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manu luq

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Everything posted by manu luq

  1. manu luq

    Team Fisur

    I also appreciate very much the history of geocoins, in fact these days I'm learning about and getting some of them, within my means, ... but the possibility of obtaining one of the first is very difficult (and expensive) if not impossible
  2. Received notice of the post office, thank you!
  3. Agree, this way also you'll check if activated or not.
  4. What is the one with the feathers, in the bottom line.
  5. I like the idea and the design, I'll put at least one in my collection
  6. I really like this design, but more than the end, perhaps the beginning...
  7. I forgot, how many of each were minted please?
  8. Who knows, maybe there is a connection with some of his ancestors, ... an interesting possibility!
  9. If the geocacher reads the goal accomplished, should be re-let in the cache, ...however I hope so. Still no communication, and the coin still appears to be in the cache (or someone grabbed it and didn't log it out). Details are a bit unclear on what actions will be taken once the mission is completed. I'm pretty sure the coin needs to be grabbed by Team Kizb, who is maintaining the cache; then I'm supposed to "trade" my mission-completed coin for a Mr. Gray coin. Let's hope I hear something from someone soon, before the coin goes somewhere else. Have you heard something about your coin being grabbed or from Mr. Gray himself? I've heard nothing yet. Not even sure if someone grabbed the coin from the Mr. Gray cache; it still shows in the cache inventory. Probably was abduced, ...however at least your coin has arrived, mine was stolen directly from the first cache. I'm thinking to release another... directly in somewhere in the US!!
  10. Beautifull coin! Will be possible trade or buy after event?, if that's right, one for me please.
  11. PM sent!
  12. I like these stories, fiction and 'reality' are mixed very good!
  13. Yes 20 times minted. I've not gotten one of these two finishes but any other is Ok! Very good job
  14. Arrived! ...these coins are very specials, Thanks!
  15. Well, here's the cointest! The subject: Imagine the possible origin of the skulls used in the design. I mean its possible origin in space and time. The rules are: The answers must be related to science fiction Only one response every 24 hours. The text must not be longer than 50 lines or less than 10, and should talk at least about three of the five skulls. The cointest ends when Universe Pirates in my hands, hoppefuly early June. The winner will be chosen by yourselves. Each contestant will give their vote to one of the answers. In case of tie, I will choose one at random. The prize: One Antique Gold coin of this first edition in the series: Sirius version, that I will send to the winner as soon my event for this coin ends, next June 16. Good luck and fun!
  16. Like others, I have written, but for months there is no news of him
  17. I started buying in the webshops, then on ebay, and then trading/buying in this forum, and sometimes in person. Then I wanted to have my own designs come true, not to do business, but to share ideas, and geocoins. Recently are for sale many coins of the early years, when they were not yet trackables, or were in sites other than geocaching, before 2006. So I was interested about their history, understanding its origin and meaning, appreciating more and more the former coins, because they were really the original geocoins, the personal ones and related geocaching themes. So I'm adding to my collection some of these whenever I can. I like seeing their history in front of me, understand and enjoy their evolution. Would be great that someone who has been collecting from the beginning wants write about the history and evolution of geocoins, exhaustively if possible.
  18. Will it be here or only on twitter? Only here
  19. Me too, ...of course!
  20. I'm so glad to have gotten the Bob Dylan Trilogy!!! BTW Chuck, Do you have separately pics from the two LE versions?, they are better than mine, ...for my geocoins catalogue.
  21. The global economic crisis also affects the world of geocoins, could not be otherwise, making it necessary to adapt to the new situation ... doing less coins, less versions, and cheaper. Many collectors are reducing part of their coins, me also affects. However, in addition to increased sales on ebay, it is also true that manufacturing costs have increased, instead decrease. This is because suppliers and vendors also have to survive, and as there are fewer individuals making coins, the price increase, which does not help to revive the demand. Thus becomes an endless circle
  22. Yeeeea!!! :D , my cow Poti-II has returned home, thanks to those who have made it possible, with special congrats to Jackalgirl and Moozer, thanks for this fun georally!!
  23. Cointest for one AG coin coming soon... @manu_luq
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