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Posts posted by CharlieZulu

  1. hey C-A: re: "Advanced have more privelidges but either license needs to have Morse added to it to allow transmission below 30MHz."


    ... for now, anyway. :grin:



  2. Hi everyone:


    I noticed that some caches did not all show up on a recent PQ I did. They fit the criteria I set up.


    So how is the cutoff point for the 250 established, given that there are more than 250 in my radius??? It's not alphabetical, since I have hits ranging from cache names starting with a number, all the way "Y".



  3. Man, living in the GTA has its disadvantages for sure... traffic, etc.




    I live about 60km west of T.O. and when I do a search for caches within a 100 mile radius, I get no less than 1561 caches! I kinda feel for you folks in central Canada.. must be frustrating!





  4. One of the guys in our local Ham Radio Club bought a box of these things, surplus. They don't say Gilsson on them, but I'm pretty sure they're the same thing.


    I presume they'd only be of interest to those who had a GPSr with an external antenna input... mine doesn't (that I can see anyhow-- Garmin eTrex legend)


    Anyway, if anyone's interested, I can put you in touch with him.





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