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Posts posted by Apt.Dweller

  1. If I'm not mistaken, you need their cable. The web sight has been having problems this whole last week and no downloads have been available.

    I don't think I would spend the money on the cable. The company's history has been a little shakey.

  2. One of the reasons I like the Geomate is that I don't have to download specific caches. Recently when I was on vacation I completed most of the caches I had downlodad to my Magellan and also had taken a different route home than I had anticipated. Without the Geomate it would have been a boring trip home!!

  3. bought one from target yesterday out of the package already found 4 caches great little gadget for geocaching


    It's great to see someone appreciate how much fun this little device can be. No bells and whistles but does get the job done. How easy can it be! :laughing:

  4. What's going on with the Geomate update site? Over the last month or so the update feature gets stuck on certain days and will not update to the current day(right now it's stuck at 6/18). If you have a Geomate you realize the update feature is essential to using this product. ;) 6/21 about 2:30pm Working O'k now, the Big Guy(Warren) got things up and running. I need to be more patient. The customer service at Apisphere is great.)

  5. So...been thinking what I could blow some money on and was thinking about the Geomate Jr. Hunted up this thread and wanted to check in with everyone and ask what they think of them now that they have had them awhile.


    Early, early adopter and still tickled ... have two ... one for me to use and a second which is always on loan for evaluative purposes.

    I have been unable to update for over a week (since 5/28). Seems they are having software problems.

  6. I am looking into getting a Apisphere Geomate Jr. Geocaching Handheld GPS to supplement my iphones gps since it is completely inaccurate. How accurate is this model? I am not concered about extras or anything like that. I just want a gps that I can plug the coodinates into and when it says i'm 3ft away I want to be 3 ft. away. Not like the iphone that will jump from 5ft to 50ft even if i havent moved. it's so annoying! If this is not going to do that then what is a basic, cheap model that will?


    I started geocaching a little less than a year ago. I was spending hours looking for caches and actually enjoying it. Now I don't feel the same urgency but do a little here and a little there when I am out and about. The Geomate fills the bill for doing that. I prefer my Geomate over the Garmin e-trex because I don't have to manually load the data. It is also a quick grab and go which I like. I have well over a hundred caches attributed the the Geomate Jr. Works great

  7. You will probably want to get the update kit. It seems like new caches are being added all the time and older caches are being archived. New software is also available through the update kit.

    My hunch is that the Geomate you purchased will have a new database(newer than 4/09).

    Have fun with it even without the update kit! One does not need the latest and greatest and most expensive GPS to enjoy geocaching.

  8. By pressing and holding the right button , the Geomate will mark that cache as found with a smiley face. It will also keep track of the number of finds up to 99. As far as past caches, you can't add them unless they're on the screen, then you can press the right button to save.



  9. I would agree with Hakali, I'm 60 plus years old and find I'm using the Geomate more than I do my Garmin. It's quick to grab and go; I can keep track of my finds and the fact that I don't have to manually put in the coordinates is a great plus. I sure can't complain that it lacks accuracy either. It works for me.

  10. I found that one of the fun things about the Geomate was that I didn't have a lot of information. I pick a city, drive to that location and turn on the Geomate. I never know what I'll be in for, but it's usually fun.

    Don't get discouraged, the Geomate works fine.



  11. According to the Rei website, the update kit only allows you to update caches that are not marked premium. If you are a Geocache.com premium member, will it (the update kit) allow you to update the premium only caches?


    For those who have received the update kit, how easy is it to use it?


    I'm not sure it could get any easier. Plug it in, go to web site and press update button.

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