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Everything posted by speedy-1702

  1. User of my AR Cache PB Metaverse is reporting, that the experience was not playable with his IPhone XR. First line of the content was cut and not visible. Any suggestions?
  2. As mentionend in the builder guide, you can create the content, add precise coords and complete content in the field, then when everything works fine, switch visibility form "off" to "public".
  3. A good point! Yes and no. A betatester can be instructed to refrain from logging and continue with logging when the podium is set. btw: Are ALC-FTF logs considered in FTF-list in https://project-gc.com/ ????
  4. Okay, thank you. Lessons learned: - self executed alpha tests to be done in test mode - when letting a friend executing a real live test as beta to check geofencing etc. , then using private mode
  5. Yes, indeed, my AL was set to test mode. Would a setting to private mode for a test instead result in a completion?
  6. My Betatester is saying, that despite he has completed the test, it is not shown in his app. Any ideas?
  7. Great stuff, I like the new owner's dashboard. ? What I like most is the quick filter and the embedded pictures.
  8. Trying to open a listing, that was retracted by a Reviewer, results in Error 404. Wouldn't it be good to see, that the listing is still existing, but was retracted. Instead showing server Error 404 (which appears also when you type a nonexistent GC code) a simple message like "listing was retracted" would be nice.
  9. I have no clue, why they keep on ignoring us ?
  10. why is Groundspeak setting a deadline to March 06, 2019 and then more than two months after, not explaining nor giving any kind of status regarding AR ?
  11. What is the current status regarding AR caches? Is there a statement from Groundspeak HQ? ?
  12. absolutely not imagining... I was in a big hurry to get my AR-Cache GC7X9AZ published just before the deadline....
  13. Contacting gmx is quite expensive and is obviously only possible per phone call from Germany, Switzerland and Austria. They charge 3,99 EUR per call. ProMail customers may call free of charge, here are the details from their help page https://hilfe.gmx.net/email/email-verspaetet-angekommen.html Kontaktieren Sie uns Sie erreichen unsere Hotline werktags von 08 bis 21 Uhr, und am Wochenende 10 bis 18 Uhr. *3,99 EUR pro Anruf - nur aus dem deutschen Festnetz erreichbar. GMX ProMail und TopMail Kunden steht eine kostenlose Rufnummer zur Verfügung, welche im Kundencenter hinterlegt ist. DE 0900 1 000 877* CH 0900 3 65 247 (3,00 CHF/Min. Mobilfunkpreise ggf. abweichend) AT +43 1 26 76 378 (Festnetz)
  14. okay, makes sense now. Some of my fellow cachers don't realize any problems while others have the same issue like us. My email accounts for geocaching are hosted at web.de The brands gmx.de, web.de and 1und1 are all part of "United Internet AG". Probably there is the root cause.
  15. same like https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/346945-delayed-log-notification-emails/
  16. same here... I thought, this was due to my email provider. i am pretty usre, this happens since Dec. 29th. No problems regarding this before. btw: Happy new Year!
  17. Okay, TFTH thanks for the help. Tricky hidden!
  18. Interesting, and where can I find the community drop-down list? My dashboard looks like this
  19. Where can I find this option? Please provide detailed step-by-step information.
  20. You need to free up again, then they get available. Since there where issues last week, the "remove from your favourites" didn't happen.
  21. There are still issues regarding FPs: When using the option "Add to your Favorites" within posting a new log, it still seems to be malfunctional.
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