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Everything posted by NickPick

  1. She wants to watch out, publicising things like that. She'll have the modern antiquarians after her! Edited for gender correction. How wrong of me to assume! Sorry.
  2. It's really a matter of trust, and I think hope that most cachers wouldn't log the cache as 'found' unless they've actually found the container and signed the log. Proof (such as a photo) would be an 'additional logging requirement'. If it's your cache, then it's your prerogative to insist on additional proof. If you're going to do this, then the Cache Listing Requirements / Guidelines page states that the cache should be listed as a Mystery cache. I wouldn't think that it's a great problem. If someone has logged the cache, chances are that they were there.
  3. Asking other people is allowed (has been in previous questions). Unless you ask them to look it up on the internet that is!
  4. Can you waymark geocaches I can't see why not. You seem to be able to waymark anything else.
  5. Wow! Thanks very much. Even centered on my location. There don't seem to be many reds or yellows near me though Thanks.
  6. Why do you insist that a church is an inappropriate place for a cache? I'm sure there are lots of vicars / church councils who would be happy for a cache to be placed in their church. I'm pretty sure that there are a few caches in churchs / church grounds which have been placed by vicars or vergers. I suppose it depends on the individual's attitude - whether they think that "This is a local church for local people who want to come here for churchly reasons", or that "The church is open to all for religious purposes, a quiet place to sit and reflect, marvel at the gothic architecture, etc". Speaking as an atheist, I'd hope that most church authorities are open to allowing people to visit churches for any reason. I can see the point that we're playing a game whilst others may be praying / visiting the graves of loved ones etc, so I'd agree that places such as churches and graves should be treated with respect. For instance, I'd never try and get the clues from a gravestone whilst a funeral is in progress at the next plot.
  7. I've found it. It's under 'My Stats', then My searches - caches where name contains jeep. Oops, no it's not. That's the search I tried which only finds caches with 'Jeep' in the title (Like "Jeepers creepers" etc)
  8. I have a link which used to list all caches in the UK containing a TB with 'Jeep' in the name. It was here. But geocacheuk was offline for a while, and now it's back, the link doesn't work. Since I've decided to make it my mission (albeit not a very high priority one) to find a yellow and red jeep to add to my green and white icons, does anybody know if this search is still available? Thanks.
  9. We're waiting for MartyBartfast to give the author of 'Shane'.
  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm glad I'm not the only one too.
  11. If the published co-ords for another cache are within 0.1 miles, then the reviewers' proximity tool will flag it up as being too close. I believe that the proximity 'rule' is one of the guidelines which is more flexible than some of the others, depending on the specific circumstances. I'd suggest that you explain the situation to your friendly neighbourhood reviewer, who will be able to consider it and advise you about the flexibility of it in your particular case. I wouldn't be suprised if one is along shortly to advise here...
  12. Too Seriously? How very dare you?! This is Geocaching and should be taken seriously. Next you'll be saying that it's not about the numbers!
  13. Download a copy to your PDA and read it in the meeting - that's what meetings are for isn't it?
  14. Number 5 is "Sweet child of mine" by some other Bon Jovi type band
  15. I thought that aswell! From the climbing websites and forums that I've read, I believe he meant to say "Abseil".
  16. What did the Daily Mail say was the effect on house prices? Edit for sensible response aswell: Ticks can be a problem for things like Lymes disease, but in the same way, people have been known to die from wasp stings. Ticks need to be removed, and you can get tick removal tools which twist them off in the correct way (squeezing them with fingers or tweezers is likely to either leave the head in, or squeeze the contents of the tick back into the wound). As with so many things, dying from a tick bite shouldn't be high on the list of things to worry about.
  17. Does it mean "World dominating search engine / text advertisment seller"?
  18. I'd have said the tower in Piazza St Marco in Venezia (Or St Mark's Square in Venice) I'm not sure about the other similar building, but I must have seen it a few times as it certainly looks familiar, and I don't think I've ever been to Grimsby
  19. 1: Double Bowline 2: Round turn and two half hitches 3: Double Thumb Knot 4: Figure Eight 5: Reef Knot 6: Bowline 7: Handy Billy (It's actually a figure 8 on a bight and a round turn and 2 half hitches, used as an improvised block and tackle) 8: Clove Hitch 9: Rolling hitch 10: Sheet Bend
  20. I've always understood that they're guidelines. Being guidelines means that they are more open to interpretation than hard and fast rules which should be very specific about waht can and can't be done. (As an example, take the minimum cache distance - if it's a rigid 0.1 miles, then a cache should not be published if it's 0.099999 miles away from an existing one, but a reviewer can interpret this as 'approximately 0.1 miles'). "Some are more flexible than others" could be re-phrased as "Some are more rigid than others". I've also heard that the UK reviewers will discuss amongst themselves any guidelines they're not entirely sure about. I would suggest that if you feel that a reviewer has interpreted a guideline differently to how the others would, you could ask them to discuss it with the other 2 to decide on a more consistent approach.
  21. So, If I multiply something by infinity, take that to the depth of forever, and I still will barely have a glimpse of what you're talking about
  22. I expect this question is academic because it's likely that someone else will beat your sister to the FTF, but if you're talking about being 'fair', then so long as you don't show her where the cache is, then she'll have found it without help and deserves to claim a FTF for it.
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