. Heck, he didn't even give our fellow cacher the opportunity to state his case. What's wrong with saying, 'Hey! Did you know you're on private property?' Any Geocacher would have responded by apologizing and leaving as soon as possible. The guy was a jerk, he should apologize. But Jerks don't.


    Keep on caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  17. quote:
    Originally posted by leatherman:

    _The matter is not clear at all. Questioning the land owners intelligence is unreasonable._


    Originally posted by The_Brownies:

    Clearly this guy had the IQ of a rock.


    I'm not going to defend the land owner. His blocking the cachers retreat and his abusive verbal assault was unnecessary. However we, as cachers, must assume that all property is private and impassible. Where-as we must investigate to prove otherwise.

    The land owner does not have to go through the expense of erecting signs and fences to prevent access to his land. All land management and wildlife management laws protect the land owners. It is the individuals responsibility to ensure they are not trespassing.

    The land owner did not have to confront the cachers. He could have called the police and had them charged with a crime. However he chose to confront them to get his point across. Which it did. There-for resulting in this discussion. Hopefully we all learn to be more careful when searching for access to a cache.


    _ I think this is an excellent reason to have a parking coordinates field on the cache submission page._



    _If you do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do._



    I'm not a lawyer, but I do not think that is is a 'crime' to walk on a persons private property unless it is posted 'No Tresspassing'. Even then, if you are not causing any damage or committing some other crime (peeping tom), the owner would have a hard time getting law enforcment to do any arresting. Of course, land owners are protected, but from what? Somebody harmlessly treading on the ground? We worry about the responsibilities of Geocachers, but we can only do so much. It would have helped to have parking coords posted, but who can think of everything?


    As far as the alleged land owner's intelligence, who knows? But generally, we infer these kinds of things by observing their behavior. Acts like an idiot, talks like an idiot... make your own conclusions.


    Many kudos to the smart cacher that defused the situation by being calm and reassuring to the supposed land owner in this situation. He did just exactly the right thing.


    Keep on caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  18. quote:
    Originally posted by POC 1803:

    Yea or Nay?


    I'm talking about rural ones, old ones, up in the woods kind, not huge town cemetaries.



    Team Italian Greyhound



    I think it's a great idea if done with consideration and discretion. I made this a virtual: http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=13554


    I've gotten lots of good feedback. It's very urban, very old, very famous, and handicaped accessable. Did I mention senic?


    Keep on caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  19. quote:
    Originally posted by rut:

    If you think that some little numbers on the back of a sign that only geocachers understand are bad, then you must think that the cache itself set out in the in our beautiful pristine woods is garbage.


    I have to agree. If we are talking about small, discreet numbers on a sign or post that don't deface the sign, what's the deal? NObody is going to see it except the cacher who is looking for it. It's just a note, get over it. I really don't understand the self-righteous attitude of some.




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  20. quote:
    Originally posted by MountainMudbug:

    Caching-related songs have been discussed here, ie: songs with lyrics that apply to looking, hunting, walking, etc.

    What I'm wondering is which CDs or tapes are always on when you're out on a cache hunt. I forget to put new CDs in my car so I have two albums that for me will forever be associated with caching/benchmarking:

    Prodigy - Fat of the Land

    Moby - Play


    I discovered this tonight when I took them out of my car and played them in my house. I had a powerful urge to go hunt something......



    Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination. - Roy M. Goodman


    I really like 'Steal compass, drive North, disapear' by Set fire to flames.




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  21. quote:
    Originally posted by umc:

    Not only is MrSnazz not a real name it is a dumb one too. As a matter of fact I think you are dumb Mr.Snazz with a dumb idea about ammo boxes. I have a cache placed in a ammo box. Its http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=41244 which is probably one of the finer ammo box caches. Selling tupperware aye. You know what you can do with your dumb tupperware, you can take it and shove it up your dumb doot hole you dumb troll. Nothing worse than a dumb tupperware pushing troll who cries the first time he stubbs his dumb toe on a ammo box. Now take your dumb trolling tupperware full of doots and beat it you dummy.



    Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


    I don't think your 'ad-hominem' attack is fair. Mr. Snazz has been around for awhile, and his posts have been edifying. I think 'ad hominem' attacks should be saved for *Tupperware*. Think! What is a 'Tupper'? What is that stuff made of, anyway?


    I really enjoy typing 'ad hominem', how about you?


    Ammo boxes are cool, they look dangerous and scary. Since geocaching is so dangerous and scary, I think all caches should be in ammo boxes.


    FWIW, I think 'Mr. Snazz' is ... Snazzy!




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  22. quote:
    Originally posted by Ramness570:

    Found this car parked in a neighborhood while I was out cache hunting a few months ago. Since I don’t look at maps and play “Follow the arrow” to find where to park I end up seeing all kinds of interesting old Neighborhoods.


    The Car belongs to the O’Dowd travel agency, which I have never heard of before. The "Bug" looks to be covered in one of those car “wraps” of a map of the world, and the personalized License plate reads “TVLBUG”. Searched google and found a Website for them http://www.odowdtravel.com/



    Now how do I log spotting this bug?






    This Isn't rocket science...



    That *is* a travel bug! Maybe you could get approved as a "moving cache".




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  23. quote:
    Originally posted by Lee David Rimar:

    I meant to post it this way:


    Loose Parts, 12/19/2002:




    I don't get it either. How come it is all gray with no color? The bears seem too well groomed, too. How could a bear hold a screw-driver? Can a GPS unit be adjusted with a screw-driver? What kind of trees are they? Are the people geocachers? What's their names?


    Maybe I should spend less time in front of my monitor and try to remember what a sense of humor was like. icon_wink.gif


    It's going to be a long Winter, keep on caching,




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

  24. quote:
    Originally posted by upinyachit:

    Who gives the best advice and information on the forums? We have a few members in mind, but we would like to see the opinions of others. Is the answer Jeremy, Markwell, or maybe even Leatherman?


    Can't wait to hear these!






    Our feet go where the caches are! http://home.rochester.rr.com/thehughesfamily7/images/feet.gif


    I wouldn't want this to be a testimonial, but when I see a post from 'Criminal' I know it's going to be good.


    Of course, you could say the same for Rubbertoe.


    Truth is, this is a community effort, all have their contribution. Let's give Magicman a break, he/she's a hoot!




    "We've got the hardware and the software, the plans and the maps ..." -- Citizen Wayne Kramer

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