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Posts posted by Bluespreacher
Originally posted by makaio:The baby is now almost 5 months old and not much chance we'll be attempting to break your record in the future
Congrats on the family. I think the new one has a lot of hiking in her future! Let's see, this Summer, she'll be packed in on your back. You'll still get some miles. Next Summer, she'll be toddling. Lots of hikes, not as many miles. From there on, it just gets better and better!
Originally posted by ApK:
... edit ...
Some people will always leave more than they take and some will take more then they leave.
Some people will drop off a nice prize and take nothing, some people will pick a nice prize and leave nothing. It's part of the game, and will even out.
I'm not too sure it 'evens out'. Most cache contents seem to deteriorate over time.
I personally like to leave decent stuff in caches. I buy toys and gadgets in the $2-3 range. Stuff for kids and grown ups. Even dogs! Sometimes I leave a custom Music CD. It's fun passing along neat stuff!
Oh, well, there's .02 for you.
Originally posted by Markwell:Ummm...
Just wanted everyone to notice that some of the posts you're replying to are 16 months old.
Non omnes vagi perditi sunt
Ummm.... Ok, so a 'test' can be an expression of our collective strength as a species?
Originally posted by Markwell:Ummm...
Just wanted everyone to notice that some of the posts you're replying to are 16 months old.
Non omnes vagi perditi sunt
Ummm.... Ok, so a 'test' can be an expression of our collective strength as a species?
Originally posted by weezer:thanks for the quick response.
I will riding down with a friend and he is interested in giving geocaching a try. We will be able to use his car. Think it would be best to start him off on a couple easy ones.
Thanks Again
Here's some I've found (and one I hid) that are pretty easy:
Let me know if you make it to any of these.
Originally posted by weezer:I am going to be visiting Indy in April and I am looking to do a couple Caches while I am there. I will be staying downtown and my transportation is and time is limited. Does anyone have any suggestions for some local caches.
Good to know you're coming to town. There are lots of caches in and near Marion County. If you are going to be downtown, do a search on ZIP 46201. Set the range for 10 miles or less. You'll be surprised!
For more specific suggestions: Will you have a car? What kind of caches do you like?
Hope you enjoy your visit,
Originally posted by Jake.Hazelip:Last time I checked, I was an inhabitant of this planet and all of the land was here for me, at the top of the food chain, to use as I see fit.
Me, too. And that guy over there, and his brother. And their cousins and their kids. You don't mind if we tag along with you, do you?
Truth is, there are a whole bunch of us and we can't all do what we feel like all the time everywhere. I'm sure you're an upstanding guy, but some of my cousins kids are real slobs. There's rules against *them*.
As far as being on top of the food chain ... I'd not push it, if I were you!
Originally posted by Jake.Hazelip:Last time I checked, I was an inhabitant of this planet and all of the land was here for me, at the top of the food chain, to use as I see fit.
Me, too. And that guy over there, and his brother. And their cousins and their kids. You don't mind if we tag along with you, do you?
Truth is, there are a whole bunch of us and we can't all do what we feel like all the time everywhere. I'm sure you're an upstanding guy, but some of my cousins kids are real slobs. There's rules against *them*.
As far as being on top of the food chain ... I'd not push it, if I were you!
Originally posted by BrownMule:The short and best answer is if you are not hiding on your own property, ask for permission every time or get blanket approval to hide if you can. State and county parks have different opinions of Geocaching in different states.
Enjoy the Outdoors,
Good idea, BrownMule. The only thing is, wouldn't you spend weeks and months trying to get permission? Many large government organizations have layers of managment to go through to get anything done. I wonder if it would be feasible. So far, I've operated under the principle, "It's better to apologize than ask permission".
Great book covers! You'll know this is way too popular when you see the Dummy book! Let's hope it's a long time.
Originally posted by travisl:I met with Washington State Patrol Trooper Mark Soper today (he's with the Olympia Explosives Unit).
The silver lining of this is that the bomb squads in this state now are aware of geocaching, and will be able to breathe a tiny bit easier once the next one is reported to them. They'll still remove it, though, and in the interest of public safety, will still need to treat it as if it were a bomb.
Thanks for the info, it's a good reminder for all of us.
Originally posted by Opus P:Here's a group of caches that p***ed me off earlier today:
Ok, sorry, [rant-off]
Back to your regularly scheduled Penguin.
Opus P
Crathvaf Ehyr
Visit my http://www.buddhistreading.com.
Those *are * kinda lame. I did note though, that only one person has logged a visit since last Summer. Not too popular! I guess if you were pavement camping it might be fun to have a cache right outside the 'ol RV, but for everybody else what's the point? Especially when there are so many other good places nearby.
Originally posted by Artful Dodger:I have just released http://www.geocaching.com/track/track_detail.asp?ID=2030 Travel Bug. It is battery powered.
Has anyone else released a battery powered TB? (or even a cache item)?
Just this last Friday I released two TB's that are really cool blue LED flashlights. These are my first bugs, I'm excited to see how they do!
Originally posted by seneca:I just thought these recent comments of Jeremy's deserved to be on a thread with a more upbeat topic name!
Posted by Jeremy:However, over almost the last two years I have been eating drinking and sleeping (as well as dreaming) geocaching.
... snip ...
It's just that Groundspeak proper hasn't opened yet.
[This message was edited by seneca on March 09, 2002 at 07:09 PM.]
All this will take a little time to unfold. Let's let it breathe. I've only been around for a few months, but from what I can see, Jeremy is a person that we can trust. It seems obvious that he has a pretty clear view of what geochaching should look like, plus, he's open to other's input. This whole game is very new and likely to transform a lot over the next few months/years. These transformations will be guided by Jeremy and all those who post to these forums.
Let's keep moving forward,
Originally posted by wizonkiz:I got started last Sept. when I discovered Geocaching.com. I had a blast finding caches, eventually I started reading the forums. Up until about a month ago they were just like one big happy family, friendly advice to new comers, joking around about the best gps units and other geocaching trivia. Now it’s come to this. Looking at the homepage, one would never know about the can of worms that has been opened. Therefore, I’m just gonna’ keep on caching and ignore these forums………WIZONKIZ
Well, I've got to agree that this last week or so hasn't been our finest hour, post-wise. But things do seem to be getting back to 'normal' pretty quickly!
Just because there is an occasional flare up doesn't mean we're bad people!
Hang in there,
Originally posted by macro:OK, here is a first for me. Went out to place a new cache today. Everything went really well and the team had a very successful mission. Without going into all the details....by the time we had returned to my car, that was parked in a remote lot in a very rural setting out in the woods no where near civilization....my door lock had been punched out, cash and credit cards had disapeared
Anyone else ever have this happen to them while off trying to enjoy themselves for the afternoon?
Aw, Man! I know what a drag that can be. Last year while disc golfing some fine citizen knocked the window out of my brand-new (4day old) Saturn LS. Pretty sick feeling, I know. I live here in Indy and there are many urban parks that have some great spots for caches, but I won't hide any in most for fiear of putting others' stuff at risk. Too bad.
Of course, rural and park areas aren't exempt, either. There's a great SRA in S. Indiana that had two guys that made it a practice for months of breaking into parked cars and carrying off everything.
Solution? Drive junk, leave it unlocked, and no valuables in it. Not a guarantee, but maybe a start.
Sorry about your bad experience, don't let it make you paranoid, just careful.
Originally posted by macro:OK, here is a first for me. Went out to place a new cache today. Everything went really well and the team had a very successful mission. Without going into all the details....by the time we had returned to my car, that was parked in a remote lot in a very rural setting out in the woods no where near civilization....my door lock had been punched out, cash and credit cards had disapeared
Anyone else ever have this happen to them while off trying to enjoy themselves for the afternoon?
Aw, Man! I know what a drag that can be. Last year while disc golfing some fine citizen knocked the window out of my brand-new (4day old) Saturn LS. Pretty sick feeling, I know. I live here in Indy and there are many urban parks that have some great spots for caches, but I won't hide any in most for fiear of putting others' stuff at risk. Too bad.
Of course, rural and park areas aren't exempt, either. There's a great SRA in S. Indiana that had two guys that made it a practice for months of breaking into parked cars and carrying off everything.
Solution? Drive junk, leave it unlocked, and no valuables in it. Not a guarantee, but maybe a start.
Sorry about your bad experience, don't let it make you paranoid, just careful.
Originally posted by RDVH:How many of you have had people stop and ask what your reading on the gps and why. Seems more people like the idea and join geocaching.
I'd like to find out what question people actually ask you?
I did have a guy ask us what we were doing when we had missed the parking coords and were wandering around in an exclusive neighborhood. He didn't seem too pleased!
Recenly, I was at a cache that required a photo of the cacher with a bag of trash that he had picked up. So I'm posing with the trophy and the camera is on self-timer when this jogger goes by. He didn't stop, but the look on his face was priceless!
Originally posted by Markwell:__Why and I writing this?__ Nothing more than to say thank you...**********snip*********
God Bless each and every one of you!
-Markwell 1/11/2002_
Non omnes vagi perditi sunt
I,too share your enthusiasm and appreciation. I'ts funny how a really 'stupid pastime' can become so much more. I am newer to this than you and I don't think my schedule will permit me to persue this game to the degree that I would like, but I hope to share in this for a long time to come.
I share with you in thanking Jeremy, all the posters, all the cachers that make it possible!
Originally posted by Markwell:__Why and I writing this?__ Nothing more than to say thank you...**********snip*********
God Bless each and every one of you!
-Markwell 1/11/2002_
Non omnes vagi perditi sunt
I,too share your enthusiasm and appreciation. I'ts funny how a really 'stupid pastime' can become so much more. I am newer to this than you and I don't think my schedule will permit me to persue this game to the degree that I would like, but I hope to share in this for a long time to come.
I share with you in thanking Jeremy, all the posters, all the cachers that make it possible!
Originally posted by cyclops_monkey:Im want to buy an e trex
I live in canada
And i will pay up to 200$ including shiping and manuals...
If you want to sell your e trex
Email me @ cyclops_monkey@hotmail.com
Hang on a minute cyclops_monkey! To say "Etrex" is pretty generic. I bought my plain yellow Etrex for $107 from Amazon. New! I was in an electronics store the other day and saw a returned Etrex for $60. When I was shopping I checked out Ebay and noticed that the prices were not all that great. My point is that you need to do your homework so you can get good value for your money. Otherwise, I'd be glad to sell my yellow Etrex for $200!
Just my .02,
Originally posted by cyclops_monkey:Im want to buy an e trex
I live in canada
And i will pay up to 200$ including shiping and manuals...
If you want to sell your e trex
Email me @ cyclops_monkey@hotmail.com
Hang on a minute cyclops_monkey! To say "Etrex" is pretty generic. I bought my plain yellow Etrex for $107 from Amazon. New! I was in an electronics store the other day and saw a returned Etrex for $60. When I was shopping I checked out Ebay and noticed that the prices were not all that great. My point is that you need to do your homework so you can get good value for your money. Otherwise, I'd be glad to sell my yellow Etrex for $200!
Just my .02,
Originally posted by gmaxis:Have you? Will you, just to be the first one? What's the worst weather you've been out geocaching in? It's drizzling now in San Diego and I have this urge to search! There's a new cache less than 6 miles away and so far no one's logged online so I have a good chance to beat anyone to it...I hope!
Not to be the first, but sometimes you've just got to get out! I ended up the other week in a down pour in a city park, couldn't see the Etrex for the rain. Pretty much soaked through by the time I got to the car. My wife, who waited in the car, gave me the 'look'. It was fine, really!
Originally posted by King Pellinore:TMLBK asked about the 'greatest caches' which quickly turned to the 'greatest cachers'. But I was wondering, what do you think makes a great cache great? Is it the container, the difficulty? What qualities must a cache have if it is to become a great cache?
Many caches seem to be just a box in a hiding place. These may serve a purpose, but they are not 'great'. Great caches make me go, "Aha!". Maybe a really cool place I never dreamed of. This is (for me) especially true of urban caches. I love surprises! A great cache might include a great hike in an area I didn't know about, or an undiscovered spot in an area I thought I knew.
Here's an example of a great urban cache (IMHO)
This is a very individual thing. For me, a really hard puzzle cache would really be a drag. I'm no good at puzzles. Others seek these first. I think we all need to hide what we think of as 'great' caches, then there will be plenty of variety. Hide the caches you want to find.
Most Pregnant Geocacher?
in General geocaching topics
Congrats on the family. I think the new one has a lot of hiking in her future! Let's see, this Summer, she'll be packed in on your back. You'll still get some miles. Next Summer, she'll be toddling. Lots of hikes, not as many miles. From there on, it just gets better and better!